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S — Holocaust-related Books, listed alphabetically by title
Click on title to read more about it and order. Saving Children : Diary of a Buchenwald Survivor and Rescuer; Jack Werber, William B. Helmreich; Hardcover; $29.95 (Special Order)
The Scared and the Doomed; Hardcover (Special Order)
The Scared and the Doomed : The Jewish Establishment Vs. the Six Million; M.J. Nurenberger; Hardcover; $24.95 (Special Order)
Schindler’s Legacy : True Stories of the List Surviors; Elinor J. Brecher; Paperback; $13.45
Schindler’s Legacy : True Stories of the List Survivors; Elinor J. Brecher; Hardcover; $24.75
Schindler’s Legacy : True Stories of the List Survivors/Cassette; Elinor J. Brecher; Audio Cassette; $9.90
Schindler’s List; Thomas Keneally; Paperback; $10.80
Schindler’s List/Cassettes; Thomas Keneally, Ben Kinglsley; Audio Cassette; $18.00
A Scrap of Time and Other Stories (Jewish Lives); Ida Fink; Paperback; $11.65
A Season for Healing : Reflections on the Holocaust; Anne Roiphe; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)
The Secret Alliance : The Extraordinary Story of the Rescue of the Jews Since World War II; Ted Szulc; Hardcover; $24.95 (Special Order)
Secretaries of Death : Accounts by Former Prisoners Who Worked in the Gestapo of Auschwitz; Lore Shelley; Hardcover; $20.00 (Special Order)
Seed of Sarah : Memoirs of a Survivor (Illini Books Edition); Judidth Magyar Isaacson; Paperback; $11.65
Sentenced to Live; Cecile Klein; Hardcover; $16.95 (Special Order)
Sentenced to Live; Cecile Klein; Paperback; $10.95 (Special Order)
Sentenced to Remember : My Legacy of Life in Pre-1939 Poland and Sixty-Eight Months of Nazi Occupation; William Kornbluth, Carl Calendar; Hardcover; $37.50 (Special Order)
Seven Hells; Thaddeus Stabholz; Hardcover; $21.95 (Special Order)
Seven Portholes in Hell : Poems of the Holocaust; Asher Torren; Hardcover; $18.95 (Special Order)
Seven Portholes in Hell : Poems of the Holocaust; Asher Torren; Paperback; $10.80 (Special Order)
Seventh Million : The Israelis and the Holocaust; Tom Segev, Haim Watzman; Hardcover; $27.50 (Special Order)
The Shadow Children; Steven Schnur, Herbert Tauss; Hardcover; $12.60
The Shadow Children; Steven Schnur, Herbert Tauss; Library Binding; $13.93
The Shadow of Death : The Holocaust in Lithuania; Harry Gordon; Hardcover; $22.00 (Special Order)
Shadow of the Wall; Christa Laird; School & Library Binding; $11.65
Shake Heaven and Earth; Louis Rapoport; Hardcover; $21.95 (Special Order)
Shattered Faith : A Holocaust Legacy; Leon Weliczker Wells; Hardcover; $17.96
The Shawl; Cynthia Ozick; Paperback; $7.15
Sheltering the Jews : Stories of Holocaust Rescuers; Mordecai Paldiel; Paperback; $14.40
Shielding the Flame : An Intimate Conversation With Dr. Marek Edelman, the Last Surviving Leader of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising; Hanna Krall, et al; Hardcover; $13.95 (Special Order)
Shoah : The Complete Text of the Acclaimed Holocaust Film; Claude Lanzmann; Paperback; $12.95
Shoah : The Paradigmatic Genocide : Essays in Exegesis and Eisegesis (Studies in the Shoah, Vol 8); Zev Garber; Hardcover; $52.00 (Special Order)
Shoah : The Paradigmatic Genocide : Essays in Exegesis and Eisegesis (Studies in the Shoah, Vol 8) Vol 8; Zev Garber; Paperback; $29.50 (Special Order)
The Shoah and the War (Studies on the Shoah, No. 3) Vol 3; Asher Cohen, et al; Hardcover; $65.95 (Special Order)
The Shoes of Maidanek (Studies in the Shoah); Arthur P. Goldstein; Paperback; $11.50 (Special Order)
The Shoes of Maidanek (Studies in the Shoah, Vol 3); Arnold P. Goldstein, Mark Sherman; Hardcover; $33.50 (Special Order)
Showdown in Washington : State, Treasury, and Congress (America and the Holocaust Series); David S. Wyman; Hardcover; $145.00 (Special Order)
The Shriek of Silence : A Phenomenology of the Holocaust Novel; David Patterson; Hardcover; $24.95 (Special Order)
Silence in the Novels of Elie Wiesel; Simon P. Sibelman; Hardcover; $39.95
The Silent Holocaust : Romania and Its Jews (Contributions to the Study of World History, No. 31); I.C. Butnaru; Hardcover; $59.95 (Special Order)
Silent Sun; Solomon Gross; Hardcover; $19.95 (Special Order)
Simon Wiesenthal : A Life in Search of Justice; Hella Pick; Hardcover; $26.96
Simon Wiesenthal Center Annual Vol 3; Henry Friedlander; Hardcover; $30.00 (Special Order)
Simon Wiesenthal Center Annual Vol 5; Henry Friedlander, Sybil Milton; Hardcover; $30.00 (Special Order)
Simon Wiesenthal Center Annual Vol 4; Henry Friedlander, Sybil Milton; Hardcover; $30.00 (Special Order)
Simon Wiesenthal Center Annual : 1983 Vol 1; Alex Grobman; Hardcover; $17.95 (Special Order)
Singing for Survival : Songs of the Lodz Ghetto, 1940-45; Gila Flam; Hardcover; $27.50
The Six Days of Destruction : Meditations Toward Hope; Elie Wiesel; Paperback; $4.45
The Smell of Humans : A Memoir of the Holocaust in Hungary; Erno Szep, et al; Paperback; $17.95
Smoke and Ashes : The Story of the Holocaust; Barbara Rogasky; Hardcover; $17.96
Smoke and Ashes : The Story of the Holocaust; Barbara Rogasky; Paperback; $11.65
Smoke from Auschwitz Chimneys and Other Holocaust Verses; Maksymilian Burk Necker; Paperback; $12.95 (Special Order)
Smoke over Birkenau; Liana Millu, Lynne Sharon Schwartz; Hardcover; $17.96
Soaring Underground : A Young Fugitive’s Life in Nazi Berlin; Larry Orbach, et al; Hardcover; $24.95 (Special Order)
Sobibor; Miriam Novitch; Paperback (Publisher Out Of Stock)
Someday We’ll Be Free (The Holocaust Diaries); Liebel Sanik; Hardcover; $19.95 (Special Order)
Son of Zelman; Oscar Pinkus; Hardcover; $14.95 (Special Order)
Son of Zelman; Oscar Pinkus; Paperback; $9.30 (Special Order)
Sophie’s Choice; William Styron; Paperback; $11.70
Speaking Out : Jewish Voices from United Germany; Susan Stern; Hardcover; $17.96
A Special Kind of Mother; Blu Greenberg; Hardcover; $20.00 (Not Yet Published — On Order)
The Spirit of Renewal : Crisis and Response in Jewish Life; Edward Feld; Hardcover; $20.66
The Spirit of Renewal : Finding Faith After the Holocaust; Edward Feld; Paperback; $15.26
Spiritual Resistance : Art from Concentration Camps, 1940-1945 : A Selection of Drawings and Paintings from the Collection of Kibbutz Lohamei Hagheta; Union of Amer Hebrew Congregations; Hardcover; $35.00 (Special Order)
Spiritual Resistance : Art from the Concentration Camps; Lucy S. Dawidowicz, Et Al; Hardcover; $35.00 (Special Order)
The Splendid Blond Beast : Money, Law, and Genocide in the Twentieth Century; Christopher Simpson; Paperback; $17.96
Stages of Annihilation : Theatrical Representations of the Holocaust; Edward R. Isser; Hardcover (Not Yet Published — On Order)
Star Children; Clara Asscher-Pinkof; Hardcover; $29.95 (Special Order)
Star of Fear, Star of Hope; Jo Hoestlandt, Johanna Kang; Hardcover; $14.35
Star of Fear, Star of Hope; Jo Hoestlandt, Johanna Kang; Library Binding; $16.85
The Stones Cry Out : Sweden’s Response to the Persecution of the Jews, 1933-1945; Steven Koblik; Hardcover; $20.95 (Special Order)
The Stones Will Cry Out : Pastoral Reflections on the Shoah (With Liturgical Resources); Douglas K. Huneke; Hardcover; $55.00 (Special Order)
Story of the Patria; Gershon Erich Steiner; Hardcover; $16.95 (Special Order)
Strange and Unexpected Love : A Teenage Girl’s Holocaust Memoirs; Fanya Gottesfeld Heller; Hardcover; $19.95
Stripes in the Sky; Gerhard Durlacher; Paperback; $13.95 (Special Order)
Struggle; Sara Zyskind; Library Binding; $22.95
A Surplus of Memory : Chronicle of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (A Centennial Book); Yitzhak Zuckerman, et al; Hardcover; $31.50
The Struggle for Rescue Action (America and the Holocaust, Vol 2); David S. Wyman; Hardcover; $115.00 (Special Order)
Studies on the Holocaust in Hungary (East European Monographs, No 301); Randolph L. Braham; Hardcover; $44.00 (Special Order)
The Study of Judaism; Bibliographical Essays. Vol 1; Richard Bavier; Hardcover; $12.50 (Special Order)
The Success and Failure of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1945-46 : Last Chance in Palestine (Jewish Studies, Vol 3); Allen Howard Podet; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)
A Sun and a Shield : The Chassidic Dynasty of Dej; Devora Gliksman; Hardcover (Not Yet Published)
Survival in Auschwitz : The Nazi Assault on Humanity; Primo Levi, Stuart Woolf; Paperback; $9.90
Surviving the Holocaust : The Kovno Ghetto Diary; Avraham Tory, Jerzy Michalowicz; Hardcover; $45.00 (Special Order)
Surviving the Holocaust : The Kovno Getto Diary; Avraham Tory, et al; Paperback; $15.26
A Survivor; Moshe Garbarz, et al; Hardcover; $24.95 (Special Order)
The Survivor : An Anatomy of Life in the Death Camps; Terrence. Des Pres; Paperback; $10.75
The Survivor in Us All; Paperback (Special Order)
The Survivor in Us All : Four Young Sisters in the Holocaust; Erna F. Rubinstein; Paperback; $15.00 (Special Order)
The Survivor of the Holocaust; Jack Eisner; Hardcover; $21.56
Survivors : A Personal Story of the Holocaust (Studies in Judaica and the Holocaust, No. 2); Jacob Biber, Jacob, Biber; Hardcover; $30.00 (Special Order)
Survivors : A Personal Story of the Holocaust (Studies in Judaica and the Holocaust, No. 2); Jacob Biber; Paperback; $21.00 (Special Order)
Survivors : Children of the Holocaust; Judith Hemmendinger; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)
Survivors of the Holocaust in Poland : A Portrait Based on Jewish Community Records 1944-1947; Lucjan Dobroszycki; Hardcover; $45.95 (Special Order)
Swastika over Paris; Jeremy Josephs; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)