Holocaust Poems
Holocaust Poems
The Holocaust: A Poem of Remembrance
Listen to the poem.
The Holocaust: A Poem of Remembrance,
by Tamara Beryl LathamSkeletal frames,
whose beaten hearts
once bore,
the heft of Hitler's war,who knelt en masse,
in silence quaked
with stifled groans
beneath the veil of death.Through reddened
tear-stained eyes
they prayed...
Holocaust History
Liberation of Auschwitz 75 years later – a poem
As the world commemorates the Liberation of Auschwitz after 75 years, strange things are happening. At Remember.org we focus on people's history, not the political games or storytelling surrounding the events at Auschwitz, especially...
Education and the Holocaust
A Holocaust Prayer by Alexander Kimel
Written by Alexander Kimel - a Holocaust Survivor.In Memory
Holocaust Prayer by Alexander Kimel
Prayer for the Children:
Almighty God, full of Mercy remember the generation of Jewish children that were reared for slaughter. Reared...
Education and the Holocaust
A Holocaust Survivor’s Prayer
Return to WitnessesA Survivor's Prayer
I have lived
dear G-d
in a world gone mad
and I have seen
unleashed beyond reason or
I was with them.
We drank from the same
bitter cup.
I hid with them
Feared with them,
Struggled with them
And when...
children in the holocaust
Holocaust Paintings and Poetry by 6th Grade Students – images of children in the holocaust
The Holocaust Channel opens today with the first presentation that was ever shared with this web site. Back in 1994 a teacher in Paradise, California taught the Holocaust to students using poetry, painting, and...