Women Writing the Holocaust Books:
Recommended Books Submitted By A Survivor and a Student of the Holocaust
the following are from Women Writing the Holocaust books, part of a thesis shared from Catherine Bernard.
Click on title to read more about it and order.
“Fragments Of Isabella” by Isabella Leitner, Dell Publishing Co.
Isabella : From Auschwitz to Freedom; Isabella Leitner, Irving A. Leitner; Paperback; $11.65
Auschwitz and After; Charlotte Delbo, Rosette C. Lamont; Hardcover; $22.50
“A Season for Healing”, reflections on the Holocaust, by Anne Roiphe, Summit Books, N.Y./ London/ Toronto/ Sydney/ Tokyo
“An Interrupted Life” by Etty Hillesum, $5.39 Pantheon Books, New York.
Different Voices : Women and the Holocaust; Carol Ann Rittner, et al; Hardcover; $24.26
Different Voices : Women and the Holocaust; Carol Ann Rittner, et al; Paperback; $17.06
Making Stories, Making Selves : Feminist Reflections on the Holocaust; R. Ruth Linden; Paperback; $14.95
From Ashes to Life : My Memories of the Holocaust; Lucille Eichengreen; Paperback; $16.16
A Partisan’s Memoir : Woman of the Holocaust; Faye Schulman, Sarah Silberstein Swartz; Paperback; $14.35
Women in the Resistance and in the Holocaust : The Voices of Eyewitnesses; Vera Laska; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)
The Women of Terezin; Cara Desilva; Hardcover; $25.00 (Special Order)
Women of Theresienstadt : Voices from a Concentration Camp; Ruth Schwertfeger; Hardcover; $29.95 (Special Order)
Writing As Resistance : Four Women Confronting the Holocaust : Edith Stein, Simone Weil, Anne Frank, Etty Hillesum; Rachel Feldhay Brenner; Hardcover (Not Yet Published)