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P — Holocaust-related Books, listed alphabetically by title
Click on title to read more about it and order. Papal Concert to Commemorate Holocaust; Levine, Dreyfuss; Audio CD; $14.98
Parallel Journeys; Eleanor H. Ayer, et al; School & Library Binding; $14.40
The Partisan; Paperback (Publisher Out Of Stock)
A Partisan’s Memoir : Woman of the Holocaust; Faye Schulman, Sarah Silberstein Swartz; Paperback; $14.35
The Path of the Righteous : Gentile Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust; Mordecai Paldiel; Hardcover; $35.00 (Special Order)
The Path to Genocide : Essays on Launching the Final Solution; Christopher R. Browning; Paperback; $9.85
Paul Celan : Holograms of Darkness (Jewish Literature and Culture); Amy Diane Colin; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)
Pearls and Lace : Poems; Magdolna Klein, Susan Simpson Geroe; Paperback (Not Yet Published)
Perpetrators Victims Bystanders : The Jewish Catastrophe 1933-1945; Raul Hilberg; Paperback; $12.60
Persecution, Extermination, Literature; Sem Dresden, Henry G. Schogt; Hardcover; $45.00
The Persistence of Youth : Oral Testimonies of the Holocaust; Joey Fisher; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)
The Persistence of Youth : Oral Testimonies of the Holocaust (Contributions to the Study of World History, No 32); Josey G. Fisher; Hardcover; $49.95 (Special Order)
Persistent Shadows of the Holocaust : The Meaning to Those Not Directly Affected; Rafael Moses, Rafael, M.D. Moses; Hardcover; $40.00 (Special Order)
The Persisting Question : Sociological Perspectives and Social Contexts of Modern Antisemitism (Current Research on Antisemitism, Vol 1); Helen Fein; Hardcover; $68.40 (Special Order)
Perspectives on the Holocaust; Randolph L. Braham; Hardcover; $33.00 (Special Order)
Perspectives on the Holocaust; Hardcover (Special Order)
Perspectives on the Holocaust (The Nazi Holocaust : Historical Articles on the Destruction of European Jews, No 1); Michael R. Marrus; Hardcover; $85.00 (Special Order)
Perspectives on the Holocaust : Essays in Honor of Raul Hilberg; James S. Pacy, Alan P. Wertheimer; Hardcover; $59.50 (Special Order)
Petain’s Crime : The Full Story of French Collaboration in the Holocaust; Paul Webster; Hardcover; $22.46
Philo-Semitic and Anti-Jewish Attitudes in Post-Holocaust Poland (Symposium Series, Vol 33); Marion Mushkat; Hardcover; $109.95 (Special Order)
The Pictorial History of the Holocaust; Yitzhak Arad; Hardcover; $100.00 (Special Order)
The Pictorial History of the Holocaust; Hardcover (Special Order)
Pictures at an Exhibition; D. M. Thomas, D.M. Thomas; Paperback; $9.85
Pilgrim Among the Shadows/a Memoir (A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book); Boris Pahor, Michael Biggins; Hardcover; $20.00 (Special Order)
Pilgrimage of a Proselyte : From Auschwitz to Jerusalem; David Patterson; Hardcover; $17.96
The Pit and the Trap : A Chronicle of Survival; Leyb Rochman; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)
Plays of the Holocaust : An International Anthology; Paperback; $15.26
Point of No Return; Martha Gellhorn; Paperback; $10.80
Poland’s Ghettos at War; Alfred Katz; Hardcover; $34.50 (Special Order)
Poland’s Ghettos at War; Hardcover (Special Order)
Polish Jews in Paris : The Ethnography of Memory (Modern Jewish Experience); Jonathan Boyarin; Hardcover; $10.95 (Special Order)
Polish-Jewish Relations During the Second World War; Emmanuel Ringelblum, Joseph Kermish; Paperback; $19.95 (Special Order)
The Politics of Genocide : The Holocaust in Hungary (East European Monographs, No 350); Randolph L. Braham; Hardcover; $283.50 (Special Order)
The Politics of Memory : Looking for Germany in the New Germany; Jane Kramer; Hardcover; $24.75 (Not Yet Published — On Order)
The Politics of Memory : The Journey of a Holocause Historian; Raul Hilberg; Hardcover; $20.25
Postscripts; Paperback (Not Yet Published)
Postscripts (Eagle Large Print); Claire Rayner; Paperback; $17.95 (Special Order)
Postscripts (Eagle Large Print); Claire Rayner; Hardcover; $20.95 (Special Order)
Preserving Memory : The Struggle to Create America’s Holocaust Museum; Edward T. Linenthal; Hardcover; $25.16
Probing the Limits of Representation : Nazism and the ‘Final Solution’; Saul Friedlander; Hardcover; $49.95 (Special Order)
Probing the Limits of Representation : Nazism and the Final Solution; Saul Friedlander; Paperback; $30.75 (Special Order)
Promises to Keep; Ernest W. Michel; Hardcover; $19.80
Prospects for Post-Holocaust Theology (American Academy of Religion Academy Series, No. 77); Stephen R. Haynes; Hardcover; $29.95 (Special Order)
Prospects for Post-Holocaust Theology : Israel in the Theologies of Karl Abrth, Jurgen Moltmann, and Paul Van Buren (American Academy of Religion Aca); Stephen Haynes; Paperback; $19.95 (Special Order)
Psychological and Medical Effects of Concentration Camps and Related Persecutions on Survivors of the Holocaust; Robert Krell, Leo Eitinger; Paperback; $39.95 (Special Order)
The Psychological Perspectives of the Holocaust and of Its Aftermath (Holocaust Studies Series. Social Science Monographs); Randolph L. Braham; Hardcover; $66.00 (Special Order)
Public Opinion and Relations to the Jews in Nazi Europe (The Nazi Holocaust, Vol 5); Michael R. Marrus; Hardcover; $170.00 (Special Order)
Punishing the Perpetrators of the Holocaust : The Brandt, Pohl and Ohlendorf Cases Vol 17; J. Mendelsohn; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)