Homosexuals in the Holocaust

Return to WitnessesHomosexuals in the Holocaust faced a disturbing reality, as an estimated 500,000 were killed. Coming out of the 1920's which was a more open time for homosexuals in the Weimar...

T4 Medical Killing Program

T4 Medical Killing Program The camouflage organization created for the medical killing of adults was known as the Reich Work Group of Sanatoriums and Nursing Homes (Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft Heil- und Pflegeanstalten, or RAG). It operated from...

Holocaust survivor: Alfredo F. Vorshirm

 Return to Witnesses Holocaust survivor: Alfredo F. Vorshirm Dear Friend,It is the interest of this 74 y/o Holocaust survivor to have his message distributed and view as widely as possible, for the purpose mentioned in the...

Ellen Nielsen Story

Return to Witnesses Ellen Nielsen StoryMrs. Ellen Nielsen, who lived in a town near Copenhagen, lost her husband in 1941, and became a fishmonger on the Copenhagen docks ...

Escapees from Auschwitz – Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Weczler

 Escapees from Auschwitz "On April 7, 1944, two Slovakian Jews, twenty-six-year-old Alfred Weczler and twenty-year-old Rudolf Vrba, escaped from Auschwitz. They provided the first eyewitness account of the concentration and extermination camp to the western...

Numbers of Holocaust Refugees That Canada (Didn’t) Accept

Return to WitnessesNumbers of Holocaust Refugees That Canada (Didn't) Accept "During the twelve years of Nazi terror, from 1933 to 1945, while the United States accepted more than 200,000 Jewish refuges; Palestine, 125,000;...

A Russian Soldier and Helen L.

Return to Witnesses A Russian Soldier and Helen L.When Toby and I were going from Grössmollen, from where we were liberated, to Lodz, to the Displaced...

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