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Holocaust Remembrance WebChat
April 16, 1996

Gary Mokotoff
How to Document Victims
and Locate Survivors of the Holocaust
The chat continues while Gary Mokotoff tries to get through some heavy traffic on the Internet. As he arrives, Children of Survivor questions are answered.
Joey Korn (A Cybrary Moderator): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 4:03PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Our next speaker is a child of survivors who has written a book on HOW TO DOCUMENT VICTIMS AND LOCATE SURVIVORS OF THEHOLOCAUST.
Gary Mokotoff has documented over 200 members of his family who perished in the Holocaust. Most people seem to think it is impossible to learn about their lost families. Gary proves that this is not true.
ELF5808 (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:03PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Asstated before, you combat indifference with education, Can you make people care? That’s another story
King of Insanity(): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:04PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
What are we discussing
ANadine(ANadine): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:04PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
How do we combat indifference? Can we? How can we make people care?
ungvar(Always remember . . . Always): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:05PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I think there must be a balance. When anyone’s agenda is overt destruction ofthe bodies and souls of others, it is legitimate for societies to set limits via laws.
The problem is knowing where to draw the line over which rhetoric and action must not cross.
geopolit (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:06PMPDT (-0700 GMT)
“Can you make people care?” Of course. Most of the peoplei n America belong to some ethnic group that has been bitterly persecuted at sometime in the past.
They will respond strongly if proof of an injustice committed is put before them.
CVFchuckf (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16,4:08PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Joey Korn, here’s chuck, been lost for an hour
VIPERMAN3 (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:09PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
CVFchuckf (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:09PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Not receiving over
ungvar (Always remember . . . Always): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 4:09PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Perhaps the media could serve to highlight the heroes, righteous individuals, who speak out and say no to hate and destruction.
If those that speak out are “desirable models” that the majority of folks could identify with and if they show their, heroism, or at least anti-hatred beliefs, it may serve as a model for others to emulate.
Joey Korn (A Cybrary Moderator): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 4:10PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Hi Chuck. Tried to call you and the line was busy so I figured you were trying to get in.
We’ve been having a good discussion about whether to debate deniers or not, whether to control hate groups or not. Why don’t you share you’re opinions?
CVFchuckf (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:15PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Of course we must debate them . Can’t control hate groups. But let them know that we know they lie a lot
mumm (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:15PM PDT(-0700 GMT)
geopolit (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:15PMPDT (-0700 GMT)
The media is afraid to have opinions very much different from those of the average American. Do not put your trust in the media.
Besides, it is we the people who are truly to blame. Peter Jennings can not be expected to bring around an entire nation.
CVFchuckf (): . . .. Tue, Apr 16, 4:16PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Should these nuts just be ignored? Not by me!
Cschmidt (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16,4:16PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I thought one of the accepted ways of dealing with them is to simply ignore them.
DINK_ (lurking): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:17PM PDT(-0700 GMT)
amen to that geopolit
Joey Korn (A Cybrary Moderator): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 4:17PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Ungvar, your message keeps repeating. You may have to delete your old message and send a new one. Nadine, good to see you.
Jutka (Survivor): . . . . Tue, Apr 16,4:17PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Ungvar I agree with you. The people have to hear much more about those who uphold democratic principles and are against Neo_nazis and other extreme right-wing ideologies.
There are all sorts of coalitions being built to that effect. But who is going to educate THE MEDIA to do not jus what profitable i.e the sensational but to do “the right thing.”
CVFchuckf (): . . . . Tue, Apr16, 4:18PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
geopolit, I don’t think the media is afraid, they just have time to do a good job. PBS is where its at.
ungvar(Always remember . . . Always): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:18PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I think there must be a balance. When anyone’s agenda is overt destruction of the bodies and souls of others, it is legitimate for societies to set limits via laws. The problem is knowing where to draw the line over which rhetoric and action must not cross.
Gary Mokotoff (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16,4:19PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Good evening, folks!
savta (savta):. . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:19PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
G’day from Australia. I prefer not to debate with deniers, however they must be constantly challenged. For example we discovered that David Irving had planted some of his nasty stuff on an Australian Library Bulletin Board, that same Board soon had an article describing the construction of the Gas Chambers! Sorry I probably won’t have time to participate again. Good luck with the project Shalom Savta
CVFchuckf (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16,4:20PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
People have to get involved, just like anything else, leave to others, nothing happens
geopolit (): . . . . Tue, Apr16, 4:20PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Well, Jutka, I don’t think the media is all bad. Almost everything that I, for instance, know about the Holocaust, I learned from reading what journalists or scholars wrote about it.
And I certainly am not indifferent to the Holocaust.
Joey Korn (A Cybrary Moderator): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 4:22PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Hi Gary. See you got in. Welcome.
ELF5808 (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:22PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Why not Peter Jennings? There was a time when Walter Cronkite was more believed than the president. No chuck has a good point. Let the groups or individuals out there know that WE know.
ANadine(ANadine): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:23PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Yikes! We all seem to be repeating. At least it repeated a valid point! 🙂
CVFchuckf (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:23PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I spoke to a group at a Synagogue last night 50-60- people, they all felt everyone who cares must keep getting the word out. The Nazis did it so I’m proving they did it.
ungvar (Always remember . . . Always): . .. . Tue, Apr 16, 4:24PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I hope that my messages are no longer repeating. If they are, please advise.
DINK_ (lurking): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:24PM PDT(-0700 GMT)
after posting amd if it interrupts and returns delete post as mentioned earlier
ELF5808 (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:25PM PDT(-0700 GMT)
Gary, I’m very curious as to how you were able to get so much info on you family.My wife has been trying for years with VERY little results.
geopolit (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:26PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Very well, ELF, butwhat do we know? How many people have taken the time, for instance, to really read John Loftus’ books thoroughly?
How many Jews, even, have really read Loftus thoroughly? If we are not well-educated, how can we educate others?
DINK_ (lurking): . . . . Tue, Apr16, 4:26PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
post and don’t force it let the post come itself
Jutka (Survivor): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:27PM PDT (-0700GMT)
I am a survivor who doesn’t even know the birth-year of my parents or the city or town they were born in. So how do I begin my search?
ANadine(ANadine): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:28PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Jennings is not Cronkite. Society today views journalists as having little integrity. Those days are gone.
David Lewin (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16,4:31PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Gary – can you guide me where I might find people alive today who were at Mauthausen and at Foehrenwald DP camp near Munich. I am hoping to find people who knew the parents of Betty personally – we are searching for her mother.
CVFchuckf (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:31PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
On the ‘net go to alt. revisionism if you want to really see hate and bigotry.
Joey Korn (A CybraryModerator): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:32PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Some hints to chatting…Try setting your Refresh Rate at about 30. This means it will capture new messages every 30 seconds.
When you see some messages you want to read and possibly respond to, hit PAUSE. Also hit PAUSE before you begin typing your message.If your message stays in the chat box after you successfully send it, delete it or it will be resent.
You can always hit Reload (in Netscape) to Refresh on demand. Other browsers probably have a similar feature.
ELF5808 (): . . . . Tue, Apr16, 4:32PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Well, geo, I for one have’nt had the chance to read his book, yet, however does that mean I’m any less educated about what’s going on? No, I dont think so. I serve in the US Navy right now, and my shipmates always ask me about the very things we’ve been talking about.
CVFchuckf (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:33PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Simon Wiesenthal was there, contact his office in Vienna
ungvar(Always remember . . . Always): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:34PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I must go. I hope to rejoin later on. Gary, I enjoy your postings on JewishGen.
Jutka (Survivor): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:34PMPDT (-0700 GMT)
Of course the media is not all bad. That’s not what I meant. They do talk about the Holocaust.
What I did mean is that I wish they would report as much about those who oppose hate and hatred as they do about the hatersand hate-mongers.
geopolit (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:35PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Chuck, I believe that almost everyone in America knows what the Nazis did. However, there are a sizable minority of people who think that what the Nazis did was, at least, “understandable”.
Because they sympathize with the Nazis’ goals (stamping out communism, etc.), they try to give the Nazis an alibi.
In the same way, a wife would alibi for her husband that “He didn’t kill the policeman, he was at home with me at the time the murder was committed.”
CVFchuckf (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:36PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
How’s it going,Joey?
Joey Korn (ACybrary Moderator): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:36PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Hope to seeyou later ungvar. I think Gary is still trying to get a good connection.
Cschmidt (): .. . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:37PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Jutka, I agree. We had a program with an actual interview with a member of a nearby hate group–given ample time during prime hours.
PianoHT (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:38PM PDT(-0700 GMT)
I don’t mean to but in, but what are we talking about?
PianoHT (): . . . . Tue,Apr 16, 4:39PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Dixie Rose (): . . .. Tue, Apr 16, 4:39PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I don’t see any special theme running through here so could I ask a question?
CVFchuckf (): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 4:40PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
sorry, I don’t agree everyone knows what the Nazis did.
JoeyKorn (A Cybrary Moderator): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:40PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
It’s good Chuck. Finally got this chat session working fairly smoothly.
I think we’re all trying to figure it out. BTW, everyone, Chuck is a liberator. He was a pilot during the war and works hard to get his message out.
PianoHT (): . . . . Tue,Apr 16, 4:41PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
CVFchuckf (): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 4:42PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
The theme is the Holocaust
Dixie Rose (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:44PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I know the theme is the Holocaust – what I meant was everyone seemed to be talking about different things so could I throw a question out to the group?
Jutka (Survivor): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:45PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Today we commemorate the Shoah. Let’s talk about those who perished. I want tomention a few Women of Valor to start with.
Those who died while fighting:
Zenia Melcki of Vilna.
Sonia Madeysker also of Vilna.
Evelyn Kahn, Vilna.
Hannah Szeneshand her mother Katherine Szenes, Budapest and Palestine.
Susan Beer of Toplcany,Czech.
Anna Heilman, Warsaw.
Estusia Wajcblum.
Rose Meth, Zator, Poland.
This it for now. You know here in Canada that is what we do. Read THY names on YomHaShoah.
CVFchuckf (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:46PM PDT (-0700GMT)
Shoot, Rose
JoeyKorn (A Cybrary Moderator): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:46PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Sure Dixie, go right ahead. Our next speaker begins in 15 minutes. Then we will be discussing how to document victims and locate survivors of the Holocaust.
mumm (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:48PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I need to ask what happened to John Loftus?
staci-p (): .. . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:49PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Hi I’m 12. Is any1 here relatives of survivors
staci-p (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:50PM PDT (-0700GMT)
Go ahead Dixie
Joey Korn (A Cybrary Moderator): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 4:50PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Sure Dixie, go right ahead.
Our next speaker begins in 15 minutes. Then we will be discussing how to document victims and locate survivors of the Holocaust.
DINK_ (lurking): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:53PM PDT(-0700 GMT)
is anyone here?
CVFchuckf (): . . . . Tue, Apr16, 4:53PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
weird outfit, this. Dixie lets hear yourquestion
Dixie Rose (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:53PM PDT (-0700GMT)
I would agree with Jutka – and like to read a few names myself –
Altaand Pini Fink and their young sons, David and Jude,
Yeheskal Rotstein, Rosa Rotstein and her family,
Menia Amsterdamski – all of Kalwarija, Lithuania.
staci-p (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:53PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Yea people are here dink
Hickchick (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:53PMPDT (-0700 GMT)
My favorite quote. “Rage against the dying of the light.There is hope.” -Dylan Thomas. I think that says it all. A lot of people didn’t loose their hope throught this ordeal.
ELF5808 (): . . . . Tue,Apr 16, 4:54PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Sorry, I was out of it for a while. My son needed help with his home work.
staci-p (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:55PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Hickchick I heard that on Dangerous Minds
Hickchick (): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 4:56PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Staci-p, you are right. It is from a poem. I saw it on the end of a video.
GMokotoff (): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 4:56PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Hopefully, I am back on
Joey Korn (A CybraryModerator): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:56PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
mumm, John Loftus was here for the first hour. He had a speech to give and had to leave. Gary Mokotoff is trying to connect right now.
Jutka (Survivor): . .. . Tue, Apr 16, 4:57PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Roza Robota / Regina Saperstein /Genia Fischer/ Estusia Wajcblum.
On Oct. 7, 1944 they blew up one of the crematoria in Auschwitz_Birkenau. Later they were all caught and hung. Blessed be their memories.
Hickchick (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:58PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Jutka, may your heart heal and feel the lovve of the people here.
Dixie Rose (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:58PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
My question – I attended a conference on the Holocaust the last few days – I came away with the feeling we are being asked to forgive and forget.
Is that just me or is that a general theme lately?
CVFchuckf (): . . . . Tue,Apr 16, 4:58PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
millions died, don’t forget them
David Lewin (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:59PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Joey – as Gary is about to come on line – are you storing information which we could retrieve at a later stage? I mean addresses – hints – suggestions which may come up in the discussion.
ELF5808 (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:59PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Gary ,did you get my first question by any chance?
writething (Michael Dunn): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 4:59PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I managed to make it back online, some info on our second speaker, Gary Mokotoff, who will be here from 8-9 PM EST.
Gary Mokotoff is author of “How to Document Victims and Locate Survivors of the Holocaust” (Teaneck: New Jersey,Avotaynu, 1995), the only book designed to help people locate information about relatives and friends who were caught up in the Holocaust.
He is the past president of the Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies and publisher of Avotaynu, the International Review of Jewish Genealogy.
Mokotoff commented that “even today, 50 years after the Holocaust, people are still trying to determine the fate of loved ones. Few realize that there is a wealth of information available; you just have to know where to find it.”
CVFchuckf (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 4:59PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Forgive and forget. NEVER!!!
Hickchick (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16,4:59PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Don’t ever forget. There memories are all that survive. how could you forgive? I have a very forgiving heart, but not for this.
Jutka (Survivor): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:00PM PDT (-0700GMT)
Gisi Fleischman / Haika Grossman / Rozka Korcak-Marle / Zivia Lubetkin/Haviva Reik / Franceska Mann/ .
Please add your names, so we can collectively all remember their names.
Joey Korn (A Cybrary Moderator): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 5:01PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Welcome Gary. Gary Mokotoff is our next speaker.
He is author of “How to Document Victims andLocate Survivors of the Holocaust” (Teaneck: New Jersey, Avotaynu, 1995), the only book designed to help people locate information about relatives and friends who were caught up in the Holocaust.
He is the past president of theAssociation of Jewish Genealogical Societies and publisher of Avotaynu, theInternational Review of Jewish Genealogy.
Mokotoff commented that “even today, 50 years after the Holocaust, people are still trying to determinethe fate of loved ones. Few realize that there is a wealth of information available; you just have to know where to find it.”
Dixie Rose (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:02PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
You saw my list of family – those I will never know – I can’t forgive or forget and wonder why there is such a movement.
CVFchuckf ():. . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:02PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
We have to keep talking about it, teaching about it. Never let the issue die
Jutka(Survivor): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:02PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Is Gary on now?
Joey Korn (A CybraryModerator): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:03PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Gary, are you still with us. Elf, why don’t you repeat your question?
Hickchick (): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 5:03PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
They will truly die when the names are not spoken and the terrible tragedy is not taught.
CVFchuckf(): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:03PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
We have to keep talking about it, teaching about it. Never let the issue die
ELF5808(): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:04PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Joey, did this guy,”thrascan” ever leave? I still have him blocked.
writething (Michael Dunn): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 5:04PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Hi David, I’m saving all of the talk entered here and will post a Web page next month at the Cybrary with the entire dialogue online.
Jutka (Survivor): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:04PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Gary, as a survivor I don’t even know my parents’ birth year. Not even sure of their birthplaces in Hungary. So how do I start?
DINK_ (lurking): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:04PM PDT(-0700 GMT)
As a non Jew of German descent I was was involve thru my parents at our local German Club, my grandparents came over at the turn of the century.
I asked some of the German wahrmach soldiers if there were people that did not know what was going on. They would say with some disdain “everyone knew what was going on”!
As we were talking about media earlier…I read that it couldn’t happen again because mass media would not let it because the media would produce mass public outcry. But look at Cambodia , Bosnia, Rowanda etc. One sure wonders no?
Hickchick (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:05PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
staci-p (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:06PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Jutka I Have to do a paper on Anne Frank Did any1 know any relatives of hers?
Jutka (Survivor): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:06PM PDT (-0700GMT)
Here in Toronto, I tried the Mormons’ archives but without the exact information needed I could find: zilch.
Dixie Rose (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16,5:07PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
But Dink – the difference between the Holocaust and Bosnia, Cambodia, etc. – is the systematic destruction of a people considered nonhuman – an entire people – not for land or power or food – just because of who we are.
Jutka (Survivor): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:09PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Where is Gary with the anticipated answers?
Joey Korn (A Cybrary Moderator): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 5:09PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Gary received you question, Jutka, and is trying to respond. Thanks for your patience.
DINK_ (lurking): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:10PM PDT(-0700 GMT)
DIXIE ROSE I understand that and please no offense. My only point is that genocide still can happen anywhere and it cannot be neglected.
CVFchuckf (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:10PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
The deniers are working very hard to dis-prove the Holocaust ever happened.
GMokotoff (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:10PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Regarding Hungarian research, if you do not know where your parents were born, write to Dr. Gaby Bar Shakad; Yad Vashem; Jerusalem Israel. Dr. Bar Shaked is the world’s expert on the Hungarian aspect of the Holocaust. He will be able to help you determine your parents’ ancestral town.
ELF5808 (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16,5:11PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Oops! forgot to pause. As I was saying, My wife is trying to locate her lost family. She has been trying for years through all the “usual” channels. Is there any thing more you can suggest?
Lovecam (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16,5:11PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Dixie I understand your statement, but I think who people are has alot to do with it. Not only land or power. The holocaust was also about power and land
Jutka (Survivor): . . . . Tue, Apr 16,5:13PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
While we wait for Gary, let’s remember more names.
Zofia Yamaika / Mala Zimetbaum / Zivia Lubetkin /Gertrud Kolmar.
ELF5808 (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:14PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Some of the avenues she tried, the Red Cross, took over 3 years .there has got to be a better way.
GMokotoff (): . . . . Tue,Apr 16, 5:15PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
There are many records of Hungarian victims and survivors. Invariably the German records asked “where were you born.” If Dr. Bar Shakad can find records of them, you will know their ancestral town.
Dixie Rose (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16,5:15PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Lovecam – no offense, but where the Jews were concerned it was not about land or power – that came into play where the Russians and Poles were concerned.
CVFchuckf (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16,5:16PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
the Holocaust is unique
mumm (): . . .. Tue, Apr 16, 5:16PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Gary, I would like to know how to trace relatives that were lost in Vilna, Poland. Thanks.
GMokotoff (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16,5:17PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Therer are many records of Hungarian victims and survivors. Invariably the German records asked “where were you born.” If Dr. Bar Shakad can find records of them, you will know their ancestral town.
staci-p (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:18PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
bye have to eat
mumm (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:19PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Gary, I would like to know how to trace relatives that were lost in Vilna, Poland. Thanks.
Jutka (Survivor): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:19PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Thank you very much Gary. I made a hard copy of your suggestion and I shal lfollow it up. Let’s hope that Yad Vashem will be receptive to my question. Previous dealings with them left me at best: frustrated. But, to you many thanks.
writething (Michael Dunn): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 5:20PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Joey, if Gary can email his thoughts, either I or you can post it to help out. California’s phone system are hurting; if he’s in there, it may be tough for a little while.
David Lewin(): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:20PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Staci – there is a new British documentary about Anne Frank which won an Oscar last month. You could try contacting the BBC – they are on the World Wide Web.
ELF5808 (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:20PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Is Gary still with us?
DINK_ (lurking): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 5:21PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Thank you everyone. The session was interesting and informative. I believe you have a new medium that you can use to reach out to others. Thanks again. Sincerely, DINK
Dixie Rose (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16,5:21PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Gary – My great grandmother’s name was given on my grandfather’s death certificate as Matulsky – unfortunately, no one know if that was her maiden name or first married name.
I can find no record of the name anywhere in the area she was supposed to have lived. I have even tried variations of it – what next?
DINK_ (lurking): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:22PM PDT(-0700 GMT)
Good night.
David Lewin (): . . . . Tue, Apr16, 5:23PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Gary – have you any addresses to locate people still alive who were at
a. Mauthausen
b. Foehrenwald DP camp.
An earlier suggestion was to contact Simon Wiesenthal, which I will do tomorrow.
DixieRose (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:23PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Gary – I have to run – pick my daughter up at scouts – will be back in fifteen minutes or so -please wait until I get back to answer my question. Thanks.
Lovecam (): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 5:24PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
What is going on with this system? Everyone’s statements occurred 4 times. Dixie, Hitler wanted power over the human race. And he wanted everyone to be blonde and have blue eyes.
Joey Korn (A Cybrary Moderator): . . .. Tue, Apr 16, 5:25PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Gary still can’t connect. He will answer questions through me. The Mormons have no Holocaust related information except the 1938 German Census of non-aryans (Jews).Elf, most of the records that the Red Cross searched for you are available at Yad Vashem Archives in Jerusalem known as the “Arolesen records”.
ELF5808 (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:26PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Is Gary still with us?
Lovecam ():. . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:26PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Stuart? My family has a Reiter in it.
mumm (): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 5:28PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
David, do you have the www site for the BBC?
Joey Korn (A Cybrary Moderator): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:28PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Gary says these Arolsen records are one of the major sources of information abou tindividuals. There are over 45 million entries. If you are looking for a survivors of Mauthausen for instance, it may show what refugee camp he was in and even which country he went to.
David Lewin (): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 5:32PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
mumm – and any one else – I dare not make a search – connection is too sporadic and I want to stay here .please send me an e-mail which will give me your address – I will then send you the details you want. mine is bbc address might be button but I am not certain right now.
Joey Korn (For GaryMokotoff): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:33PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Gary says that if any of you do not get satisfactory answers to your questions, write him I will continue posting his answers.
ELF5808 (): . . . . Tue,Apr 16, 5:34PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Thanks Joey, My wife has tried Yad Vashem, and Arolesen. Actually I wished she were here, she went to a Yom Hashoah presentation.The names of her family are difficult to locate, even in Vilna, (her family’s origin). The best she has achieved, is when a lady from our town went to Vilna and got info for her, and hand written at that. She can’t seem to make headway in locating any potential survivors.
Joey Korn (For Gary Mokotoff): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 5:35PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Gary says that if anyone is having problems with the American Red Cross, if they refuse to accept your inquiry or you have an inquiry pending that is taking more than a year, write to him. He can help you get action.
David Lewin (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:38PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Sorry – the correct address for the BBC is button
Marine1 (): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 5:38PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
HI,folks. Is this the Holocaust Convention thing?
JoeyKorn (For Gary Mokotoff): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:38PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
There are recently discovered Vilna Ghetto records, but all that it’s going to prove is that people were in the ghetto during that time period. To Gary’s knowledge, there are no deportation records from the Vilna ghetto. Have you tried Pages of Testimony at Yad Vashem?
Joey Korn (For Gary Mokotoff): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 5:41PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Yes Marine1. Welcome. Gary Mokotoff is our speaker for 20 more minutes. He specializes in tracing relatives lost in the Holocaust.
writething (Michael Dunn): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 5:42PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Could Gary make a suggestion on this question submitted to the Cybrary?
“I am looking for information and facts on the execution of 9 people in North Holland (Steenwijk).This execution took place on the 13th of October 1944. One of these man was my father, Emanuel Verveer age 35 year, Construction Engineer and Architect, who was engaged by the Allies to regather data on the so-called Ijsel-linie.
Only recently we received some information onthe situation and activities of the SS, in that area in those days near the endof the war in Holland.
Even-though, my father was executed together with the others, all were local people and my father was not.
We (my brothers and I) would like to know: what caused his arrest and who betrayed him,what happened to the betrayer (local NSB ?) after the war, who operated my father, and why was the Ijsel-linie never used.
If there is more information on these subjects, we very appreciate to know where and how to find them. email_addr:
mikemesh (Mike Mesh):. . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:43PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Gary: Is it true that the International Tracing Service in Arolsen gives genealogical searches lowest priority (I’ve had a request in for 3+ years). And there’s a rumor they’re going out of business. True? If so, what will happen to their records?
David Lewin (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:44PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Sorry – the correct address for the BBC is button
Marine1 (): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 5:44PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Interesting. I just saw it featured and thought I’d drop by. I know almost next to nothing about the Holocaust, so….
GMokotoff(): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:45PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
The best starting point for tracing people are the International Tracing Service (ITS) records in Arolsen, Germany. There are more than 45 million records. They can be accessed thru the Red Cross in your country. If you are in the U.S., the American Red Cross has made a commitment to me that no inquiry will be turned down and no inquiry will take more than 9 months. A duplicate copy of these records thru 1955 exist at Yad Vashem on microfilm.
UWash (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:45PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I came to learn. Sorry to be late. Can one still find relatives 50 years later? If yes, exactly how?
mumm (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:47PM PDT(-0700 GMT)
Does Yad Vashem have a web page or would I have to go thru Wiesenthal?
GMokotoff (): . . . . Tue, Apr16, 5:48PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
There are rumors that the ITS records might be turned over to the Jewish community in Germany but some groups are protesting that move, if it planned. Yad Vashem, for example, would be interestedi n assuming responsibility for those records.
ELF5808 (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:48PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
We’ve tried the pages of testimony, nothing. It’s like her family just did’nt’nt there anything else we can try???
Marine1 (): . . . . Tue,Apr 16, 5:49PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Well, I’ll sign off. I don’t want to disturb people who actually have questions……*gone*
GMokotoff (): . . . . Tue, Apr16, 5:49PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
No Red Cross or the ITS will honor a genelaogical inquiry. It must be a genuine request for information about a relative, no matter how related. They have too many inquiries for relatives to honor genealogical inquiries.
Marmor (Marmor): . . . . Tue, Apr 16,5:50PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Joey Korn (For Gary Mokotoff): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 5:51PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Mike, Gary didn’t see your post. Could you repost?
Marmor (Marmor): . . . . Tue, Apr 16,5:52PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Hello, I have been trying to get in for a long time.
amcha (John Lemberger,AMCHA): . . .. Tue, Apr 16, 5:53PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Friends, I have woken up to join you in this unique venture. Yom Hashoah is over now in Israel, and I thought you might want to know how it went this year.
Dixie Rose (): . . .. Tue, Apr 16, 5:54PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I’m back – Does one have to go through the American Red Cross now? The first time I tried, I went to Arolsen. It took a few months, and while they found nothing on most of my family, they did find records of my one cousin’s death at Dachau. With all the new records surfacing, I would like to try again.
David Lewin (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:54PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Ok, here’s the really real real BBC address: button
GMokotoff (): . . . . Tue, Apr16, 5:55PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Regarding the Holland inquiry, write to The Jewish genealogical society in Holland. They will put you in contact with some organization there that can help you. Their address is: Nederlandse Kring voor Joodse Genealogie; da Costalaan 21;3743 HT Baarn, Holland. I know the Dutch government is making a conscientious effort to determine what happened to individuals during the Holocaust and is reconstructing events from captured German records.
Joey Korn (ACybrary Moderator): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:55PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Welcome Marmor and John. The posting is slow, but once you get used to it, it does work.I’ll post some hints again soon to make things easier.
ELF5808 (): .. . . Tue, Apr 16, 5:59PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Gary, as a last resort, when all else fails what more can one do to find info about missing relatives, in Vilna.
GMokotoff(): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:00PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
To determine what records exist at Yad Vashem, try to locate in your area a series of books called “Guide to the Unpublished Material of the Holocaust.” It list by town or country what documents they have about events during that period.
The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum archives and library is accessible on the Web at button From this home page, it will lead you to their on-line search system that will tell you if they have records of interest to you.
Joey Korn (A CybraryModerator): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:00PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
John, we would be very interested to hear about how it went in Israel. Gary’s session officially ends about now. It will be an open chat on Holocaust issues until Konnilyn Feig begins in one hour. To the group, Gary will stay with us a while to answer any questions you may have about tracing family.
BChesler(BChesler): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:03PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Gary, My cousin was able to find out that our grandmother perished in Theresienstadt. We even have a copy of the record. One of her daughters was living with her. How would I go about getting info?
Jutka (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:05PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Marine1, Why don’t you visit the Holocaust Museum In Washington, if you live realatively close. You will learn what it was all about plus some more. It will be worth your while and time I assure you.]
GMokotoff(): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:08PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Regarding ELF’s inquiry about Vilna, I am not sure where Vilna residents were deported to, but if it was Auschwitz, the Auschwitz Archives has records of may people who survived the selection. Write to them at: Panstwowe Muzeum; POB 32-603; Oswiecim #5, Poland
BChesler(BChesler): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:08PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
My question is, how would I get info about the daughter, my aunt. We know nothing about what happened to her.
GMokotoff (): . . . . Tue, Apr16, 6:11PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
To BChesler: There is a “Totenbuch Theresienstadt.” a Death Book for Theresienstadt. See if the daughter is listed there. But your best bet are the ITS (Arolsen) records I have mentioned because all the information in that book, plus any other Theresienstadt records would have been extracted in to the ITS index of 45 million entries.
Sighet (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:11PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
If general questions are okay, I would like to know about the presence of all the Hate Sites and Anti-Semetic Sites on the Web – and if everyone agrees with the Simon Wiesenthal Center that they should be censored?
ELF5808 (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:14PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Thanks, for the nfo. Do you by any chance have any info for Stuthoff camp as well?
BChesler (BChesler): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:15PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I joined you late, had trouble getting on. How does one access the ITS records?
GMokotoff (): . . . . Tue, Apr16, 6:15PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I am very opposed to censorship. One fascinating anti-Semitic site is in Hawaii where you can get a copy of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. I don’t have their Web address handy, but you should be able to locate them with any Web search engine such as AltaVista
ELF5808 (): . . . . Tue, Apr16, 6:16PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I hope I spelled that right?
amcha (John Lemberger,AMCHA): . . .. Tue, Apr 16, 6:16PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Now that Joey “welcomed” me I’llcontinue (slowly).This year the war in Lebanon was fighting the memory for a place in our consciousness. the images of Jews being forced into shelters, leaving Kiryat Shmona and other towns and villages, katyushas falling and sometimes causing extensive damage and some serious injuries vied for our attempts to “touch the memory.”
Nevertheless, ceremonies were held all over with massive attendance. The media alost aired all the special programs for this day, and the siren at 10 AMTuesday cut the air like a knife and saw Israel coming to a standstill.
GMokotoff(): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:16PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
As another general guideline, contact any Jewish genealogical society for help in Holocaust research. If you write to, you can get the name and address of the society closest to you.
Sighet ():. . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:18PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Another question. This country was stunned with the movie, Schindler’s List. And yet, there have been many other movies and better ones.
Does this mean that every decade we have to relearn about the Holocaust, that it is never done. I wonder. We do not seem to have to relearn about the Civil War every ten years. What do you think?
Joey Korn (A CybraryModerator): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:19PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Sighet, general questions are welcome. Gary Mokotoff’s session officially ended at 9:00 EST, but he has generously agreed to continue answering questions. Our next speaker begins at 10:00 EST, in about 40 minutes.
I am also against censorship in the Internet. I feel that the Wiesenthal Centeris wrong in this regard.
Dixie Rose (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16,6:21PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I hope we relearn about the Holocaust more than every ten years – I hope we never forget – I hope we never let anyone forget.
amcha (JohnLemberger,AMCHA): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:22PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
As I do not see a response, I’ll continue. OK?
Sighet (): . . . . Tue, Apr16, 6:24PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I wish it were a question of never forgetting. When high school students in Oakland saw the movie, Schindlers List, they all broke out laughing in the theatre.
Neither they nor their parents knew about it. I am asking if you really think the problem is forgetting – or if it is about ever learning in the first place?
Jutka (): . . . . Tue,Apr 16, 6:24PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Sighet, In a perfect world we would not have to do more then say Kaddish over the perished millions and mourn them quietly.
But look at the world today. Dare we forget and dare we not remind the world ofthe unimaginable evil human(?)kind is capable of.
Maybe it will help. Maybe it will not. But we have to keep trying and trying and trying.
Joey Korn (A Cybrary Moderator): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 6:25PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
John, I did respond and would be very interested to hear what went on in Israel. We have about 1/2 hour before Konnilyn Feig’s session begins. Please feel free to post anything relevant.
Dixie Rose (): . . .. Tue, Apr 16, 6:26PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I saw a movie at a Holocaust conference over the weekend on the children of survivors and the children of Nazis coming together in Israel. Has anyone else seen this? I believe it was made by the BBC.
David Lewin (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:27PMPDT (-0700 GMT)
I have a friend who for many years regularly travelled by car from London to Budapest. When he passed Mauthausen he always broadcast Kaddish and El Male Rachamim over hisCB radio.
Sighet (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:28PM PDT (-0700GMT)
In the NY Sunday Times Magazine of 2/25,29, there was a long article and pictures of “The Method of a Neo-Nazi Mogul.”
It described George Burdi as “anarchetype of the forward-looking neo-Nazi” and bringing it to mainstream America through his Resistance Records and the Internet. What can we do to counteract this? What is being done? Should we bother?
GMokotoff (): . . . . Tue, Apr16, 6:28PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Regarding the inquiry about Stutthof…all roads lead to the ITS records in Arolsen, Germany. Every scrap of infomation about individuals, survivors and victims has been given to them for placement in their Master Index. My information shows they have much data about people interned at Stutthof.
ELF5808 (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:29PM PDT (-0700GMT)
Well, I got to go… Thank you Gary and John, this was very educational. Hope there’ll be more like this. Gary, My wife and I enjoy Avotaynu every time we get it. Take care, and G-d bless.
GMokotoff (): . . . . Tue, Apr16, 6:30PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Well, I must leave now, folks. If you wish, send me e-mail Indicate what searching you have done to date so I can advise you with either basic sources or more advanced ones.
Sighet (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:32PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I appreciate the need for people to find people, but I thought this session would be more “pithy.” But thanks for trying. I will leave quietly.
BChesler (BChesler): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:32PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Thank You Gary. Goodnight
David Lewin (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:33PMPDT (-0700 GMT)
The BBC programme about children of survivors meeting children of Nazis was most moving.
It took place in Israel under guidance of an Israeli Psychiatrist. I am sorry, I do not remember his name.
It was remarkable how the children of Nazis were suffering – a real eye opener for me.
Kel (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:35PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Jutka (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:36PM PDT (-0700GMT)
I believe that censorship would only work if it is based on an international agreement and all countries would adhere to it.
Joey Korn (A Cybrary Moderator): . . .. Tue, Apr 16, 6:37PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Hello Kel. Welcome.
amcha (John Lemberger,AMCHA): .. . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:37PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Yom Hashoa began for us on Sunday April 14. Ben Gurion University awarded honorary doctorates to Simon Weisenthal, Joseph Burg, and Felix Zandman, a survivor and president/founder of Vishay International. the moving ceremony was highlighted by Zandman’s explaining that he had cried and suffered for years until he testified at a trial of an SS officer who persecuted him and whom Wiesenthal brought to justice.
Then at a reception ath the Austrian ambassador’s residence for Weisenthal, cohosted by AMCHA, Manfred Klafter “awarded” weisenthal with the title of “honrary therapist,”as his work brought pride and hope to thousands of survivors.
Minister of Health,Dr. Ephraim Sneh, who is also a reserve general took time from explaining the war in lebanon on Israeli media to visit our branch in Ramat Gan before Yom Hashoa.
He heard survivors tell how they saw our centers as a second home, and how AMCHA’s services brought them out of their depression and gave them a reason to continue living.
When Yom Hashoa began, right after the ceremony at Yad Vashem Israeli TV broadcast our phone numbers and our hotlines were open.
Hundreds called or attended our programs and activities in our branches in Ramat Gan, Jerusalem, Haifa, Beersheba, and Tel Aviv. I will pause here. If you want me to add a little more, let me know.
Joey Korn (A Cybrary Moderator): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 6:40PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Gary mentioned the Web site earlier containing a copy of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Here is some info on it.
–here you will find not only a complete copy, but also an introduction and four appendices “proving” the truth of this forgery as well as the purported existence of a conspiracy by the Jews and their accomplices in trying to suppress this “truth.”
Jutka (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:41PMPDT (-0700 GMT)
Yes, Yom Hashoah is remembrance. Not just for the past but also for the future. “Never Again” pertains to the present and future.
Dixie Rose (): . . .. Tue, Apr 16, 6:41PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
David, I agree they were suffering and it was an eyeopener for me where some of the people were concerned. I very much felt the pain of Martin Bormann’s son – more than I thought I could.
However, I felt the pain some of them felt seemed to come across as pain from having lost the war – and being forced to face things afterward. I suppose that could be because we only saw bits and pieces of two weeks in their lives.
Blaze5 (Shalom): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 6:44PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Hello everyone. I’m here to learn all I can and speak about what I know. I feel a special bond with everyone included in the Holocaust because (and this may sound a little strange) but I believe that I am a reincarnated Jewish person that died in the Holocaust. I hope to confirm my beliefs here.
David Lewin (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:45PM PDT(-0700 GMT)
To me it was a manifestation of the sins of the fathers being visited on the next generation.
Blaze5 (Shalom): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 6:47PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
pardon me for that last double chat..please go on..
JoeyKorn (A Cybrary Moderator): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:47PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
John, I’m sure it was a moving experience, especially the response you get from survivors about how they feel about your centers and your services. Thanks for being up so late to share this with us.
amcha (JohnLemberger,AMCHA): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:49PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Before returning to bed, I wanted to tell Gary how we appreciated his book. Joey let me know if there is any way I can read this whole unique venture tomorrow.
If anyone participating wants more info on what I wrote they can contact me, or can see our report on the Holocaust List or tomorrow (hopefully) on the Second Generation list.Good night (morning) and thank you from Israel.
Joey Korn (A Cybrary Moderator): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 6:51PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
Our next Speaker is scheduled for 10:00PM EST, 7:00 PM PST Dr. Konnilyn Feig Topic: Researching and Teaching the Holocaust
***Dr. Konnilyn Feig
After more than 20 years of extensive research, interviewing survivors, and visiting concentration camp sites, Dr. Konnilyn Feig published one of the best documentaries of the Holocaust, HITLER’S DEATH CAMPS (Holmes & Meir, 1979).
Since her work on the concentration camps, she has served as International Co-Chair ofARWAC – Aid to Refusnik Women and Children – a successful effort to get Prisonersof Conscience out of Old USSR.
She is now a specialist in Eastern Europe, especially former Yugoslavia, and Romania and has spent parts of most of the past 10 years in Russia, the Chech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, etc.
She spent much time this past summer in Romania, Croatia, Bosnia. She is currently directing a volunteer project in Romania on Breast Cancer Assistance.
Dr. Feig still teaches the only Holocaust class in the 110 California Community Colleges and will have a WEB page on that soon. She recently led two sessions on the Holocaust for the National Conference on Humanities of the Community Colleges.
Dr. Konnilyn Feig is Dean of Business and Social Sciences and Professor of History and Political Science at Foothill College, Los Altos Hills, Ca. Formerly, she was Senior VP of San Francisco State University amd Dean of Arts and Sciences at University of Southern Maine.
Dixie Rose (): .. . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:51PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I don’t want the sins of the fathers to be the sins of the children anymore than I want the children of the victims to suffer as their parents did. But I want them to understand what happened and to see it was wrong. I don’t want them to feel guilty – there is a difference between guilt and shame. They don’t need to feel guilt but they must realize this was a shameful period in their country’s history – and they must realize why it was shameful.
Joey Korn (ACybrary Moderator): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:54PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I’ll be in touch, John. Thanks again.
Dr.K.Feig (): . . . . Tue, Apr 16,6:55PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I am here now. Anytime you are ready.
Jutka (survivor): . . . . Tue, Apr 16, 6:57PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
I would have liked to ask those young people “do you think Germany was defeated or liberated on May 8, 1945.”
Depending on the answer one could have easily judged how they REALLY felt about the Nazi period in their country’s history.
Blaze5 (Shalom): . . . .Tue, Apr 16, 6:57PM PDT (-0700 GMT)
People tell me that I’m strange to believe in reincarnation, but I can’t exactly explain why I think I am. I guess because the pictures in books seem so familiar, and the people — I know deep in my heart, I was there in the camps with other Holocaust victims.
I believe I was there — I know I was. My sorrow seems to be more deeply rooted than others around me, and not just because of the horror and sadness of it all — I was there and I want everyone to know that it did happen.
How could something this horrible and unforgettable not happen? The ignorance of people today angers me because they close their ears, they close their hearts, to the truth. They don’ twant to believe that it really happened.
This is the end of Gary Mokotoff’s chat…but it continues with Dr. Konnilyn Feig. Select below to continue.
Chat with Dr. Konnilyn Feig || Chat with John Loftus