Alan Jacobs
Birkenau Women’s Camp – Barrack BIb (#2)
Birkenau Women's Camp Barrack BIb (#2)
One understands former prisoner-author Elie Wiesel’s title “Night” somewhat more deeply after even “visiting” here.< Birkenau Women's Barrack BLB | Birkenau Krematorium II >Map List of Photos Home Help Author
Alan Jacobs
Birkenau Women’s Gate – Now and Then
Birkenau Gate to the Women’s Camp
The gate at Birkenau where women prisoners were marched from their barracks to and from slave-labor.This drawing is one in a series by former prisoner and survivor, artist Mieczyslaw...
Alan Jacobs
Birkenau Introduction Map to the Concentration Camp
The concentration and death-camp complex at Auschwitz-Birkenau was the largest killing center in the entire Nazi universe; the very heart of their system. Of the many sub-camps affiliated with Auschwitz, Birkenau, or Auschwitz II,...
Alan Jacobs
Birkenau Camp Hospital seen through the Little Wood (#2)
Birkenau Camp Hospital in the Distance
Many, many people awaited their final end here in this place. To our back is Krematorium IV. In the distance, beyond the trees, is the Birkenau sub-camp BIIf, the...
Alan Jacobs
Birkenau Krematorium II (#1)
Birkenau Krematorium IIPhoto from inside Krematorium II looking south.
The structure above is the collapsed roof, dynamited by the SS. The Sonderkommando, that is special prisoner workers, lived in the attic of this part.
On the...
Alan Jacobs
Birkenau Shower- Right Side of the Little Wood
Birkenau - Right Side of the Little Wood
This is the right side of the Little Wood. People were made to wait here for what they had been told was a disinfecting Birkenau shower.
The ruins...
Alan Jacobs
Birkenau Krematorium II Small Gauge Track (#2)
Krematorium IIThis Krematorium II small-gauge track was one of fifteen leading to five furnaces consisting of three retorts each.
At first small metal trolleys containing the bodies of gassed victims were pushed by prisoners to...
Alan Jacobs
Birkenau Entrance Gate
Birkenau entrance gate to one of the two large extermination areas.This is the entrance to one of the two large extermination areas in Birkenau.
During the time of the camp, a fence made of branches surrounded it,...