
Mauthausen Little Ironies – McDonald’s on the way

Prisoners were marched along this route through the town of Mauthausen from the train depot to the camp of the same name. Often children would stand at the side of the road, jeer and thrown...

Mauthausen Rock Quarry

Mauthausen - The Rock QuarryHuman beings labor in order to improve their lot, to enhance the quality of existence.The products of this labor usually help make things easier by creating a safer and more...

Mauthausen Wiener Graben: Then and Now

Photo credit: Mauthausen Museum Archives, USHMM Photo Archives Black and white photo taken just after liberation of the camp on May 8, 1945 by American Gen. George Patton’s troops.Color photo taken June 1996. Today the quarry where...

Mauthausen Concentration Camp Photos – Credits

Photography and Captions- Alan JacobsOther photographs: Scott SakanskyArchival Material: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM).Web Design - Krysia Jacobs, Brave New Web Mauthausen Map - Home | Introduction | Credits

Mauthausen Parachute Jump

Often Prisoners were made to run up and down the stairs till most were dead. Sometimes the remaining ones would be made to jump off the top of the quarry. SS humor coined it "the...

Mauthausen Ghosts of Time

On receiving a large block of marble from the quarry at Cararra, Michelangelo remarked that the sculpture he planned already existed within. All he had to do was take away what wasn’t necessary.Here, near...

Mauthausen Experiments – The Dissecting Table

Among many other speudo-scientific “experiments”, SS doctors removed organs from living people, bottled and stored them on shelves in the dissecting room. They skinned prisoners with interesting tattoos and sold them as book covers, gloves,...

Mauthausen Stairs of Death – Wiener Graben

Prisoners were forced to climb the 186 steps of the Wiener Graben with large blocks of granite on their backs. Often the blocks would fall, crushing limbs and bodies of those following, sometimes killing.The...

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