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U– Holocaust-related Books, listed alphabetically by title

Click on title to read more about it and order. Uncertain Refuge : Italy and the Jews During the Holocaust; Nicola Caracciolo, et al; Paperback; $15.26

The Undefeated; Abraham Hyman; Hardcover; $19.99 (Special Order)

Under the Domin Tree; Gila Almagor, Hillel Schenker; School & Library Binding; $13.50

The Underground Army; Paperback (Special Order)

The Underground Army : Fighters of the Bialystock Ghetto; Haikah Grosman, Chaika Grossman; Paperback; $10.95 (Special Order)

The Underground Army : Fighters of the Bialystock Ghetto; Chaika Grossman; Hardcover; $18.95 (Special Order)

Unequal Victims : Poles and Jews During World War Two; Yisrael Gutman, Shmuel Krakowski; Hardcover; $20.95 (Special Order)

Unequal Victims : Poles and Jews During World War Two; Shmuel Krakowski, Israel Gutman; Paperback; $13.95 (Special Order)

The Unfinished Road : Jewish Survivors of Latvia Look Back; Gertrude Schneider; Hardcover; $49.95 (Special Order)

Unfulfilled Promise : Rescue and Resettlement of Jewish Refugee Children in the United States, 1934-1945; Judith Tydor Baumel; Paperback; $27.50 (Special Order)

The Union Kommando in Auschwitz : The Auschwitz Munition Factory Through the Eyes of Its Former Slave Laborers (Studies in the Shoah , Vol 13); Lore Shelley, et al; Hardcover; $58.00

The Union Kommando in Auschwitz : The Auschwitz Munition Factory Through the Eyes of Its Former Slave Laborers (Studies in the Shoah , Vol 13); Lore Shelley; Paperback; $39.50 (Special Order)

United Nations Archives, New York (Archives of the Holocaust, Vol 16); George J. Lankevich; Hardcover; $102.00 (Special Order)

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum & Washington D. C. Guide; Oscar Israelowitz; Paperback; $9.30 (Special Order)

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum : America Keeps the Memory Alive; Eleanor H. Ayer; Library Binding; $14.95

The Unloved : From the Diary of Perla s (Jewish Lives); Arnost Lustig; Paperback; $13.45 (Not Yet Published — On Order)

The Unmasterable Past : History, Holocaust, and German National Indentity; Charles S. Maier; Paperback; $10.80

Unsentimental Journey : A Report (Studies in Austrian Literature, Culture, and Thought); Albert Drach, Harvey Dunkle; Paperback; $22.00 (Special Order)

Until We Meet Again : A True Story of Love and Survival in the Holocaust; Michael Korenblit, Kathleen Janger; Paperback; $13.95 (Special Order)

The Uprooted : A Hitler Legacy : Voices of Those Who Escaped Before the ‘Final Solution’; Dorit Bader Whiteman; Hardcover; $28.95

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