Holocaust Bibliography UC San Diego

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Holocaust Bibliography UC San Diego

1. AARON, Frieda W., 1928 – Bearing the unbearable : Yiddish… 1990
2. ABELLA, Irving M., 1940 – None is too many : Canada and the… 1983
3. ADLER, H. G – Der verwaltete Mensch : Studien z…. 1974
4. ADLER, Jacques, 1927 – The Jews of Paris and the final… 1987
5. ALEXANDER, Edward, 1936 – The resonance of dust : essays on… 1979
6. ALEXANDER, Lynne – Safe houses. 1985
7. L’Allemagne nazie et le genocide juif : colloque de l’Ecole des… 1985
8. [Allemagne nazie et le…] – Unanswered questions : Nazi Germany… 1989
9. ALLEN, Jim, 1926 – Perdition, a play in two acts. 1987
10. AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE. William E. Wiener Oral History Library Catalogue of memoirs of the William E. Wiener Oral History Library. 1978
12. AMERY, Jean. – At the mind’s limits :… 1980
13. AMERY, Jean – Radical humanism : selected essays. 1984
14. And the world stood silent – Sephardic poetry of the Holocaust. 1989
15. ANDERS, Gunther, 190 – Besuch im Hades : Auschwitz u…. 1979
16. ANGRESS, Werner T. – Between fear & hope: Jewish youth… 1988
17. Anthology on armed Jewish resistance, 1939-1945. 1984
18. APPELFELD, Aron. – Tzili, the story of a life. 1983
19. Approaches to modern Judaism : volume II. 1984
20. ARAD, Yitzhak, 1926 – Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka : the… 1987
21. ARAD, Yitzhak, 1926 – Ghetto in flames : the struggle and… 1980
22. ARAD, Yitzhak, 1926 – The partisan : from the valley of… 1979
23. ARENDT, Hannah – The Jew as pariah : Jewish identity… 1978
24. ARIETI, Silvano. – The parnas. 1979
25. ARONSON, Ronald, 1938 – The dialectics of disaster: a… 1983
26. ASKENASY, Hans, 1930 – Are we all Nazis? 1978
27. The Auschwitz album: a book based upon an album discovered by a… 1981
28. AVISAR, Ilan, 1951 – Screening the holocaust : cinema’s… 1988
29. BAR-ZOHAR, Michael, 1938 – The avengers,. 1969
30. BARNOUW, Dagmar. – Visible spaces : Hannah Arendt and… 1990
31. BAROSIN, Jacob. – “A remnant -“. 1988
32. BARTOSZEWSKI, Wladyslaw. – Righteous among nations: how Poles… 1969
33. BARTOSZEWSKI, Wladyslaw. – The Samaritans; heroes of the… 1970
34. BAUER, Yehuda. – American Jewry and the Holocaust :… 1981
35. BAUER, Yehuda. – A history of the holocaust. 1982
36. BAUER, Yehuda. – The Holocaust in historical… 1978
37. BAUER, Yehuda. – The Jewish emergence from… 1979
38. BAUER, Yehuda. – Out of the ashes : the impact of… 1989
39. BAUER, Yehuda. – They chose life; Jewish resistance… 1973
40. BAUM, Rainer C. – The holocaust and the German elite… 1981
41. BAUMAN, Janina. – Winter in the morning : a young… 1986
42. BAUMAN, Zygmunt. – Modernity and the Holocaust. 1989
43. BEIN, Alex, 1903 – The Jewish question : biography of… 1990
44. BEIN, Alex, 1903 – Die Judenfrage : Biogr. e…. 1980
45. BEN-AMI, Yitshaq – Years of wrath, days of glory :… 1983
46. BEN-TOV, Arieh, 1923 – Facing the Holocaust in Budapest :… 1988
47. BENSIMON-DONATH, Doris. – Les grandes rafles : Juifs en… 1987
48. BENSIMON-DONATH, Doris. – Les juifs de France et leurs… 1989
49. BENSKI, Stanislaw, 1922 – Missing pieces : stories. 1990
50. BERCUSON, David Jay. – A trust betrayed : the Keegstra… 1985
51. BERENBAUM, Michael, 1945 – After tragedy and triumph : essays… 1990
52. BERENBAUM, Michael, 1945 – The vision of the void :… 1979
53. BERGER, Alan L., 1939 – Crisis and covenant : the Holocaust… 1985
54. BERKOVITS, Eliezer, 1908 – Faith after the Holocaust. 1973
55. BERKOVITS, Eliezer, 1908 – With God in hell : Judaism in the… 1979
56. BERMAN, Aaron, 1952 – Nazism, the Jews, and American… 1990
57. BERNBAUM, Israel. – My brother’s keeper : the Holocaust… 1985
58. BERNHARD E. OLSON SCHOLARS’ CONFERENCE ON THE CHURCH STRUGGLE AND THE… Human responses to the Holocaust: perpetrators and victims,… 1981
59. BETTELHEIM, Bruno. – Surviving, and other essays. 1979
60. BIERMAN, John. – Righteous gentile: the story of… 1981
61. BILIK, Dorothy. – Immigrant-survivors:… 1981
62. Bitburg and beyond: encounters in American, German, and Jewish… 1987
63. Bitburg in moral and political perspective. 1986
64. BLAKENEY, Michael. – Australia and the Jewish refugees,… 1985
65. BLATTER, Janet. – Art of the Holocaust. 1981
66. BOAS, Jacob. – Boulevard des Miseres : the story… 1985
67. BONDY, Ruth. – “Elder of the Jews” : Jakob… 1989
68. BORZYKOWSKI, Tuvia, 1911 – Between tumbling walls. 1972
69. BOURDREL, Philippe, 1927 – Histoire des Juifs de France. 1974
70. BRAHAM, Randolph L. – The Hungarian Jewish catastrophe :… 1984
71. BRAHAM, Randolph L. – The Hungarian labor service system,… 1977
72. BRAHAM, Randolph L. – The politics of genocide : the… 1981
73. BRANDT, Leon. – Menschen ohne Schatten: Juden… 1984
74. BRENNER, Lenni, 1937 – Jews in America today. 1986
75. BRENNER, Lenni, 1937 – Zionism in the age of the dictators. 1983
76. BRENNER, Reeve Robert. – The faith and doubt of Holocaust… 1980
77. BROWN, Robert McAfee, 1920 – Elie Wiesel, messenger to all… 1983
78. BROWNING, Christopher R. – Fateful months: essays on the… 1985
79. BROWNING, Christopher R. – The final solution and the German… 1978
80. BRYKS, Rachmil. – Kiddush hashem. 1977
81. BUTZ, A. R. – The hoax of the twentieth century. 1976
82. CARGAS, Harry J. – Harry James Cargas in conversation… 1976
83. CARGAS, Harry J. – The holocaust: an annotated… 1977
84. CARGAS, Harry J. – Reflections of a post-Auschwitz… 1989
85. The Catastrophe of European Jewry: antecedents, history,… 1976
86. CERNYAK-SPATZ, Susan E., 1922 – German Holocaust literature. 1985
87. CHARNY, Israel W. – How can we commit the unthinkable?… 1982
88. CHARY, Frederick B. – The Bulgarian Jews and the final… 1972
89. [Chernaia kniga. English.] – The black book: the ruthless… 1981
90. CHOLAWSKI, Shalom. – Soldiers from the ghetto. 1980
91. Christianity and Judaism: the deepening dialogue. 1983
92. CLARE, George, 1920 – Last waltz in Vienna: the… 1981
93. COHEN, Arthur Allen, 1928 – The tremendum: a theological… 1981
94. COHEN, Asher, 1936 – The Halutz Resistance in Hungary,… 1986
95. COHEN, Brigitte-Fanny. – Elie Wiesel. 1987
96. COHEN, Michael Joseph, 1940 – Churchill and the Jews. 1985
97. COHEN, Myriam B. – Elie Wiesel: variations sur le… 1988
98. COHEN, Richard I. – The burden of conscience: French… 1987
99. Confronting omnicide: Jewish reflections on weapons of mass… 1991
100. Confronting the Holocaust: the impact of Elie Wiesel. 1978
101. Contemporary Jewry: studies in honor of Moshe Davis. 1984
102. Contemporary views on the Holocaust. 1983
103. Coping with the past: Germany and Austria after 1945. 1990
104. COSTANZA, Mary S. – The living witness : art in the… 1982
105. CZARNECKI, Joseph P. – Last traces : the lost art of… 1989
106. CZERNIAKOW, Adam, 1880-1942. – The Warsaw diary of Adam… 1979
107. DAWIDOWICZ, Lucy S. – From that place and time: a… 1989
108. DAWIDOWICZ, Lucy S. – The Holocaust and the historians. 1981
109. DAWIDOWICZ, Lucy S. – The Jewish presence : essays on… 1977
110. DAWIDOWICZ, Lucy S. – The war against the Jews, 1933-1945. 1975
111. DAWIDOWICZ, Lucy S.- The war against the Jews, 1933-1945. 1976
112. Days of remembrance, 1989: planning guide, April 30-May 7, 1989. 1989
113. The Death camp Treblinka: a documentary. 1979
114. DELPECH, Francois, 1935-1982. – Sur les juifs ; etudes d’histoire… 1983
115. Deportation of the Jews to the east: Stettin, 1940, to Hungary,… 1982
116. DES PRES, Terrence. – The survivor: an anatomy of life… 1976
117. DES PRES, Terrence. – The survivor: an anatomy of life… 1980
118. Deutsche, Polen, Juden: ihre Beziehungen von den Anfangen bis ins… 1987
119. DEUTSCHKRON, Inge. – Outcast: a Jewish girl in wartime… 1989
120. DICKER, Herman, 1914 – Creativity, Holocaust,… 1984
121. DINNERSTEIN, Leonard. – America and the survivors of the… 1982
122. Documents on the Holocaust: selected sources on the destruction… 1981
123. DONAT, Alexander. – The Holocaust kingdom : a memoir. 1978
124. DONESON, Judith E. – The Holocaust in American film. 1987
125. DORIAN, Emil, 1893-1956. – The quality of witness : a… 1982
126. DOSCHER, Hans-Jurgen, 1943 – Das Auswartige Amt im Dritten… 1987
127. DWORK, Deborah. – Children with a star : Jewish… 1991
128. DWORZECKI, Mark, 1908 – La victoire du ghetto. 1973
129. Das Echo : Widerhall auf Simon Wiesenthal. 1979
130. Echoes from the Holocaust: philosophical reflections on a dark time. 1988
131. ECKARDT, A. Roy 1918 – Long night’s journey into day :… 1982
132. ECKMAN, Lester Samuel. – The Jewish resistance : the… 1977
133. EDELHEIT, Abraham J. – Bibliography on Holocaust literature. 1986
134. EDELHEIT, Abraham J. – Bibliography on Holocaust literature. 1990
135. EDELSTEIN, Dov Beril. – Worlds torn asunder. 1985
136. Eichmann interrogated: transcripts from the archives of the… 1983
137. [Eichmann-Protokoll. English.] – Eichmann interrogated :… 1983
138. The Einsatzgruppen or murder commandos. 1982
139. EISEN, George, 1943 – Children and play in the Holocaust… 1988
140. EISNER, Jack. – The survivor. 1980
141. EISNER, Jack. – The survivor. 1982
142. EITINGER, Leo, 1912 – The psychological and medical… 1985
143. ELKINS, Michael. – Forged in fury. 1971
144. ELLIS, Marc H. – Beyond innocence and redemption :… 1990
145. ELLIS, Marc H. – Toward a Jewish theology of… 1987
146. Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. 1990
147. ENGEL, David. – In the shadow of Auschwitz : the… 1987
148. EPSTEIN, Helen, 1947 – Children of the Holocaust :… 1979
149. EPSTEIN, Leslie. – King of the Jews. 1979
150. EZRAHI, Sidra DeKoven. – By words alone : the Holocaust in… 1980
151. Facing the Holocaust: selected Israeli fiction. 1985
152. FACKENHEIM, Emil L. – God’s presence in history: Jewish… 1970
153. FACKENHEIM, Emil L. – The Jewish return into history :… 1978
154. FACKENHEIM, Emil L. – The Jewish thought of Emil… 1987
155. FACKENHEIM, Emil L. – To mend the world : foundations of… 1982
156. Faith and freedom: a tribute to Franklin H. Littell. 1987
157. FALSTEIN, Louis. – The martyrdom of Jewish physicians… 1964
158. FEIG, Konnilyn G. – Hitler’s death camps : the sanity… 1981
159. FEIN, Helen, 1934 – Accounting for genocide : national… 1979
160. FENELON, Fania. – Playing for time. 1977
161. FERENCZ, Benjamin B. 1920 – Less than slaves: Jewish forced… 1979
162. The “Final solution” in the extermination camps and the aftermath. 1982
163. FINE, Ellen S. – Legacy of night, the literary… 1982
164. FINGER, Seymour Maxwell, 1915 – American Jewry during the Holocaust. 1984
165. FINK, Ida. – A scrap of time and other stories. 1987
166. FISHER, Julius S., 1892-1965. – Transnistria: The forgotten cemetery. 1969
167. FISHMAN, Joshua A. – Studies in modern Jewish social… 1973
168. FLEMING, Gerald. – Hitler and the final solution. 1984
169. FORTUNOFF VIDEO ARCHIVE FOR HOLOCAUST TESTIMONIES. – Guide to Yale University Library Holocaust video testimonies. 1990
170. FRANK, Anne, 1929-1945. – The diary of a young girl. 1952
171. FRANK, Anne, 1929-1945. – The diary of a young girl. 1952
172. FRANK, Anne, 1929-1945. – The diary of Anne Frank : the… 1989
173. FRANKL, Viktor Emil. – Man’s search for meaning. 1985
174. FRANKL, Viktor Emil. – Man’s search for meaning; an… 1963
175. FRANKL, Viktor Emil. – Man’s search for meaning : an… 1984
176. Frauen-Verfolgung und Widerstand. 1987
177. FREED, James Ingo. – The United States Holocaust… 1990
178. FREY, Robert Seitz, 1955 – The imperative of response : the… 1985
179. FRIED, Erich. – Angst und Trost : Erzahlungen und… 1983
180. FRIEDLANDER, Albert H. – Out of the whirlwin : a reader of… 1976
181. FRIEDLANDER, Saul, 1932 – A conflict of memories?: the new… 1987
182. FRIEDLANDER, Saul, 1932 – When memory comes. 1979
183. FRIEDMAN, Maurice S. – Abraham Joshua Heschel & Elie… 1987
184. FRIEDMAN, Philip, 1901-1960. – Roads to extinction: essays on… 180
185. FRIEDMAN, Saul S., 1937 – No haven for the oppressed; United… 1973
186. FRIEDMAN, Saul S., 1937 – The Oberammergau Passion Play : a… 1984
187. From a ruined garden: the memorial books of Polish Jewry. 1983
188. From destruction to rebirth: the Holocaust and the State of Israel. 1978
189. GELLERT, Charles Lawrence. – The Holocaust, Israel, and the… 1989
190. GELMAN, Charles, 1920 – Do not go gentle : a memoir of… 1989
191. Generations of the Holocaust. 1982
192. Genocide : a critical bibliographic review. 1988
193. Genocide and human rights : a global anthology. 1982
194. Genocide and retribution : the Holocaust in Hungarian-ruled… 1983
195. Genocide, critical issues of the Holocaust : a companion to the… 1983
196. Germans and Jews since the holocaust : the changing situation in… 1986
197. Getto Litzmannstadt : Bilanz eines nationalsozialistischen… 1986
198. GEVE, Thomas, 1929 – Guns and barbed wire : a child… 1987
199. GIES, Miep, 1909 – Anne Frank remembered : the story… 1987
200. GILBERT, Martin, 1936 – Atlas of the Holocaust. 1982
201. GILBERT, Martin, 1936 – Atlas of the holocaust. 1988
202. GILBERT, Martin, 1936 – Final journey : the fate of the… 1979
203. GILBERT, Martin, 1936 – The Macmillan atlas of the Holocaust. 1982
204. GILL, Anton. – The journey back from hell : an… 1988
205. GILL, Anton. – The journey back from hell :… 1988
206. GLATSTEIN, Jacob, 1896-1971. – Anthology of holocaust literature,. 1973
207. GLATZER, Nahum Norbert, 1903 – The Judaic tradition; texts,. 1969
208. GOLDBERG, Michel, 1938 – Namesake. 1982
209. GORDON, Sarah Ann. – Hitler, Germans, and the “Jewish… 198
210. GRAF, Malvina. – The Krakow ghetto and the Plaszow… 1989
211. GRIFFITHS, David B. – A critical bibliography of… 1988
212. GROSMAN, Haikah. – The underground army : fighters of… 1987
213. GROSS, Leonard. – The last Jews in Berlin. 1982
214. GROSS, Leonard. – The last Jews in Berlin. 1983
215. GROSSMAN, David. – See under-love. 1989
216. GROSSMAN, David. – See under-love. 1990
217. GROSSMAN, Mendel. – With a camera in the ghetto. 1972
218. GROSSMAN, Mendel. – With a camera in the ghetto. 1977
219. Guide to Wisconsin Survivors of the Holocaust : a documentation… 1983
220. GURDUS, Luba Krugman. – The death train : a personal… 1978
221. GURSAN-SALZMANN, Ayse. – The last Jews of Radauti. 1983
222. GUTMAN, Israel. – The Holocaust and its significance. 1984
223. GUTMAN, Israel. – The Jews of Warsaw, 1939-1943 :… 1982
224. GUTMAN, Israel. – Unequal victims : Poles and Jews… 1986
225. HAAS, Albert, 191 1- The doctor and the damned. 1984
226. HAAS, Peter J. – Morality after Auschwitz : the… 1988
227. Haben Sie davon gewusst? : dt. Antworten. 1979
228. HADARI, Zeev. – Voyage to freedom : an episode in… 1985
229. HaSTRUP, Jorgen. – Passage to Palestine : young Jews… 1983
230. HALPERIN, Irving, 1922 – Messengers from the dead;… 1970
231. Hasidic tales of the Holocaust. 1982
232. HASS, Aaron. – In the shadow of the Holocaust :… 1990
233. HAUSNER, Gideon, 1915 – Justice in Jerusalem. 1966
234. HECHT, Ingeborg. – Invisible walls : a German family… 1985
235. HEILBRONN, Max. – Galeries Lafayette, Buchenwald,… 1989
236. HEINEMANN, Marlene E., 1948 – Gender and destiny : women writers… 1986
237. HELFGOTT HYETT, Barbara. – In evidence : poems of the… 1986
238. [Hem hayu rabim. English.] – Jewish partisans : a documentary… 1982
239. HEMMENDINGER, Judith. – Les enfants de Buchenwald : que… 1984
240. HENRY, Frances, 1931 – Victims and neighbors : a small… 1984
241. HEYDECKER, Joe Julius, 1916 – Where is thy brother Abel? :… 1981
242. HEYEN, William, 1940 – Erika, poems of the Holocaust. 1984
243. HEYMAN, Eva, 1931-1944. – The diary of Eva Heyman. 1988
244. HEYMONT, Irving. – Among the survivors of the… 1982
245. HILBERG, Raul, 1926 – The destruction of the European Jews. 1985
246. HILBERG, Raul, 1926 – Documents of destruction; Germany… 1971
247. HILLESUM, Etty, 1914-1943. – An interrupted life : the diaries… 1983
248. HILLESUM, Etty, 1914-1943. – Letters from Westerbork. 1987
249. HILLGRUBER, Andreas.- Zweierlei Untergang : die… 1986
250. HIRSHAUT, Julien. – Jewish martyrs of Pawiak. 1982
251. Historikerstreit : die Dokumentation der Kontroverse um die… 1987
252. The Holocaust. 1977
253. The Holocaust : a study of genocide. 1979
254. The Holocaust : an annotated bibliography and resource guide. 1985
255. The Holocaust as historical experience : essays and a discussion. 1981
256. The Holocaust as interruption. 1984
257. The Holocaust in Hungary : an anthology of Jewish response. 1982
258. The Holocaust in Hungary : forty years later. 1985
259. HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL SYMPOSIUM, New York, 1979. – Holocaust survivors : psychological and social sequelae : [papers]. 1980
260. A Holocaust reader. 1976
261. Holocaust : religious and philosophical implications. 1989
262. The Holocaust : selected documents in eighteen volumes. 1982
263. HUBERBAND, Shimon, 1909-1942. Kiddush Hashem : Jewish religious… 1987
264. HUNEKE, Douglas K. – The Moses of Rovno : the stirring… 1985
265. HUTTENBACH, Henry R. – The destruction of the Jewish… 1981
266. HYAMS, Joe. – A field of buttercups. 1968
267. I didn’t say goodbye = Je ne lui ai pas dit au revoir. 1984
268. Imposed Jewish governing bodies under Nazi rule; Yivo Colloquium,… 1972
269. INSDORF, Annette. – Indelible shadows : film and the… 1983
270. INSDORF, Annette. – Indelible shadows : film and the… 1983
271. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE HOLOCAUST AND GENOCIDE 1982 : Tel Aviv,… – Toward the understanding and prevention of genocide :… 1984
272. INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARS’ CONFERENCE, 1st, Wayne State University, 1970. – The German church struggle and the Holocaust. 1974
273. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE HOLOCAUST, Cathedral of St. John the… – Auschwitz, beginning of a new era? : Reflections on the… 1976
274. IOANID, Radu. – The sword of the archangel :… 1990
275. IRWIN-ZARECKA, Iwona. – Neutralizing memory : the Jew in… 1989
276. Ist der Nationalsozialismus Geschichte? : zu Historisierung und… 1987
277. The Italian refuge : rescue of Jews during the Holocaust. 1989
278. JACKEL, Eberhard. – Hitler in history. 1984
279. JACKSON, Livia Bitton. – Elli : coming of age in the… 1980
280. JACOBS, Maria. – Precautions against death. 1983
281. [Je ne lui ai pas dit au…] – I didn’t say goodbye. 1984
282. The Jewish catastrophe in Europe,. 1968
283. The Jewish communities of Nazi-occupied Europe. 1982
284. Jewish leadership during the Nazi era : patterns of behavior in… 1985
285. Jewish life and suffering as mirrored in English and American… 1987
286. Jews and Christians after the Holocaust. 1982
287. The Jews in Poland. 1986
288. The Jews of Czechoslovakia; historical studies and surveys. 1968
289. JONG, L. de 1914- The Netherlands and Nazi Germany. 1990
290. The Judaic tradition : texts. 1982
291. Judaism and Christianity under the impact of national socialism. 1987
292. Die Juden im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland = The Jews in… 1986
293. The Judicial system and the Jews in Nazi Germany. 1982
294. Judisches Leben in Deutschland seit 1945. 1986
295. Les Juifs dans la resistance et la liberation : histoire,… 1985
296. KAHN, Erich Itor, 1905-1956. [Selections.] CRI, 1988. SOUND RECORDING
297. KANTOR, Alfred, 1923 – The book of Alfred Kantor. 1971
298. KAPLAN, Chaim Aron, 1880 – Scroll of agony; the Warsaw diary… 1965
299. KAPLAN, Chaim Aron, 1880 – The Warsaw diary of Chaim A. Kaplan. 1973
300. KARMEL-WOLFE, Henia. – Marek and Lisa : a novel. 1984
301. KATZ, Alfred, 1938 – Poland’s ghettos at war. 1970
302. KATZ, Robert, 1933 – Black Sabbath: a journey through a… 1969
303. KATZ, Steven T., 1944- Post-holocaust dialogues :… 1983
304. KATZENELSON, Itzhak, 1886- The song of the murdered Jewish… 1980
305. KAUFMANN, Francine, 1947- Pour relire le Dernier des justes… 1986
306. KENEALLY, Thomas. – Schindler’s list. 1982
307. KINUS LI-VE’AYOT HA-‘AMIDAH HA-YEHUDIT BI-TEKUFAT HA-SHO’AH (1968 :… – Jewish resistance during the Holocaust; proceedings of the… 1971
308. KIS, Danilo, 1935- Hourglass. 1990
309. KL Auschwitz seen by the SS. 1984
310. KLARSFELD, Beate, 1939- Wherever they may be!. 1975
311. KLARSFELD, Serge, 1935- Additif au Memorial de la… 1980
312. KLARSFELD, Serge, 1935- The children of Izieu : a human… 1985
313. KLARSFELD, Serge, 1935- Le memorial de la deportation des… 1978
314. KLARSFELD, Serge, 1935- Memorial to the Jews deported from… 1983
315. KLARSFELD, Serge, 1935- Vichy-Auschwitz : le role de Vichy… 1983
316. KOBLIK, Steven. – The stones cry out : Sweden’s… 1988
317. KOHN, Gary J. – The Jewish experience : a guide to… 1986
318. KOHNER, Hanna. – Hanna and Walter : a love story. 1984
319. KOPPEL, Gene. – Elie Wiesel: a small measure of… 1974
320. KORCZAK, Janusz, 1878-1942. – The Warsaw Ghetto memoirs of… 1979
321. KORMAN, Gerd. – Hunter and hunted; human history… 1973
322. KORWIN, Yala H., 1923- To tell the story : poems of the… 1987
323. KOVNER, Abba, 1918- My little sister and selected… 1986
324. KRAKOWSKI, Shmuel. – The war of the doomed : Jewish… 1984
325. KRALL, Hanna. – Shielding the flame : an intimate… 1986
326. KRANZLER, David, 1930- Thy brother’s blood : the Orthodox… 1987
327. KRAUSNICK, Helmut. – Die Truppe des… 1981
328. KREMER, S. Lillian, 1939 – Witness through the imagination :… 1989
329. KREN, George M., 1926 – The Holocaust and the crisis of… 1980
330. [Kronika getta lodzkiego….] – The chronicle of the Lodz ghetto,… 1984
331. KUBAR, Zofia S. – Double identity : a memoir. 1989
332. KUEHN, Heinz R. – Mixed blessings : an almost… 1988
333. KULKA, Erich. – Escape from Auschwitz. 1986
334. KUPER, Jack. – Child of the holocaust. 1968
335. KVIATKOVSKI-PINCHASIK, Rivka. – Elef pa’am lamah? 1973
336. LAKS, Szymon, 1901- Music of another world. 1989
337. LALOUM, Jean. – La France antisemite de Darquier… 1979
338. LAMBERT, Gilles. – Operation Hazalah. 1974
339. LAMBERT, Raymond-Raoul, 1894- Carnet d’un temoin : 1940-1943. 1985
340. LANG, Berel. – Act and idea in the Nazi genocide. 1990
341. LANGER, Lawrence L. – The holocaust and the literary… 1975
342. LANGER, Lawrence L. – Holocaust testimonies : the ruins… 1991
343. LANGER, Lawrence L. – Versions of survival : the… 1982
344. LANZMANN, Claude. – Shoah : an oral history of the… 1985
345. LAQUEUR, Walter, 1921 – Breaking the silence. 1986
346. LAQUEUR, Walter, 1921 – The terrible secret : suppression… 1980
347. LASKA, Vera, 1923 – Nazism, resistance & holocaust in… 1985
348. Lebenszeichen aus Piaski. Briefe Deportierter aus dem Distrikt… 1968
349. LEBOUCHER, Fernande. – Incredible mission. 1969
350. LEBOW, Barbara. – A shayna maidel. 1988
351. LEDERER, Zdenek. – Ghetto Theresienstadt. 1983
352. Legalizing the Holocaust, the later phase, 1939-1943. 1982
353. LEISER, Erwin, 1923- Leben nach dem Uberleben : dem… 1982
354. LEITNER, Isabella. – Fragments of Isabella : a memoir… 1978
355. LEITNER, Isabella. – Saving the fragments : from… 1985
356. LESTER, Elenore, 1919 – Wallenberg, the man in the iron web. 1982
357. LEVAI, Jeno. – Hungarian Jewry and the Papacy:… 1968
358. LEVI, Primo. – Autoritratto di Primo Levi. 1987
359. LEVI, Primo. – The drowned and the saved. 1988
360. LEVI, Primo. – If not now, when? 1985
361. LEVI, Primo. – Se questo e un uomo. 1982
362. LEVI, Primo. – I sommersi e i salvati. 1986
363. LEVI, Primo. – Survival in Auschwitz ; and, The… 1986
364. LEVIN, Dov, 1925 Jan. 27 – Fighting back : Lithuanian Jewry’s… 1985
365. LEVY, Claude, 1925 – Betrayal at the Vel d’Hiv. 1969
366. LEVY-HASS, Hanna. – Inside Belsen. 1982
367. LEWIN, Abraham, 1893-1943. – A cup of tears : a diary of the… 1988
368. LICHTENSTEIN, Heiner, 1932 – Raoul Wallenberg, Retter von… 1982
369. Life, struggle, and uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto : exhibition. 1963
370. LIFTON, Robert Jay, 1926 – The genocidal mentality : Nazi… 1990
371. LIFTON, Robert Jay, 1926 – The Nazi doctors : medical killing… 1986
372. LIPSTADT, Deborah E. – Beyond belief : the American press… 1986
373. The Literature of destruction : Jewish responses to catastrophe. 1988
374. LITTMAN, Sol, 1920 – War criminal on trial : the Rauca… 1983
375. Living after the holocaust : reflections by the post-war… 1976
376. Lodz ghetto : inside a community under siege. 1989
377. LOOKSTEIN, Haskel. – Were we our brothers’ keepers? :… 1985
378. The Lost generation : children in the Holocaust. 1982
379. LUBAC, Henri de, 1896 – Christian resistance to… 1990
380. LUSTIG, Arnost. – Children of the Holocaust : the… 1976
381. LUSTIG, Arnost. – Darkness casts no shadow. 1976
382. LUSTIG, Arnost. – Diamonds of the night. 1978
383. LUSTIG, Arnost. – Diamonds of the night. 1986
384. LUSTIG, Arnost. – Night and hope. 1976
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