Mauthausen Concentration Camp Photos

Mauthausen Map


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On August 8, 1938, just a few weeks after the Nazi occupation of Austria, prisoners from the Dachau, concentration camp near Munich, were transferred to the Austrian town of Mauthausen, near Linz.



1The Stairs of DeathRock staircase at the quarry.
2The Rock QuarryThe rock quarry.
3The Parachute JumpTop of the rock quarry.
4Then and Now: Wiener GrabenThe rock quarry.
5GhostsRocks at the quarry.
6The LatchCamp entrance
7The Wailing WallStone wall at the entrance.
8Window into OblivionThe camp prison.
9The BunkerThe camp prison (Bunker).
10The Gas ChamberGas chamber.
11To the GasGas chamber.
12A Grate into Hell.Roll Call square.
13The Disposing of the Murdered-1Crematorium.
14The Disposing of the Murdered-2Crematorium.
15The Dissecting Table
16It’s So Quiet NowPrisoners waiting for disinfection.
17Franz Ziereis – the CommandantCamp Commandant from August 1939 to May 1945.
18The Iron Spider
19Little IroniesLife goes on.


Mauthausen Quarry
Mauthausen Quarry today