The Cybrary of the Holocaust is part of a 20 year+ project to create educational materials, starting in 1994 and ending in 1996, while continuing online since then.
The design team of Michael Dunn, Stefan Maier, and Dorotea Maier (of the Foundation for Communication Strategies-Romania) have worked on integrating and fixing up the materials so that they may appear on the Internet.
It began with a trip to Israel to shoot video interviews in 1993. The results are this WWW site, a complete set of electronically published text and photographs that work on any platform, and a promise that this project is intended for educational use only.
We originally created the project utilizing Internet resources at Jerusalem One and Nysernet and act as a semi-mirror site. Also, thanks to Ken McVay at Old Frog’s Almanac for providing the bibliography.
There are four parts to the Cybrary:
- Text: These are the sections listed by subject.
- Images
- Imagine Art Gallery: Children’s Art About the Holocaust
- The Empty Mirror: A place for your thoughts.
What we provide is access, as well as access to other historical materials thathave been made available for educators.
Understand that the materials here aresubject to copyright laws; we are following the creator’s copyrights which allow for no charges to be made for these materials; they are intended for educational use only.
We have financed this operation because we believe it is important to keep on learning. Thank you for joining us in this search.