Auschwitz/Birkenau Photographs by Alan Jacobs
Then and Now - paintings by survivors from experience with photos today of where they remember.
Auschwitz Photos
ViewBlack Flower of Brzezinka
The Black Flower of Brzezinka
< Auschwitz/Birkenau Hell’s Gate | Home | Auschwitz/Birkenau – Krematorium IIThe spotlight in the main tower over the entrance to...
Auschwitz/Birkenau Krematorium II
Krematorium II
< Black Flower of Brzezinka | Home | Auschwitz/Birkenau – Krematorium II interior >Inside the collapsed roof of Krematorium II at Birkenau, blown up...
Birkenau Photos
ViewBirkenau Guard Tower on the Ramp
Birkenau Guard towersquatting over the unloading ramp at Birkenau, seeming still to cast about its antennae, looking for prey.
< Birkenau Ramp Switch | Birkenau...
Birkenau Women’s Barrack BIb (#1)
Birkenau Women's Barrack BIbBarrack consisting of “sixty-two bays each with three ‘roosts’.
A roost was originally supposed to hold three prisoners, but Bischoff’s numerology...
Mauthausen Photos
ViewConcentration camp of Mauthausen Photo List
Map | List of Photos | CreditsMauthausen Photos#
The Stairs of Death
Rock staircase at the quarry.2
The Rock Quarry
The rock quarry.3
The Parachute Jump
Top of the rock...
Mauthausen Little Ironies – McDonald’s on the way
Prisoners were marched along this route through the town of Mauthausen from the train depot to the camp of the same name.
Often children would...
Plus Jan Komski Paintings
ViewEating and Starvation – painting by Jan Komski
Visual record of life in the Auschwitz concentration camp.
Komski Drawings – A Photo for the Album
Visual record of life in the Auschwitz concentration camp.
Photographs taken in Auschwitz and Birkenau in the years 1979 - 1981.
© 1980, 1996 Alan Jacobs all rights reserved
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