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Resources for Students: | New! Jeanne Dingell shares her article: The Question of the Polish Forced Labourer during and in the Aftermath of World War II: The Example of the Warthegau Forced LabourersTriangles and Tribulations: The Politics of Nazi Symbols “This article explores the politics of “reclamation.” Its focus is on pink and black triangles, currently used as symbols for gay and lesbian pride and liberation. Previously, these same identifiers were worn by those destined for annihilation during the Holocaust. I suggest that, in [re]claiming these markers, activists, however well intentioned, run a path dangerously close to historical denial.”Art As Evidence: The Nazi’s Cultural War by Elana Verbin, exploring the recent auction of art works seized by the Nazis.The CD-ROM “Lest We Forget”, with video clips and extensive information for teachers.Online Study Guide for the Survivors of Shoah series, including a timeline.A Dangerous Experiment Read about an experiment in 1967 to teach students how it was like back in Nazi Germany and the consequences.Jewish Labor and the HolocaustThe Young Soapmaker (a complete book online) by Gertie Lerer.Excerpt from Anne Frank: The Biography, a book by Melissa Müller.Excerpt from Official Secrets: What the Nazis Planned, What the British and Americans Knew by Richard Breitman. | | Resources for Teachers: | Annotated Holocaust Bibliography I: General and Specialized HistoryAnnotated Holocaust Bibliography II: Biography, Fiction, Memoirs, Diaries, Poetry, Drama, Art and Literary CriticismThe Truth About Anne Frank, a 12 class lesson plan by Daniel BarkowitzTeaching the Holocaust: Grades 4-12, by Teresa Morretta. With timeline, lesson plan, vocabulary and more.Survivor Judy Cohen shares a poem, Fifty Years Later: Reflections on Teaching The Holocaust to Young People.Seminars for Educators at Yad VashemCompanies Affiliated With Concentration Camps submitted by Judy CohenMBA Proposal to Learn about the Holocaust Warren Thompson’s proposal for Holocaust education in business graduate programs.My Family: Being German Didn’t Mean You Were Safe Read a story of one family’s ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia, by Lori Beckett.Women and the Holocaust BibliographyWhat about Women in the Holocaust?A Trip in the German Countryside, a story of visiting Dachau Camp as a child.The Diary of Hannah Rosen: Europe’s Jews and America’s Response, 1937-1945 written by a student from interviews conducted with important historical figures, and her family. | | Resources for Adult Scholars: | New Jersey’s Education and Kristallnacht Commemoration EffortsAuschwitz Revisited, article by Chuck Ferree (Liberator).Making Belzec a Memorial Alan Elsner, a Reuters correspondent writing in a private capacity, shares his thoughts of the need to create a Belzec concentration camp memorial.The Munich Jews Memorial Book Project needs your help.A Chance Dialogue with a Contemporary Nazi and The Vienna Encounter by Dr.C. Samson Munn.“In Auschwitz wurde niemand vergast.” (“Nobody was gassed at Auschwitz”) 60 Rightist Lies and How to Counter ThemMedical Experiments by Ronald Bennetttell him that I…Women Writing the Holocaust, a thesis by Catherine Bernard.Survivor Alexander Kimel’s poem, In Memory – A Holocaust PrayerGenericide A play exploring history, memory, a survivor, and the ways we look at ourselves. Written, produced, and directed by the webmaster of Remember.org. |
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