Holocaust Historical Photos | Before the Storm and It Starts

Holocaust Refugees
Jewish refugees from Czechoslovakia being marched away by British police at Croydon airport in March 1939.

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The Holocaust historical photos are divided into four periods:

  • Images 1: Before The Storm
    The election of 1932, the opening of the first camp at Dachau in 1933, and a gradual political and social storm starts. Featuring the art of A. Paul Weber.


  • Images 1: It Starts
    Kristallnacht, the dehumanization of medieval symbols to be worn, more and more camps, as refugees try to flee for safety.


  • Images 2: Shoah
    Shoah, a Hebrew word for catastrophe. Images from the camps and Eastern Europe.


  • Images 2: Liberation
    What the world found: the survivors and a challenge to remember.

    Before the Storm

    The Election of 1932

    Hitler’s Campaign

    Hitler campaign poster

  • 1932 Poster from Hitler’s and Hindenburg’s campaign.
  • Rough translation: “Fight with us for Peace and Equal Rights”.
  • Source: Dachau Memorial Museum


  • Social Democrats, the Worker’s Party, poster. Source: Dachau Memorial Museum


Adolf Hitler with his first elected officials

  • Only three of the 11 ministers elected to the first Hitler cabinet were NSDAP members.Source: Dachau Memorial MuseumPropaganda and the First Camps
    The Sturmer
    Der Sturmer Nazi newspaper
    1934 issue of the newspaper The Sturmer, which names the Jews as ritual murderers of non-Jews. The lies of this famous issue brought protest driven by the headlines: “Jewish Murder Programme Against Non-Jewish Humanity Unveiled” and at the bottom, “The Jews are our Downfall!”. Source: Dachau Memorial Museum.

    Public Poster

Anti Jewish Nazi propaganda

  • An anti-semitic sign: “Recognize the true enemy with the yellow star.” Source: Dachau Memorial Museum


Heinrich Himmler

  • The leader of the SS visits the Dachau camp, a model for other camps, in 1936. Dachau opened in 1933. Source: Dachau Memorial Museum.


Dachau standing punishment

  • Prisoners were forced to stand for hours as punishment in the camps. Source: Dachau Memorial Museum


  • An Artist’s View: A. Paul Weber
      Paul Weber’s work speaks for itself. Source: A. Paul Weber, Hamburg, and the Dachau Memorial Museum.
  • “A German Destiny” 1932

Paul Weber drawing

A Paul Weber drawing

A Paul Weber drawing of Public Enemy

A Paul WEber

A Paul Weber



Prisoners at Work
The early camps were primarily for slave labor. Prisoners built the camps, provided construction labor, worked in administration, worked outdoors in quarries and sand gravel pits, or worked in armaments factories. Source: Dachau Memorial Museum.


Pushing to Survive
Quarry workers in concentration camp
Source: Dachau Memorial Museum


Jewish Prisoners
A photo of Jewish prisoners in 1938.
Source: Dachau Memorial Museum


Escape from Germany required a visa. Getting out became harder as the Thirties came to a close.
A Refugee

Albert Einstein Holocaust refugee

Shanghai Visa with Chinese symbol for Jew
Chinese passport for Jewish refugee in Shanghai
The only place that didn’t require a visa to enter. Problem was, you still needed a visa to get out. Source: The Fugu Plan by Martin Tokayer


These are symbols that the Nazis forced people to wear to indicate their identity, as well as some from the various workgroups in the ghettoes.

Categories and Marks for Prisoners
Nazi symbols - Stars of David and others
33 variations for Dachau prisoners which were sewed onto their clothing. Categories across the top include: Political, Professional Criminals, Emigrants, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Homosexuals, Asocials. On the side: Basic color, multiple offenders, prisoners in punishment battalions, Jews, along with special badges for racial law violations and nationalities.


Yellow Stars of David for Jews

Yellow starts of David


Sanitats Dienst: Sanitation Worker in the ghetto

Sanitation Worker in the ghetto

Blue Arm Band from Ghetto Police

Blue Arm Band from Ghetto Police

Ghetto Star

Ghetto star of david

Ghetto Worker
Source for these: The Write Thing videotape of Yad Vashem.


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