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J — Holocaust-related Books, listed alphabetically by title
Click on title to read more about it and order. Jack and Rochelle : a Holocaust Story of Love and Resistance; Jack Sutin, et al; Hardcover; $20.66
Jacob the Liar; Jurek Becker, Leila Vennewitz; Hardcover; $19.76
Jacob’s Rescue : A Holocaust Story; Malka Drucker, Michael Halperin; Hardcover; $14.35
Jacob’s Rescue : A Holocaust Story; Malka Drucker, Michael Halperin; Paperback; $3.59
Jerusalem Interlude (The Zion Covenant, 4); Bodie Thoene; Paperback; $9.89
Jewels and Ashes; Arnold Zable; Hardcover; $17.96
The Jewish Bible After the Holocaust : a Re-Reading; Emil L. Fackenheim; Hardcover; $31.25 (Special Order)
Jewish Communities of Nazi Occupied Europe; American Jewish Committe Staff; Hardcover; $49.50 (Special Order)
Jewish Heritage Travel : A Guide to East-Central Europe; Ruth Ellen Gruber; Paperback; $15.26
Jewish Heritage Travel : A Guide to Central and Eastern Europe; Ruth Ellen Gruber; Paperback; $14.95 (Special Order)
The Jewish Holocaust : An Annotated Guide to Books in English (Studies in Judaica and the Holocaust, No. 1); Marty Bloomberg, Buckley Barry Barrett; Hardcover; $37.00 (Special Order)
The Jewish Holocaust : An Annotated Guide to Books in English (Studies in Judaica and the Holocaust, No. 1); Marty Bloomberg, Buckley Barry Barrett; Paperback; $27.00 (Special Order)
The Jewish Holocaust : An Annotated Guide to Books in English (Studies in Judaica and the Holocaust, No. 1); Marty Bloomberg; Paperback; $24.95 (Special Order)
The Jewish Holocaust : An Annotated Guide to Books in English (Studies in Judaica and the Holocaust, No. 1); Marty Bloomberg; Hardcover; $33.00 (Special Order)
Jewish Memories; Lucette Valensi, Nathan Wachtel; Hardcover; $41.75 (Special Order)
Jewish Philosophers and Jewish Philosophy; Emil L. Fackenheim, Michael L. Morgan; Hardcover; $39.95 (Not Yet Published — On Order)
The Jewish Press in the Third Reich; Herbert Freeden, William Templer; Hardcover; $44.95 (Special Order)
Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust; Herbert Druks; Paperback; $12.95 (Special Order)
Jewish Resistance to the Holocaust (Nazi Holocaust, Vol 7); Michael R. Marrus; Hardcover; $85.00 (Special Order)
The Jewish Thought of Emil Fackenheim : A Reader; Michael Morgan; Paperback; $19.95 (Special Order)
The Jewish Thought of Emil Fackenheim : A Reader; Michael L. Morgan; Hardcover; $44.95 (Special Order)
The Jewish War Against the Jews : Reflections on Golah, Shoah, and Torah; Jacob Neusner; Hardcover; $12.95 (Special Order)
Jews and the Poles in World War II; Stefan Korbonski; Hardcover; $14.95 (Special Order)
Jews for Sale? : Nazi-Jewish Negotiations, 1933-1945; Yehuda Bauer; Hardcover; $35.00
Jews in America Today; Lenni Brenner; Hardcover; $18.95 (Special Order)
Jews in Contemporary East Germany : The Children of Moses in the Land of Marx; Robin Ostow; Hardcover; $45.00 (Special Order)
The Jews in Germany, 1945-1993 : The Building of a Minority; Michael Cohn; Hardcover; $47.95
The Jews of Paris and the Final Solution : Communal Response and Internal Conflicts, 1940-1944 (Studies in Jewish History); Jacques Adler; Paperback; $21.00 (Special Order)
The Jews of Paris and the Final Solution : Communal Response and Internal Conflicts, 1940-1944 (Studies in Jewish History); Jacques Adler; Hardcover; $47.00 (Special Order)
The Jews of Warsaw, 1939-1943 : Ghetto, Underground, Revolt; Yisrael Gutman; Paperback; $17.06
The Jews Were Expendable : Free World Diplomacy and the Holocaust; Monty Noam Penkower; Hardcover; $34.95 (Special Order)
The Jews Were Expendable : Free World Diplomacy and the Holocaust; Monty Noam Penkower; Paperback; $19.95 (Special Order)
Jews, Germans, Memory : Reconstructions of Jewish Life in Germany (Social History, Popular Culture, and Politics in Germany); Y. Michal Bodemann; Hardcover; $54.50
Joseph and Me : In the Days of the Holocaust; Judy Hoffman; Paperback; $5.95
The Journey; Ida Fink, et al; Paperback; $9.85
A Journey Through Illusions; Kurt I. Lewin; Hardcover; $24.95 (Special Order)
Journey to Oblivion : The End of the East European Yiddish and German Worlds in the Mirror of Literature; Peter Stenberg; Hardcover; $35.00 (Special Order)
Journey to Vaja : Reconstructing the World of a Hungarian-Jewish Family; Elaine Kalman Naves; Hardcover; $39.95 (Not Yet Published)
Judaic Tradition; Nahum Glatzer; Paperback; $15.95 (Special Order)
The Judaic Tradition : Jewish Writings from Antiquity to the Modern Age; Nahum N. Glatzer; Hardcover; $35.00 (Special Order)
Judaism Transcends Catastrophe : God, Torah, and Israel Beyond the Holocaust : The Torah Teaches Vol 3; Jacob Neusner; Hardcover; $30.00 (Special Order)
Judaism Transcends Catastrophe God, Torah, and Israel Beyond the Holocaust : Eternal Israel Endures Vol 4; Jacob Neusner; Hardcover; $30.00 (Special Order)
Judenrat : The Jewish Councils in Eastern Europe Under Nazi Occupation; Isaiah Trunk, Jacob Robinson; Paperback; $26.96
Justyna’s Diary : Jewish Resistance to the Nazis in Wartime Poland (Studies in Judaica and the Holocaust, No. 14); Justyna, et al; Hardcover; $25.00 (Special Order)
Justyna’s Diary : Jewish Resistance to the Nazis in Wartime Poland (Studies in Judaica and the Holocaust, No. 14); Justyna, Nathan Kravetz; Paperback; $15.00 (Special Order)
Justyna’s Narrative; Justyna, et al; Hardcover; $40.00 (Not Yet Published — On Order)
Justyna’s Narrative; Justyna, et al; Paperback; $13.95 (Special Order)