Holocaust community founded in 1995 to Remember, Zachor, Sich Erinnern.
Remember.org offers contributors (survivors, liberators, historians, family, students and teachers) a place to connect and share the best research resources and stories through art, photography, painting, audio/video, and remembrance.
This site is dedicated to the survivors and preserving their stories.
We have helped teachers who lack materials and funding for teaching the Holocaust. It is their efforts which we serve, because so many still lack diverse resources and personal stories to help others learn about this difficult subject.
As CNET noted when picking this site one of the Best on the Web:
“As time passes, memory can fade. The Cybrary of the Holocaust uses art, discussion groups, photos, poems, and a wealth of facts to preserve powerful memories and to educate scholars and newcomers alike about the Holocaust…. The Cybrary is stunningly effective in its service to memory.” (2/26/97)
“Remember.org claims its place as a virtual lieu de mémoire”
“This mission statement makes clear the expectation for users to cooperate and communicate with each other, to form a community based on commemorating the Holocaust. The site’s visual imagery grips visitors and alerts them right away to its subject matter of the Holocaust. In the top right corner, a flickering candle invokes Judaism’s eternal flame and a yortzeit , or memorial, candle.
Both images refer to the religiosity of the Holocaust’s victims and to the idea that they died as martyrs. The Web site’s logo resides in the top left corner. It has a black and white photograph of the site’s inspiration the creator’s father adjacent to a swatch of gray with the title of the site in white letters.
(REMEMBER.ORG EDITOR NOTE: our logo includes a photo of Abram Korn from Abe’s Story, not related to the founder of the site)
The gray intimates smoke, especially because of the wisp-like design features, which could signify smoke from crematoria or the wiping away of a layer of ash spewed from the crematoria.
The grayscale of the entire logo, with the exception of the site’s subtitle which is in bright orange, alludes to the historicity of the Holocaust, that it occurred in the past. It also conveys the somberness of the subject matter.
The orange of the site’s subtitle calls attention to the uniqueness of what the site is: a “cybrary,” a play on its existence in cyber space and being like a library. Because of the way in which the images work in concert with the text, and because of the feelings of solemnity, Remember.org claims its place as a virtual lieu de mémoire.”
by Rachel Leah Jablon 2012.
Remember.org is recognized as a trusted educational resource reaching many people each year from every corner of the planet.
Remember.org is about hope. A hope for a better future. A hope to end the hatred and begin growing through knowledge.
Remember.org reaches many teachers, students, and people worldwide each year.
This site is part of the curriculum of many institutions, accessed by grade schools, high schools, undergraduate, and graduate programs. It has always been free to everyone.
We are dedicated to the memories of the survivors, and to the hope of prevention of genocide by remembering life and survival.
One of the special projects created with donations is the Virtual Tour of Auschwitz, done with and at the Auschwitz Museum, a unique project utilizing 360º, moving photos of the main camp at Auschwitz. We are trying to update it to fit the new mobile world.
Adobe Awards Social Change in Media for the Virtual Tour of Auschwitz:
A Joint Project Between Remember.org and Auschwitz Museum
We need your assistance to keep this going – contributions to our growing library, tech help, and a few hours to help us update the content are examples.
I fund this cyte myself and have for years, ensuring its growth and community development.
Contact Remember if you would like to learn more about how you can keep the stories alive.
After all, it is about families and people.
People who want the events to be remembered as they happened.
It is our honor to do a small part in keeping the stories alive.
Michael Declan Dunn
Remember.org, a Cybrary of the Holocaust