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H — Holocaust-related Books, listed alphabetically by title
Click on title to read more about it and order. The Halutz Resistance in Hungary, 1942-1944 (East European Monographs, No 206); Asher Cohen; Hardcover; $41.50 (Special Order)
Hanna and Walter; Hanna Kohner, et al; Paperback (Publisher Out Of Stock)
Hasidic Responses to the Holocaust in the Light of Hasidic Thought; Pesach Schindler; Hardcover; $22.95 (Special Order)
Hasidic Tales of the Holocaust; Yaffa Eliach; Paperback; $10.80
Healing Their Wounds : Psychotherapy With Holocaust Survivors and Their Families; Paul Marcus, Alan Rosenberg; Hardcover; $55.00 (Special Order)
Hebrew Literature in the Wake of the Holocaust; Leon I. Yudkin; Hardcover; $28.50 (Special Order)
Hecht Archive University of Haifa (Archives of the Holocaust, Vol 12); Paul Lawrence Rose, Herbert Druks; Hardcover; $118.00 (Special Order)
Heidegger and ‘the Jews’; Jean-Francois Lyotard; Hardcover; $29.95 (Special Order)
Heidegger and ‘the Jews’; Jean-Francois Lyotard; Paperback; $14.95 (Special Order)
Hell Was My Home; Donald Grey Brownlow, John E. Du Pont; Hardcover; $12.95 (Special Order)
Heroes, Antiheroes, and the Holocaust : American Jewry and Historical Choice; David Morrison; Hardcover; $24.95 (Special Order)
Heroine of Rescue; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)
Heroism & Bravery in Lithuania 1941-1945; Alex Faitelson; Hardcover; $29.95 (Special Order)
The Hidden Children; Howard Greenfeld; Hardcover; $14.35
Hidden Children : Forgotten Survivors of the Holocaust; Andre Stein; Paperback; $11.65
The Hidden Children : The Secret Survivors of the Holocaust; Jane Marks; Paperback; $10.80
Hiding to Survive : Stories of Jewish Children Rescued from the Holocaust; Maxine B. Rosenberg; Hardcover; $14.35
High Tower Crumbling : Poems; R. Gabriele S. Silten; Paperback; $9.80 (Special Order)
Hilde and Eli : Childeren of the Holocaust; David A. Adler, Karen Ritz; School & Library Binding; $14.35
Hilmar and Odette : Two Stories from the Nazi Era; Eric Koch; Hardcover; $17.96
Hippocrene Insider’s Guide to Poland’s Jewish Heritage (Hippocrene Insider’s Guides); Joram Kagan; Paperback; $15.26
Historical Atlas of the Holocaust : The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum; Hardcover; $35.96
High Tower Crumbling : Poems; R. Gabriele S. Silten; Paperback; $9.80 (Special Order)
Historicism, the Holocaust, and Zionism : Critical Studies in Modern Jewish Thought and History; Steven T. Katz; Paperback; $18.50 (Special Order)
Historicism, the Holocaust, and Zionism : Critical Studies in Modern Jewish Thought and History; Steven T. Katz; Hardcover; $55.00 (Special Order)
History of the Holocaust; Yehuda Bauer; Paperback; $14.95 (Special Order)
History of the Holocaust : A Handbook and Dictionary; Abraham J. Edelheit, Hershel Edelheit; Paperback; $29.95
A History of the Holocaust : From Ideology to Annihilation; Rita Steinhardt Botwinick; Paperback; $25.00
Hitler and the Final Solution; Gerald Fleming; Paperback; $14.95
Hitler and the Jews : The Genesis of the Holocaust; Philippe Burrin, Patsy Southgate; Paperback; $21.37
Hitler’s Death Camps : The Sanity of Madness; Konnilyn G. Feig; Hardcover; $47.95 (Special Order)
Hitler’s Gift : The Story of Theresienstadt; George E. Berkley; Hardcover; $20.66
Hitler’s Holocaust : A Fact of History; Henri G. Francq; Hardcover; $19.95 (Special Order)
Hitler’s War Against the Jews; Paperback (Special Order)
Hitler’s War Against the Jews : A Young Reader’s Version of the War Against the Jews, 1933-1945, by Lucy S. Dawidowicz; David A. Altshuler, Lucy S. Dawidowicz; Paperback; $9.95
Hitler’s Willing Executioners : Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust; Daniel Jonah Goldhagen; Hardcover; $24.00
Hitler’s Holocaust : A Fact of History; Henri G. Francq; Hardcover; $19.95 (Special Order)
Hitler’s War Against the Jews; Paperback (Special Order)
Holding on to Humanity-The Message of Holocaust Survivors : The Shamai Davidson Papers; Shamai Davidson, Israel W. Charney; Paperback; $16.95 (Special Order)
Holding on to Humanity-The Message of the Holocaust Survivors : The Shamai Davidson Papers; Shamai Davidson, Israel W. Charny; Hardcover; $45.00 (Special Order)
A Hole in the Heart of the World : Being Jewish in Eastern Europe After World War II; Jonathan Kaufman; Hardcover (Not Yet Published)
Holocaust; Friedlander; Hardcover; $60.00 (Special Order)
The Holocaust : 1940-1944 (The Holocaust); Stuart A. Kallen; Library Binding; $19.98
The Holocaust; Abraham Resnick; Hardcover; $22.59 (Special Order)
The Holocaust; Meryl Streep; VHS Tape; $39.99 (Special Order)
The Holocaust : A History of Courage and Resistance; Bea Stadtler, et al; Paperback; $7.95
The Holocaust : A History of the Jews of Europe During the Second World War; Martin Gilbert; Paperback; $17.06
The Holocaust : Bearing Witness Liberation and the Nuremberg Trials; Stuart A. Kallen; Library Binding; $19.98
Holocaust : In Memory of Millions; Discovery Channel; VHS Tape; $19.99
The Holocaust : An Annotated Bibliography and Resource Guide; David M. Szonyi; Hardcover; $39.50 (Special Order)
The Holocaust : The Fate of European Jewry, 1932-1945 (Studies in Jewish History); Leni Yahil; Paperback; $19.76
The Holocaust : The Fate of European Jewry, 1932-1945 (Studies in Jewish History); Leny Yahil; Hardcover; $41.75
The Holocaust : Hoax or History? : The Book of Answers to Those Who Would Deny the Holocaust; Paul Kuttner; Hardcover (Special Order)
The Holocaust : Understanding and Remembering (Issues in Focus); Helen Strahinich; Library Binding; $26.50
The Holocaust and Israel Reborn : From Catastrophe to Sovereignty; Monty Noam Penkower; Paperback; $19.95
The Holocaust : Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation (Problems in European Civilization); Donald L. Niewyk; Paperback; $17.33 (Special Order)
Holocaust : Relief in Hungary and the Failure of the Joel Brand Mission Vol 15; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)
Holocaust : The Documentary Evidence; Robert Wolfe, Henry J. Gwiazda; Paperback; $7.35 (Special Order)
The Holocaust : The Nazi Destruction of Europe’s Jews; Gerhard Schoenberner; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)
The Holocaust : The Nazi Destruction of Europe’s Jews; Gerhard Schoenberner; Paperback (Publisher Out Of Stock)
The Holocaust : The World and the Jews, 1933-1945; Seymour Rossel; Paperback; $9.85 (Special Order)
Holocaust and Church Struggle : Religion, Power, and the Politics of Resistance (Studies in the Shoah, V. 16); Hubert G. Locke, Marcia Sachs Littell; Hardcover; $54.00 (Not Yet Published)
Holocaust and Halakhah; Irving J. Rosenbaum; Paperback; $14.95 (Special Order)
The Holocaust and Illegal Immigration, 1939-1947 (The Rise of Israel, Section Iii, Vol 30); Michael J. Cohen; Hardcover; $99.00 (Special Order)
The Holocaust and Israel Reborn : From Catastrophe to Sovereignty; Monty Noam Penkower; Hardcover; $47.50 (Special Order)
The Holocaust and Its Perseverance : Stress, Coping and Disorder; Ofra Ayalon; Paperback; $10.80 (Special Order)
The Holocaust and the Crisis of Human Behavior; George M. Kren, Leon Rappoport; Paperback; $18.95 (Special Order)
The Holocaust and the Historians; Paperback (Special Order)
The Holocaust and the Historians; Lucy Dawidowicz; Paperback; $13.50 (Special Order)
The Holocaust and the Jews of Marseille : The Enforcement of Anti-Semitic Policies in Vichy France; Donna F. Ryan; Hardcover; $15.95 (Special Order)
The Holocaust and the Jews of Marseille : The Enforcement of Anti-Semitic Policies in Vichy France; Donna F. Ryan; Hardcover; $36.95 (Not Yet Published — On Order)
The Holocaust and the Liberal Imagination : A Social and Cultural History; Tony Kushner; Paperback; $23.95 (Special Order)
The Holocaust and the Liberal Imagination : A Social and Cultural History (Jewish Society and Culture); Tony Kushner; Hardcover; $57.95 (Special Order)
Holocaust and the Literary Imagination; Lawrence L. Langer; Paperback; $18.00 (Special Order)
The Holocaust and the War of Ideas; Edward Alexander; Hardcover; $34.95 (Special Order)
The Holocaust As a Historical Experience : Essays and a Discussion; Yehuda Bauer, Nathan Rotenstreich; Paperback (Publisher Out Of Stock)
Holocaust As Historical Experience; Yehuda Bauer, Nathan Rotenstreich; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)
The Holocaust As Interruption; Paperback (Publisher Out Of Stock)
The Holocaust As Interruption (Concilium, Vol 175); Elisabeth Fiorenza, David Tracy; Paperback (Publisher Out Of Stock)
The Holocaust in Historical Context : The Holocaust and Mass Death Before the Modern Age Vol 1; Steven T. Katz; Hardcover; $61.50
Holocaust Education : A Resource Book for Teachers and Professional Leaders (Symposium Series, Vol 13); Marcia Sachs Littell; Hardcover; $59.95 (Special Order)
The Holocaust Forty Years After; Marcia Littell, et al; Hardcover; $69.95 (Special Order)
Holocaust in American Film; Hardcover (Special Order)
The Holocaust in French Film (Filmmakers, No 33); Andre Pierre Colombat; Hardcover; $49.00 (Special Order)
The Holocaust in Hungary : Forty Years Later (East European Monographs, 190); Randolph L. Braham; Hardcover; $50.00 (Special Order)
The Holocaust in Latvia, 1941-1944 : The Missing Center; Andrew Ezergailis; Hardcover (Special Order)
The Holocaust in the Soviet Union : Studies and Sources on the Destruction of the Jews in the Nazi-Occupied Territories of the Ussr, 1941-1945; Lucjan Dobroszycki, Jeffrey S. Gurock; Paperback; $28.95 (Special Order)
The Holocaust in the Soviet Union : Studies and Sources on the Destruction of the Jews in the Nazi-Occupied Territories of the Ussr, 1941-1945; Lucjan Dobroszycki, Jeffrey S. Gurock; Hardcover; $68.95 (Special Order)
The Holocaust in University Teaching (Holocaust Series); Gideon Shimoni; Hardcover; $54.95 (Special Order)
Holocaust Literature : A Handbook of Critical, Historical, and Literary Writings; Saul S. Friedman; Hardcover; $105.00 (Special Order)
The Holocaust Museum in Washington; Jeshajahu Weinberg, Rina Elieli; Paperback; $26.96 (Not Yet Published — On Order)
The Holocaust Odyssey of Daniel Bennahmias, Sonderkommando (Judaic Studies); Rebecca Fromer; Hardcover; $24.95 (Special Order)
Holocaust Project : From Darkness into Light; Judy Chicago, Donald Woodman; Hardcover; $40.00 (Special Order)
A Holocaust Reader; Lucy Dawidowicz; Paperback; $15.95 (Special Order)
Holocaust Remembrance : The Shapes of Memory; Geoffrey H. Hartman; Paperback; $20.95 (Special Order)
Holocaust Remembrance : The Shapes of Memory; Geoffrey H. Hartman; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)
Holocaust Stories; Paperback (Special Order)
Holocaust Stories : Inspiration for Survival : An Anthology; Paperback; $15.95 (Special Order)
Holocaust Studies : A Directory and Bibliography of Bibliographies; Martin H. Sable; Hardcover; $20.00 (Special Order)
Holocaust Studies Annual 1991 : General Essays (Garland Reference Library of Social Science, Vol 787); Sanford Pinsker, Jack Fishcel; Hardcover; $33.00 (Special Order)
Holocaust Studies Annual : Churches Response to the Holocaust Vol 2; Jack Fischel, Sanford Pinsker; Hardcover; $20.00 (Special Order)
Holocaust Studies Annual, 1990 : General Essays (Garland Reference Library of Social Sciences, Vol 631); Sanford Pinsker, Jack Fischel; Hardcover; $35.00 (Special Order)
Holocaust Survivors’ Mental Health; T.L. Brink; Hardcover; $29.95 (Special Order)
Holocaust Testimonies : The Ruins of Memory; Lawrence L. Langer; Hardcover; $39.00 (Special Order)
Holocaust Years : The Nazi Destruction of European Jewry, 1933-1945 (Anvil Series); Nora Levin; Paperback; $20.48 (Special Order)
The Holocaust Lady; Ruth Minsky Sender; School & Library Binding; $13.45
The Holocaust Museum in Washington; Jeshajahu Weinberg, Rina Elieli; Hardcover; $40.50
A Holocaust Odyssey (Studies in the Shoah, Vol 9); Joseph S. Kalina, Stanley R. Alten; Hardcover; $42.50
Holocaust Poetry; Hilda Schiff, Hilda Schiff; Paperback; $10.80
Holocaust Poetry; Hilda Schiff, Hilda Schiff; Hardcover; $18.00
Holocaust Project : From Darkness into Light; Judy Chicago, Donald Woodman; Paperback; $20.25
Home Is Somewhere Else : Autobiography in Two Voices (Suny Series, Margins of Literature); Desider Furst, Lilian R. Furst; Hardcover; $49.50 (Special Order)
Hope in Darkness : The Aba Gefen Diaries; Aba Gefen; Paperback; $10.95 (Special Order)
Hope Is the Last to Die : A Coming of Age Under Nazi Terror; Halina Birenbaum; Hardcover; $44.95 (Not Yet Published — On Order)
Hope Is the Last to Die : A Coming of Age Under Nazi Terror; Halina Birenbaum; Paperback; $12.95 (Not Yet Published — On Order)
Hourglass; Danilo Kis, Ralph Manheim; Hardcover; $22.95 (Special Order)
The House of Ashes; Paperback (Special Order)
The House of Ashes; Oscar Pinkus; Hardcover; $34.75 (Special Order)
The House of Ashes; Oscar Pinkus; Paperback; $14.00 (Special Order)
How Can We Commit the Unthinkable? Genocide : The Human Cancer; Israel W. Charny; Paperback; $10.95 (Special Order)
How Dark the Heavens : 1400 Days in the Grip of Nazi Terror; Sidney Iwens; Hardcover; $18.95 (Special Order)
How We Danced While We Burned; Followed by LA Justice, or the Cock That Crew : Two Plays; Kenneth Bernard; Paperback; $9.30 (Special Order)
How to Document Victims and Locate Survivors of the Holocaust : Documenting Victims, Locating Survivors (Avotaynu Monograph); Gary Mokotoff; Paperback; $25.95
The Human Race; Robert Antelme, et al; Hardcover; $23.95 (Special Order)
Human Response to the Holocaust : Perpetrators, Victims, Bystanders and Resisters; Michael D. Ryan; Hardcover; $89.95 (Special Order)
The Hungarian Jewish Catastrophe : A Selected and Annotated Bibliography (Holocaust Studies Series, Perspectives on the Holocaust); Randolph Braham; Hardcover; $72.00 (Special Order)
Hurban : Responses to Catastrophe in Hebrew Literature; Alan Mintz; Hardcover; $42.00 (Special Order)