“…Oskar would make a list of people and extricate them. Oskar’s List,
in the mind of some, was already more than a mere tabulation. It was a List.
It was a sweet chariot which might swing low.”
-Schindler’s List
Thomas Keneally
Pg. 277
The List of the Schindlerjuden
1. Helen Hirsch
2. Victoria Klonowska
3. Wilek Chilowice
4. Marcel Goldberg
5. Julian Scherner
6. Rof Czurda
7. Herman Toffel
8. Leo John
9. Albert Hujar
10. Judas Dresner
11. Chaja Dresner
12. Donata Dresner
13. Mordecai Wulkan
14. Mr. Nussabaum
15. Mrs. Nussabam
16. Henry Rosner
17. Manci Rosner
18. Leo Rosner
19. Jacok Levartov
20. Rebecca Tannenbaum
21. Josef Baum
22. Chalm Novak
23. Nuisa Horowitz
24. Dolek Horowitz
25. Ryszard Horowitz
26. Mr. Lowenstein
27. Diana Relter
28. Regina Perlman
29. Mietek Pemper
30. Josef Llepold
31. Olek Rosner
32. Maria Mischel
33. Markus Wulkan
34. Mihael Lumpel
35. Rosa Faber
36. Arje Faber
37. Sara Freihof
38. Fischel Freihof
39. Adam Levy
40. Eduard Altman
41. David Kripstein
42. Mirian Gruneberg
43. Eliasz Luftig
44. Eduard Hillman
45. Erna Rothberg
46. Jetti Zuckerman
47. Murray Pantirer
48. Mosche Bejski
49. Ludwik Feigenbaum
50. Helen Rosenzweig
51. Abraham Zuckerman
52. Helen Beck
53. Salomon Pila
54. Ludmilla Page (Also: Mila Pfefferberg)*
55. Leopold Page (Also: Poldek Pfefferberg)*
56. Itzhak Stern
57. Cyrla Rosenzweig
This is about as many as can be found, since there is no record aside from the movie that I have access to.
[Please tell me of any repeats]*Persons who changed their name after the war.