Homosexuality and the Holocaust – Gays, the Holocaust, and the Pink Triangle

Homosexuality and the Holocaust - Aimee and Jaguar

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Gays, the Holocaust, and the Pink Triangle

Click on title below to read more about Homosexuality and the Holocaust

RELATED Remember.org Page:

Homosexuals in the Holocaust

Thanks to S. Kevin Wojtaszek for suggesting this page and sending us to Scott A. Safier and his page,

The Pink Triangle Pages (no longer online), who thanks Matthew Priest at the University of Texas for this.

Homosexuality and the Holocaust – Bibliography


Homosexuality and the Holocaust - Hidden from History

Homosexuality and the Holocaust - the Pink Triangle


Homosexuality and the Holocaust FILM:

Desire: Sexuality in Germany 1910-1945 (documentary: almost exclusively homosexual issues) Produced for BBC Channel 4 ca. 1989–available via the US Holocaust Museum.