- The Holocaust History Project
The Holocaust History Project was formed in 1997 both to respond to the fraudulent claims of Holocaust-deniers and to document that period of history. The site provides an email question-and-answer service, for all questions relating to the Holocaust, at questions@holocaust-history.org
- Holocaust publications reviews and discussion group
This site is a must visit. “H-Holocaust exists so scholars of the Holocaust can communicate with each other using this innovative and exciting new technology, and makes available diverse bibliographical, research, and teaching aids.”
- Human Rights USA
The HUMAN RIGHTS USA web site is being used to Educate, Communicate,Advocate, and Commemorate for human rights. On the site one may share human rights classroom lessons and activities, gather resources from the extensive bibliography listing, and use the interactive web forums to communicate with people working on human rights around the world. Many ideas and tools for advocating and protecting human rights are available, including a list of community action ideas. Visitors to the site can write to Congress directly using our web tools.
- International Association of Lesbian and Gay Children of Holocaust Survivors
I started two websites for second generation groups. One is a small site for a town which had 2,000 Jews in 1932 .
- Nuremberg War Crimes Trials
One of our most important projects is mounting the full proceedings of the Trial of the Major German War Criminals. We have so far mounted volumes 1-4 as well as numerous supporting documents..