Adolf Eichmann Austrian Legion | The Trial of Adolf Eichmann
Photo of Adolf Eichmann standing in uniform at beginning of W.W.II.

Short Answer

What was Adolf Eichmann’s job during World War II?

Why did he go into hiding after the end of the war, and agents of what country found him?

Who were the Einsatzgruppen?

What is a ghetto, and what purpose was the ghetto used for by the Nazis?

What were some of the strategies used by the defense attorney in Eichmann’s trial?

What were some of the prosecution strategies?

What was discussed at the Wannsee Conference?

Give three reasons why security precautions were so tight with respect to Eichmann once he was in Israel?

What is zyklon B and how was it used?

What were the Sannen interviews and why were they significant?

Essay Question:

After the trial of Eichmann, many historians wrote books to try to explain Eichmann’s behavior during the war. One popular conclusion was that Eichmann was a typical bureaucrat who simply and dispassionately carried out his orders without regard to their consequences.

The term “banality of evil” was coined to support the view that almost anyone could have done what Eichmann had done to the Jews, given the historical context. What evidence surfaced in the trial to support or refute this conclusion?

by Gary Grobman
copyright © 1997 Gary M. Grobman

Note: Material in all capital letters is copyrighted by other individuals/organizations.


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