Virtual Tour of Birkenau

Birkenau Woods Incineration

In this field, the Birkenau Woods Incineration, people were also burned in large cremation pits. On the other side of the trees in the distance was Krematorium V and its burning pits.< Birkenau Little...

Birkenau Sauna Interior

This is one part of the Birkenau Sauna interior in 3 videos. New prisoners were brought here first. Here they would have to give up all their remaining possessions: money, jewels, even wedding rings...

Birkenau Sauna and Kanada

This is where prisoners selected for slave labor were processed at the Birkenau Sauna and Kanada. Often people would have to wait outside naked in any weather.< Birkenau Krematorium V | Birkenau Sauna Interior...

Birkenau Krematorium V

Birkenau Krematorium V gas chambers had four rooms, which are just over the low brick wall and beyond.<Birkenau Ash Pond | Birkenau Sauna and Kanada >Krematorium V began operations on April 4, 1943. It had...

Birkenau Ash Pond

Between Krematoria IV and the Little Wood is a Birkenau Ash pond, one that was used to dump the ashes of the murdered victims.< Birkenau Little Wood | Birkenau Krematorium V >On the other...

Birkenau Little Wood

Scrolling around to the left you see the entirety of the Birkenau Little Wood on the Krematorium V side.< Rear of Birkenau Camp | Birkenau Ash Pond >Behind the main camp there were two...

Birkenau Camp End

This fence line is the extreme Birkenau Camp end of the main camp. We are facing west.< Birkenau Krematorium II Photos | Birkenau Little Wood > The Rear of Birkenau: The Final MomentsThis fence...

Birkenau Krematorium II

You are Inside the collapsed roof of Birkenau Krematorium II. As the Russian army drew closer the Nazis, in an effort to hide their crimes, blew this up, and also Krems III and V.<...

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