After the Roundup
Joseph Weismann – Remembering with After the Roundup
Joseph Weismann's story is remembered for Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) 2020.
Joseph Weismann - After the Roundup
On the nights of July 16 and 17, 1942, French police rounded up eleven-year-old Joseph Weismann, his family,...
France during the Holocaust
After the Roundup by Joseph Weismann – Part 1 of Chapter 3
See on AmazonAfter the Roundup Graphic Novel
Chapter 3 of After the Roundup book After the Roundup
"During the night of July 16-17, 1942, twelve thousand eight hundred forty-four Jewish men, women,...
Holocaust History
Liberation of Auschwitz 75 years later – a poem
As the world commemorates the Liberation of Auschwitz after 75 years, strange things are happening. At we focus on people's history, not the political games or storytelling surrounding the events at Auschwitz, especially...
Forever Alert - German Child Survivors in Actiojn
Forever Alert German Child Survivors in Action Before 1945 and Beyond by Philipp Sonntag
Forever Alert
German Child Survivors in Action
Before 1945 and Beyond 2019 by Philipp Sonntag
A new book, published by Child Survivors Germany in October 2019.
Publisher Beggerow in Berlin, 240 pages; ISBN 987-3-936103-75-5, 16.- €, see
Get the...
Education and the Holocaust
Holocaust Curriculum for Middle School and High School 7-12 (Part 2)
When looking for a Holocaust Curriculum for middle school and high school, the following is shared from:Holocaust Curriculum for Middle School
for Human Rights and Genocide
Published for the California State Board of Education
Part 1 of...
Education and the Holocaust
Holocaust Curriculum Model Part 1 – K-6
Holocaust Curriculum
for Human Rights and Genocide
Published for the California State Board of Education NOTE: The Holocaust Curriculum shared below is from a class taught by two of the original advisors to, and is shared...
Holocaust History
Abe’s Story Yahrzeit and Anniversary – on Abram Korn’s Yahrzeit, our thanks….
Today is the day of the Abe's Story Yahrzeit, and on this day I'll share a story of friendship and hope developed over 23 years.If you visit and wonder who the gentleman in...
Holocaust Books By Survivors
Allach Liberation – How Dark the Heavens by Sidney Iwens Conclusion
|| Return to How Dark the Heavens ||November 1944 to Allach Liberation on April 30, 1945
This material, copyright 1990 by Sidney Iwens, is excerpted from his prize-winning book "How Dark the Heavens". This conclusion includes the...