Completed Search : Hanna ROUBICKOV (AREND)

You could help us to find Hanna ROUBICKOV (maiden name AREND)

Hanna ROUBICKOV (maiden name AREND) had qualified as an Engineer in Czechoslovakia.

Wife of an attorney, last residence in Prague until 13.4.1949 Praha XVIII, Stresovicka 50.

Daughter of Richard Arend and Gabriela, nee Guttmanova.
She was a sister of Otto Arend, born in Prague on 20.2.1908, died on 24.12.1944 in Riedeloh

13.4.1949 emigrated to Haifa Israel.

Hanna was a cousin of Eva AREND (married name PODVINCOV) originally from Prague, who emigrated to Australia.

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