Researching Survivors, Survival, and Children of Survivors…157 books,
listed alphabetically by title
Click on title to read more about it and order. After the Holocaust : The Long Road to Freedom; Erna F. Rubinstein; Paperback; $17.50
The Aftermath : Living With the Holocaust; Aaron Hass; Hardcover; $20.66
Anna Is Still Here; Ida Vos, et al; Paperback; $3.59
The Boy from over There; Tamar Bergman; Library Binding; $5.00
The Boy from over There (Sandpiper Houghton Mifflin Books); Tamar Bergman, Hillel Halkin; Paperback; $4.45
Children During the Nazi Reign : Psychological Perspective on the Interview Process; Judith S. Kestenberg, et al; Hardcover; $55.00
Conversations With Primo Levi; Ferdinando Camon, John Shepley; Paperback; $17.91
The Court of Blue Shadows : A Novel; Maynard Allington; Hardcover; $20.66
Dachau : The Harrowing of Hell; Marcus J. Smith; Paperback; $16.95
David and Jonathan; Cynthia Voigt; Hardcover; $13.45
David and Jonathan; Cynthia Voigt; Mass Market Paperback; $3.56
Don’t Forget; Pat Lakin, Ted Rand; Library Binding; $13.93
Don’t Forget; Patricia Lakin, Ted Rand; Hardcover; $12.60
Emotional Arithmetic; Matt Cohen; Hardcover; $17.96
Facing the Abusing God : A Theology of Protest; David R. Blumenthal; Paperback; $24.30
Fear and Hope : Three Generations of the Holocaust; Dan Bar-On; Hardcover; $39.95
Flying Lessons; Nava Semel, Hillel Halkin; School & Library Binding; $12.60
The Forgotten; Elie Wiesel, Stephen Becker; Paperback; $10.80
Generations of the Holocaust; Martin S. Bergmann; Paperback; $18.50
Grace in the Wilderness : After the Liberation, 1945-1948; Aranka Siegal; Paperback; $4.49
The Holocaust : Bearing Witness Liberation and the Nuremberg Trials; Stuart A. Kallen; Library Binding; $19.98
The Holocaust Lady; Ruth Minsky Sender; School & Library Binding; $13.45
How to Document Victims and Locate Survivors of the Holocaust : Documenting Victims, Locating Survivors (Avotaynu Monograph); Gary Mokotoff; Paperback; $25.95
The Importance of Oskar Schindler; Jack L. Roberts; Hardcover; $22.59
Isabella : From Auschwitz to Freedom; Isabella Leitner, Irving A. Leitner; Paperback; $11.65
Jewish Heritage Travel : A Guide to East-Central Europe; Ruth Ellen Gruber; Paperback; $15.26
The Jews in Germany, 1945-1993 : The Building of a Minority; Michael Cohn; Hardcover; $47.95
Jews, Germans, Memory : Reconstructions of Jewish Life in Germany (Social History, Popular Culture, and Politics in Germany); Y. Michal Bodemann; Hardcover; $54.50
The Lady With the Hat; Uri Orlev, Hillel Halkin; Hardcover; $13.45
Meshugah; Isaac Bashevis Singer, et al; Paperback; $9.85
Missing Pieces : Stories; Stanislaw Benski, Walter Arndt; Paperback; $8.05
Mr. Sammler’s Planet; Saul Bellow; Paperback; $9.90
Mr. Sammler’s Planet (Penguin Twentieth Century Classics); Saul Bellow, et al; Paperback; $10.75
Nightfather; Carl Friedman, et al; Hardcover; $16.65
One Yellow Daffodil : A Hanukkah Story; David A. Adler, Lloyd Bloom; Hardcover; $14.40
Pictures at an Exhibition; D. M. Thomas, D.M. Thomas; Paperback; $9.85
Promises to Keep; Ernest W. Michel; Hardcover; $19.80
The Reawakening; Primo Levi, Stuart Woolf; Paperback; $9.90
Running the Palestine Blockade : The Last Voyage of the Paducah; Rudolph W. Patzert; Hardcover; $25.16
Schindler’s Legacy : True Stories of the List Surviors; Elinor J. Brecher; Paperback; $13.45
Schindler’s Legacy : True Stories of the List Survivors; Elinor J. Brecher; Hardcover; $24.75
Schindler’s Legacy : True Stories of the List Survivors/Cassette; Elinor J. Brecher; Audio Cassette; $9.90
Shattered Faith : A Holocaust Legacy; Leon Weliczker Wells; Hardcover; $17.96
Simon Wiesenthal : A Life in Search of Justice; Hella Pick; Hardcover; $26.96
Sophie’s Choice; William Styron; Paperback; $11.70
Speaking Out : Jewish Voices from United Germany; Susan Stern; Hardcover; $17.96
Tunes for Bears to Dance to; Robert Cormier; Hardcover; $13.50
Tunes for Bears to Dance to; Robert Cormier; Mass Market Paperback; $3.59
Twilight : A Novel; Elie Wiesel, et al; Paperback; $10.80
Under the Domin Tree; Gila Almagor, Hillel Schenker; School & Library Binding; $13.50
The Uprooted : A Hitler Legacy : Voices of Those Who Escaped Before the ‘Final Solution’; Dorit Bader Whiteman; Hardcover; $28.95
Vanishing Diaspora : The Jews in Europe Since 1945; Bernard Wasserstein; Paperback; $25.16
Voices from the Holocaust; Harry James Cargas; Paperback; $13.45
Voices from the Holocaust; Harry James Cargas; Hardcover; $21.60
We Survived the Holocaust; Elaine Landau; School & Library Binding; $19.71
We Survived the Holocaust; Elaine Landau; Hardcover; $12.55
When They Came to Take My Father– : Voices of the Holocaust; Mark Seliger, et al; Hardcover; $28.00
Who Shall Live, Who Shall Die : A Novel; Daniel Stern; Paperback; $10.75
The Wiesenthal File; Alan Levy; Hardcover; $27.00
After the Deluge : The Landsberg Displaced Personscamp Letters of Major Irving Heymont (Studies in Jjudaica and the Holocaust, No. 13); Irving Heymont, Nathan Kravetz; Paperback; $15.00 (Not Yet Published)
After the Deluge– : The Landsberg Displaced Persons Camp Letters of Major Irving Heymont (Studies in Judaica and the Holocaust, No. 13); Irving Heymont, Nathan Kravetz; Hardcover; $25.00 (Not Yet Published — On Order)
Against All Odds : Holocaust Survivors and the Successful Lives They Made in America (Judaica and Hebraica); William B. Helmreich; Paperback; $21.95 (Special Order)
Against the Tide : Childhood in Czechoslovakia, Life During the Holocaust, Encounters in Postwar Europe, Adjustments to America, Healthy and Vigorous; Harry Weinberg; Hardcover; $18.95 (Special Order)
Agony of Survival; Albert Hutler; Hardcover; $18.95 (Special Order)
Among the Survivors of the Holocaust, 1945 : The Landsberg Dp Camp Letters of Major Irving Heymont, United States Army (Monographs of the American); Irving Heymont; Paperback (Publisher Out Of Stock)
The Anglo-American Committee on Palestine, 1945-1946 (The Rise of Israel, Section Iii, Vol 35); Michael J. Cohen; Hardcover; $99.00 (Special Order)
Anna Is Still Here; Ida Vos, et al; Hardcover; $13.95 (Special Order)
Another Kind of Witness; Bernard F. Stehle; Hardcover; $39.95 (Special Order)
As Long As I Remain Alive : The Autobiography of Low-Number Survivor of Auschwitz; Max R. Garcia; Hardcover; $10.85 (Special Order)
Benjamin and Vladka Meed Registry of Jewish Holocaust Survivors; Hardcover (Not Yet Published)
Black Bread : Poems, After the Holocaust; Blu Greenberg; Hardcover; $20.00 (Special Order)
Bondage to the Dead (Modern Jewish History); Michael Steinlauf; Paperback; $16.95 (Not Yet Published — On Order)
Bondage to the Dead (Modern Jewish History); Michael Steinlauf; Hardcover (Not Yet Published)
The Boy from over There; Tamar Bergman; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)
A Cat Called Adolf (The Library of Holocaust Testimonies); Trude Levi; Paperback; $19.50 (Special Order)
A Chosen Few : The Resurrection of European Jewry; Mark Kurlansky; Hardcover; $24.00 (Special Order)
Dachau : The Harrowing of Hell; Marcus J. Smith; Hardcover; $49.50 (Special Order)
Dachau Song; Paul F. Cummins; Hardcover; $29.95 (Special Order)
David and Jonathan; Cynthia Voigt; Unknown Binding; $10.00 (Special Order)
Embattled Selves : An Investigation into the Nature of Identity Through Oral Histories of Holocaust Survivors; Kenneth Jacobson; Hardcover; $24.00 (Special Order)
The Faith and Doubt of Holocaust Survivors; Reeve Robert Brenner; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)
For Every Sin; Aharon Appelfeld, Jeffrey M. Green; Paperback (Publisher Out Of Stock)
The Free Zone and the Workroom (Ubu Repertory Theatre); Jean-Claude Grumberg; Paperback; $12.95 (Special Order)
Generations of the Holocaust; Martin S. Bergmann, Milton E. Jucovy; Hardcover; $63.00 (Special Order)
Gestapo Crows : Holocaust Poems; Louis Daniel Brodsky; Hardcover; $18.95 (Special Order)
Gestapo Crows : Holocaust Poems; Louis Daniel Brodsky; Paperback; $12.50 (Special Order)
Gestapo Crows : Holocaust Poems/Audio Cassette; Louis Daniel Brodsky; Hardcover; $19.95 (Special Order)
Grace in the Wilderness; Aranka Siegal; School & Library Binding; $15.00 (Special Order)
Grace in the Wilderness : After the Liberation, 1945-1948; Aranka Siegal; Unknown Binding; $11.10 (Special Order)
Great Power Discord in Palestine : The Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry into the Problems of European Jewry and Palestine, 1945-1946; Amikam Nachmani; Hardcover; $47.50 (Special Order)
Healing Their Wounds : Psychotherapy With Holocaust Survivors and Their Families; Paul Marcus, Alan Rosenberg; Hardcover; $55.00 (Special Order)
Hebrew Literature in the Wake of the Holocaust; Leon I. Yudkin; Hardcover; $28.50 (Special Order)
Heroine of Rescue; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)
Holding on to Humanity-The Message of the Holocaust Survivors : The Shamai Davidson Papers; Shamai Davidson, Israel W. Charny; Hardcover; $45.00 (Special Order)
A Hole in the Heart of the World : Being Jewish in Eastern Europe After World War II; Jonathan Kaufman; Hardcover (Not Yet Published)
Holocaust Studies : A Directory and Bibliography of Bibliographies; Martin H. Sable; Hardcover; $20.00 (Special Order)
Holocaust Survivors’ Mental Health; T.L. Brink; Hardcover; $29.95 (Special Order)
Holocaust Testimonies : The Ruins of Memory; Lawrence L. Langer; Hardcover; $39.00 (Special Order)
The Hungarian Jewish Catastrophe : A Selected and Annotated Bibliography (Holocaust Studies Series, Perspectives on the Holocaust); Randolph Braham; Hardcover; $72.00 (Special Order)
In Search of Ashes; Sarah Bick Berkowitz; Hardcover; $9.30 (Special Order)
Jewish Heritage Travel : A Guide to Central and Eastern Europe; Ruth Ellen Gruber; Paperback; $14.95 (Special Order)
Jews in Contemporary East Germany : The Children of Moses in the Land of Marx; Robin Ostow; Hardcover; $45.00 (Special Order)
Kibbutz Buchenwald : Survivors and Pioneers; Judith Tydor Baumel; Hardcover; $48.00 (Not Yet Published — On Order)
Kibbutz Buchenwald : Survivors and Pioneers; Judith Tydor Baumel; Paperback; $17.95 (Not Yet Published — On Order)
Last Barrier to Freedom : Internment of Jewish Holocaust Survivors on Cyprus, 1946-1949; Morris Lamb; Paperback; $9.80 (Special Order)
The Last Witness : The Child Survivor of the Holocaust; Judith S. Kestenberg, Ira Brenner; Hardcover; $36.50 (Special Order)
Madame Rosa/Subtitled; Simone Signoret; VHS Tape; $59.99 (Special Order)
Making Stories, Making Selves : Feminist Reflections on the Holocaust (The Helen Hooven Santmyer Prize in Women’s Studies); Robin Ruth Linden; Hardcover; $39.50 (Special Order)
Maria B; Marion Andre; Hardcover; $15.95 (Special Order)
Meshugah; Isaac Bashevis Singer, Nili Wachtel; Hardcover; $22.00 (Special Order)
Missing Pieces; Hardcover; $19.95 (Special Order)
Mr. Sammler’s Planet; Paperback (Special Order)
My Baltimore Landsmen : A Documentary Novel; Herman Taube; Paperback; $12.95 (Special Order)
Neutralizing Memory : The Jew in Contemporary Poland; Iwona Irwin-Zarecka; Hardcover; $34.95 (Special Order)
The Number Hall; Abraham Boyarsky; Hardcover; $31.95 (Special Order)
The Number Hall; Abraham Boyarsky; Paperback; $15.95 (Special Order)
Obligation to Remember; Washington Post Editors; Paperback; $7.80 (Special Order)
Of Heroes, Hooks and Heirlooms; Faye Silton; Hardcover; $13.45 (Not Yet Published — On Order)
Out of the Ashes : The Impact of American Jews on Post-Holocaust European Jewry; Yehuda Bauer; Hardcover; $54.95 (Special Order)
Out of the Shadows : A Photographic Portrait of Jewish Life in Central Europe Since the Holocaust; Edward Serotta; Hardcover; $49.95 (Special Order)
The Outraged Conscience : Seekers of Justice for Nazi War Criminals in America; Rochelle C. Saidel; Paperback; $16.95 (Special Order)
The Outraged Conscience : Seekers of Justice for Nazi War Criminals in America; Rochelle G. Saidel; Hardcover; $49.50 (Special Order)
Polish Jews in Paris : The Ethnography of Memory (Modern Jewish Experience); Jonathan Boyarin; Hardcover; $10.95 (Special Order)
Postscripts; Paperback (Not Yet Published)
Postscripts (Eagle Large Print); Claire Rayner; Paperback; $17.95 (Special Order)
Postscripts (Eagle Large Print); Claire Rayner; Hardcover; $20.95 (Special Order)
Psychological and Medical Effects of Concentration Camps and Related Persecutions on Survivors of the Holocaust; Robert Krell, Leo Eitinger; Paperback; $39.95 (Special Order)
The Psychological Perspectives of the Holocaust and of Its Aftermath (Holocaust Studies Series. Social Science Monographs); Randolph L. Braham; Hardcover; $66.00 (Special Order)
A Rabbi’s Rovings; Israel Mowshowitz; Hardcover; $20.00 (Special Order)
The Reawakening; Paperback (Special Order)
Rekindling the Flame : American Jewish Chaplains and the Survivors of European Jewry, 1944-1948; Alex Grobman; Hardcover; $28.95 (Special Order)
Remember the Holocaust : A Memoir of Survival; Helen Farkas; Paperback; $10.95 (Special Order)
Risen from the Ashes : A Story of Jewish Displaced Persons in the Aftermath of World War II : Being a Sequel to Survivors (Studies in Judaica and The); Jacob Biber; Hardcover; $28.00 (Special Order)
Risen from the Ashes : A Story of Jewish Displaced Persons in the Aftermath of World War Ii, Being a Sequel to Survivors (Studies in Judaica and The); Jacob Biber; Paperback; $12.95 (Special Order)
The Secret Alliance : The Extraordinary Story of the Rescue of the Jews Since World War II; Ted Szulc; Hardcover; $24.95 (Special Order)
Sentenced to Live; Cecile Klein; Hardcover; $16.95 (Special Order)
Sentenced to Live; Cecile Klein; Paperback; $10.95 (Special Order)
A Special Kind of Mother; Blu Greenberg; Hardcover; $20.00 (Not Yet Published — On Order)
The Success and Failure of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1945-46 : Last Chance in Palestine (Jewish Studies, Vol 3); Allen Howard Podet; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)
Survivors : Children of the Holocaust; Judith Hemmendinger; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)
Survivors of the Holocaust in Poland : A Portrait Based on Jewish Community Records 1944-1947; Lucjan Dobroszycki; Hardcover; $45.95 (Special Order)
Too Young to Remember (Jewish and Holocaust Study); Julie Heifetz; Hardcover; $29.95 (Special Order)
Trauma and Rebirth : Intergenerational Effects of the Holocaust; John J. Sigal, Morton Weinfeld; Hardcover; $55.00 (Special Order)
Tunes for Bears to Dance to; Robert Cormier; Unknown Binding; $10.05 (Special Order)
The Undefeated; Abraham Hyman; Hardcover; $19.99 (Special Order)
Victims and Neighbors : A Small Town in Nazi Germany Remembered; Frances Henry; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)
Victims and Neighbors : A Small Town in Nazi Germany Remembered; Frances Henry; Paperback (Publisher Out Of Stock)
The Victory (Writings from an Unbound Europe); Henryk Grynberg, Richard Lourie; Hardcover; $39.95 (Special Order)
The Victory (Writings from an Unbound Europe); Henryk Grynberg, Richard Lourie; Paperback; $14.95 (Special Order)
Voyage to Freedom; Hardcover (Special Order)
Voyage to Freedom : An Episode in the Illegal Immigration to Palestine; Ze’Ev Venia Hadari, Ze’Ev Tsahor; Hardcover; $22.50 (Special Order)
Voyage to Freedom : An Episode in the Illegal Immigration to Palestine; Ze’Ev Venia Hadari, Ze’Ev Tsahor; Paperback; $11.50 (Special Order)
We Were Children Just Like You; Yaffa Eliach; Paperback; $15.00 (Special Order)
Who Shall Live, Who Shall Die : A Novel; Daniel Stern; Hardcover; $22.50 (Special Order)
Written on Memory : Survivors of the Holocaust; Jeffrey A. Wolin; Paperback (Not Yet Published)
Written on Memory : Survivors of the Holocaust; Jeffrey A. Wolin; Hardcover (Not Yet Published)