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Subject: Holocaust Bibliography – PRA
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An Annotated Bibliography prepared by Fred Friedman, (Friedom Research) for Political Research Associates Summer, 1992
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I. General
The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust, 1941-1945 by David S. Wyman. (Pantheon, 1984). What did America know and when did America know it? Reveals the role of an apathetic State Department in ignoring the evidence of the existence of several extermination camps.
American Jewry and the Holocaust: The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, 1939-1945 by Yehuda Bauer. (Jerusalem: Institute of Contemporary Jewry, Hebrew University; Detroit, Mich.: Wayne State University Press, 1981). History and successes/failures of this American Jewish rescue agency.
Auschwitz, Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers by Jean-Claude Pressac. (NY: Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, 1989). Translated from the French, the book was written to counter the arguments of deniers that the Holocaust ever happened, though it is not about denial per se.
Beyond Belief: The American Press and the Coming of the Holocaust, 1933-1945 by Deborah E. Lipstadt. (NY: Free Press, 1986).
Bibliography on Holocaust Literature by Abraham J. Edelheit and Hershel Edelheit. (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1986). One of several recent ones which includes juvenile literature.
Birkenau: The Camp of Death by Marco Nahon. (Tuscaloosa, Ala.:University of Alabama Press, 1989).
Bitburg in Moral and Political Perspective, Geoffrey Hartman, editor. (NY: University Press of America, 1986). Essays on the continuing relevance of the Holocaust in the politics of the present. Ronald Reagan visited Bitburg in a controversial, symbolic gesture towards Germany provoking reexamination of the moral dilemmas involved.
The Blue and the Yellow Stars of David: The Zionist Leadership in Palestine and the Holocaust, 1939-1945 by Dina Porat. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1990). Porat elaborates on her earlier book, “Leadership Entrapped” that Jewish leaders outside of Europe did all that they could do and explains Zionist Palestinian contacts with the Nazis.
Born Guilty: Children of Nazi Families by Peter Sichrovsky. (NY: Basic Books, 1988). How to the descendents of Nazi war criminals deal with their heritage? Suitable for high school readers.
Breaking the Silence by Walter Laqueur. (NY: Simon & Schuster, 1986). Continues the line of argument in “The Terrible Secret: Suppression of the Truth About Hitler’s `Final Solution” concerning when the truth about Nazi anti-Jewish measures was first known and first believed.
Children and Play in the Holocaust: Games Among the Shadows by George Eisen. (Amherst, Mass.: University of Massachusetts Press, 1988). Semblances of normalcy and semblances of horror in the play of Jewish children during the Nazi period.
The Courage to Care: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust, Carol Rittner and Sondra Myers, editors. (NY: New York University Press, 1986). A short book about righteous gentiles who saved Jews as a community, in Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, France.
The Dynamics of Nazism: Leadership, Ideology, and the Holocaust by Fred Weinstein. Oshkosh, Wisc.: Academic Pr., 1980. Why were the Nazis so brutal and arrogant?
Echoes From the Holocaust: Philosophical Reflections on a Dark Time, Alan Rosenberg and Gerald E. Myers, editors. (Philadelphia, Penna.: Temple University Press, 1988). The moral and ethnical aspects of being a third party, and the ethical disastrous consequences of being indifferent are explored.
Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil by Hannah Arendt. (NY: Viking, 1965). A classic in that it demonstrates that the Holocaust was not perpetrated by monsters, but by bureaucrats. The commonplace aspects of those responsible for mass murder is the most horrifying lesson that the Holocaust bequeaths to the future.
End of Innocence: Anne Frank and the Holocaust by Karen Shawn. (NY: International Center for Holocaust Studies, Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith, 1989).
Escaping the Holocaust: Illegal Immigration to the Land of Israel, 1939-1944 by Dalia Ofer. (NY: Oxford University Press, 1990).
Fateful months: Essays on the Emergence of the Final Solution, 1941-1942 by Christopher R. Browning. (NY: Holmes & Meier, 1985). How the inputs of anti-Semites in Serbia, Yugoslavia contributed to the institution of the Nazi `final solution.’
Generations of the Holocaust, Martin S. Bergmann and Milton E. Jucovy, editors. (NY: Basic Books, 1982). The psychology of holocaust survivors and their children is described by two psychologists.
German Holocaust Literature by Susan E. Cernyak-Spatz. (NY: P. Lang, 1985). How is the holocaust treated in general German literature in the post-War era?
German Resistance to Hitler by Peter Hoffman. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1988). An `accessible’ academic book recounting the rise of the Nazis and German military and civilian resistance to the war, specific Nazis’ policies, and to the Holocaust.
Harvest of Hate: The Nazi Program for the Destruction of the Jews of Europe by Leon Poliakov. (NY: Schocken, 1979). Revised and expanded edition.
The Holocaust: An Annotated Bibliography and Resource Guide, by David M. Szonyi, editor. (Hoboken, NJ: Ktav Publishing House, 1985).
The Holocaust: The Fate of European Jewry, 1932-1945 by Leni Yahil. (NY: Oxford University Press, 1990). Translated from the Hebrew.
The Holocaust: A History of the Jews of Europe During the Second World War by Martin Gilbert. (Boston, Mass.: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1987). A huge book (over 800 pages) that is also readable and a definitive history.
Holocaust as Historical Experience: Essays and a Discussion by Yehuda Bauer and Nathan Rotenstreich. (NY: Holmes & Meier Publishers, 1981). Focuses on underground activities to escape the holocaust at the time and afterward.
Holocaust in Books and Films: A Selected, Annotated List by Judith H. Muffs. (NY: International Center for Holocaust Studies, Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith, 1986).
The Holocaust in Historical Perspective by Yehuda Bauer. (Seattle, Wash.: University of Washington Press, 1978). Four essays deal with the `trucks for blood’ blackmail by the Nazis, the response of American Jews, and anti-Semitism in Europe accounting for indifference.
Holocaust in University Teaching by Gideon Shimoni. (Oxford, England: Pergamon Press, 1991). How to teach the Holocaust at a university level.
Holocaust Studies: A Directory and Bibliography of Bibliographies by Martin H. Sable. (Greenwood, Fla.: Penkevill Publishing Co., 1987). Short resource directory and multi-subject bibliography.
Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer. (NY: Macmillan, 1970). A classic in that it was written by the only Nazi to admit to guilt at the Nuremburg trials after the Second World War. The book was written during his 20 years in prison.
Istanbul Crossroads: Mission Impossible by Z. V. Hadari. (Savage, Md.: Vallentine-Mitchell, 1992). Takes the opposite view from Dina Porat: European Jews could have been saved by Zionist leaders in Palestine, Europe and the U.S.
Literature of Destruction: Jewish Responses to Catastrophe by David G. Roskies. (Philadelphia, Penna.: Jewsih Publication Society, 1989). How have Jews responded to catastrophes before the Holocaust and how did this shape their response to the greatest systemmatic attempt at Jewish destruction?
Methodology in the Academic Teaching of the Holocaust by Zev Garber. (Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 1988).
Modernity and the Holocaust by Zygmunt Bauman. (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1989). What causes genocide? What would it take to happen again today?
The Murders at Bullenhuser Damm by Gunther Schwarberg. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1984). Late in the war, 20 Jewish children were executed by a Nazi doctor to cover up evidences of immoral and unethical medical experimentation. The book describes the unsuccessful attempts to bring those responsible to justice.
Nazism, Resistance & Holocaust in World War II: A Bibliography by Vera Laska. (Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1985). A bibliography focusing on nazism and underground movements against it.
The Origins of the Holocaust: Christian Anti-Semitism, by Randolph L. Braham, editor. (Boulder, Colorado: Social Science Monographs and Institute for Holocaust Studies, City University of NY, 1986). How Christianity condones and encourages anti-Semitism historically and how the Nazis took political advantage of this.
Out of the Whirlwind: A Reader of Holocaust Literature, by Albert H. Friedlander, compiler. (NY: Schocken Books, 1976). An anthology of personal narrative, historical commentary, and special subjects.
The Politics of Rescue: The Roosevelt Administration and the Holocaust, 1938-1945 by Henry L. Feingold. (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1970). What the US government knew, refused to believe, cared and didn’t care about and why. A very good introduction for anyone planning to use Holocaust-oriented archives in the US.
Probing the Limits of Representation: Nazism and the `Final Solution’, by Saul Friedlander, compiler. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1992). Papers from a 1990 conference concerned with the history of historical writing (historiography) about the Holocaust. Critiques of `the historians debate.’
Psychoanalytic Reflections on the Holocaust: Selected Essays by Steven A. Luel. (Denver, Colorado: University of Denver Press; NY: Ktav Publishing House, 1984).
Psychological Perspectives of the Holocaust and of its Aftermath by Randolph L. Braham. (Boulder, Colorado: Social Science Monographs; NY: Csengeri Institute for Holocaust Studies, City University of New York, distributed by Columbia University Press, 1988).
Quiet Neighbors: Prosecuting Nazi War Criminals in America by Allan A. Ryan. (San Diego, Calif.: Harcourt, Brace & Jovanovich, 1984).
Remembering for the Future: Working Papers and Addenda by Yehuda Bauer. (Oxford, England: Pergamon Press, 1989). Papers about Jewish-Christian relations during and after the Holocaust and its impact on the Jewish and Christian religions and civilizations.
Rescue and Resettlement of the Jewish Refugee Children From Europe in the United States, 1938-1945 by Esther J. Baumel. (Ramat Gan, Israel: Bar Ilan University Press, 1985). Translation of the author’s Ph.D. dissertation.
Rescuers: Portraits of Moral Courage in the Holocaust by Malka Drucker and Gay Block. (NY: Holmes & Meier, 1992). Forty-nine Christian heroes who saved Jews during the Holocaust are interviewed and allowed to tell their stories.
Reworking the Past: Hitler, the Holocaust, and the Historians’ Debate, by Peter Baldwin, editor. (Boston, Mass.: Beacon Press, 1990). In Europe especially, revised views about who was responsible for the Holocaust and how many holocausts there were, has been provoking controversy since the middle 1980s. This book sets forth several sides.
Righteous Gentile: The Story of Raoul Wallenberg, Missing Hero of the Holocaust by John Bierman. (NY: Viking Press, 1981).
Screening the Holocaust: Cinema’s Images of the Unimaginable by Ilan Avisar. (Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1988).
Shoah: An Oral History of the Holocaust by Claude Lanzmann. (Pantheon, 1985). Complete text of the 9.5 hour film composed principally of interviews with survivors, concentration camp guards, townspeople, historians. Shoah means `holocaust’ in Hebrew.
The Terrible Secret: Suppression of the Truth About Hitler’s “Final Solution” by Walter Laqueur. (Boston, Mass.: Little, Brown, 1980). A classic on its subject: the refusal of Western governments, including Britain and the U.S., to believe increasingly irrefutable evidence that the exterminations were happening. Covers the period June, 1941 to December, 1942.
The Text of the Holocaust: A Study of Nazi Extermination Propaganda, 1919-1945 by Caesar C. Aronsfeld. (Marblehead, Mass: Micah Publications, 1985).
Toldot Hashoa: Hungary by Nathaniel Katzburg and Randolph Braham. (Yad Vashem, 1992). Comprhensive countries series focusing on what happened, ghetto by ghetto, city by city during the Holocaust. The first volume was on Yugoslavia, published in 1990.
Treatment of the Holocaust in Textbooks: The Federal Republic of Germany, Israel, the United States of America by Randolph L. Braham. (Boulder, Colorado: Social Science Monographs; NY: Institute for Holocaust Studies, City University of New York; distributed by Columbia University Press, 1987).
The Unmasterable Past: History, Holocaust, and German National Identity by Charles S. Maier. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1988). Another book about the historians debate and revised views of the singularity of the Holocaust in historical writing.
The War Against the Jews by Lucy Dawidowicz. (NY: Bantam, 1975). A standard classic asking, “How could it have happened?”
When Evils Were Most Free by George Gabori. (Ottawa, Ont.: Deneau, 1981).
Whitewashing of the Yellow Badge: Antisemitism and Philosemitism in Postwar Germany by Frank Stern. (Oxford, England: Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1992). How have Germans dealt with postwar anti-Semitism, in history and life?
Women in the Resistance and in the Holocaust: The Voices of Eyewitnesses by Vera Laska, editor; forward by Simon Wiesenthal. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1983). History and personal narratives.
Writing and Rewriting the Holocaust: Narrative and the Consequences of Interpretation by James E. Young. (Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1988). A history of the personal
narratives: styles, emphases and what we have learned with the passing of time.
II. Personal Narratives
Alliance for Murder: The Nazi-Ukrainian Nationalist Partnership in Genocide by B. F. Sabrin. (NY: Sarpedon, 1991). A committee of survivors from the western Ukraine present narratives of the willing, enthusiastic participation in genocide of the Ukrainians.
Boriska’s Prophecy: A Story of Survival and Renewal: An Autobiography by Alice D. Adler. (Reston, Virginia: Acropolis Books, 1991). Narrative of Budapest, Hungary.
Breaking My Silence by Anna Eilenberg. (NY: Shengold Publishers, 1985). Narrative of Lodz, Poland.
Broken Star: The Warburgs of Altona: Their Life in Germany and Their Death in the Holocaust by Gertrud Wenzel. (Smithtown, NY: Exposition Press, 1981). Narrative of Hamburg, Germany.
Children of the Ghetto by Sheva Glas-Wiener. (Fitzroy, Victoria: Globe Press, 1983). Collective narrative of Lodz, Poland.
Children of the Holocaust: Conversations with Sons and Daughters of Survivors by Helen Epstein. (NY: Putnam, 1979). Collective biography from a psychological perspective.
David: The Testimony of a Holocaust Survivor by Ezra Ben Gersh’om. (Oxford, England: Oswald Wolff Books, distributed by St. Martin’s Press, 1988).
Determined! by Benjamin Balshone. (NY: Bloch Publishing Co., 1984). Narrative of Budapest, Hungary.
The Doctor and the Damned by Albert Haas. (NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1984). Narrative of France.
Doctor Number 117641: A Holocaust Memoir by Louis J. Micheels. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1989).
“Gizelle, Save the Children!” by Peggy Mann. (NY: Everest House, 1980). Narrative of several countries.
Growing Up in the Holocaust by Ben Edelbaum. (Kansas City, Missouri: Edelbaum, 1980). Narrative of Poland.
Holocaust in Hungary: An Anthology of Jewish Response, by Andrew Handler, editor. (Tuscaloosa, Ala.: University of Alabama Press, 1982).
Holocaust Testimonies: The Ruins of Memory by Lawrence L. Langer. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1991). Psychological aspects of personal narratives.
How Dark the Heavens: 1400 Days Under German Occupation by Sidney Iwens. (NY: Shengold Publishers, 1990). Narratives of Lithuania, Latvia and Byelorussia (Belarus).
I Didn’t Say Goodbye by Claudine Vegh. (NY: Dutton, 1984). Narrative of France.
I Promised My Mother by Ludvik Wieder. (NY: Shengold Publishers, 1984). Narrative of Hungary.
I Was Called Bronislawsa by ____________. (Israel: Hakibbutz Hameuhad, 1992). Narrative of a young Jewish woman who successfully pretended to be a Pole in Auschwitz.
If Not Now, When? If Not Us, Who? by Primo Levi. (NY: Viking Penguin, 1986). Classic narrative of Jewish resistance in Central Europe.
Jewish Memories by Lucette Valensi. (Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 1991). Narrative of France in oral history form.
Maus II by Art Spiegelman. (NY: Pantheon, 1992). Ingenious cartoon format autobiography, biography and Holocaust memoir of the author’s parents where the Nazis are cats and their victims, mice. Sequel to “Maus” (Pantheon, 1986).
Surviving the Holocaust: The Kovno Ghetto Diary by Avraham Tory. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1990).
“Take Care of Josette”: A Memoir in Defense of Occupied France by Jacqueline Wolf. (NY: Franklin Watts, 1981).
Twelve Who Survived: An Oral History of the Jews of Lodz, Poland, 1930-1954 by Lillian Kranitz-Sanders. (NY: Irvington Publishers, 1983).
Underground Army: Fighters of the Bialystok Ghetto by Haikah Grosman. (NY: Holocaust Library, 1987).
Unfinished Road: Jewish Survivors of Latvia Look Back by Gertrude Schneider. (NY: Praeger, 1991).
When Memory Comes by Saul Friedlander. (NY: Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, 1979). Narrative of France.
Witnesses to the Holocaust: An Oral History, by Rhoda G. Lewin, editor. (Boston, Mass: Twayne Publishers, 1990).
III. “It Wasn’t Just the Nazis…”
Accounting for Genocide: National Responses and Jewish Victimization During the Holocaust by Helen Fein. (NY: Free Press, 1979). What did the governments and the peoples of other countries say about the Holocaust at the time and afterward?
Atlas of the Holocaust by Martin Gilbert. (Oxford, England: Pergamon Press, 1988). Combines geography and history from 1918 to trace the destruction of European Jews including post-war killings and escapes up to 1950.
Genocide and Retribution: The Holocaust in Hungarian-Ruled Northern Transylvania by Randolph L. Braham. (Boston, Mass: Kluwer-Nijhoff, 1983). The Rumanians were willing participants in the exterminations of Jews and Gypsies.
The Italians and the Holocaust: Persecution, Rescue, and Survival by Susan Zuccotti. (NY: Basic Books, 1987).
Mussolini and the Jews by Meir Michaelis. (London: Oxford University Press, 1978). Diplomatic history of relations with the Nazis spanning two decades.
One by One by One: Facing the Holocaust by Judith Miller. (NY: Simon & Schuster, 1990). A journalist interviews contemporary Germans, Austrians, Russians, and Americans for their memory and beliefs about the Holocaust, finding much of the results mythical and self-deceptive.
Petain’s Crime: The Full Story of French Collaboration in the Holocaust by Paul Webster. (Chicago, Ill.: I. R. Dee, 1991).
Pius the Twelfth and the Third Reich by Saul Friedlander. (NY: Knopf, 1966). Vatican policy toward the Nazis regarding the Holocaust.
Vatican Diplomacy and the Jews During the Holocaust, 1939-1943 by John F. Morley. (NY: Ktav Publishing House, 1980).
Vichy France and the Jews by Michael Marrus and Robert Paxton. (NY: Basic Books, 1981). The French role in destruction.
IV. Documentary Collections
Audio-Visual Resources for Teaching the Holocaust by St. Louis Center for Holocaust Studies. (St. Louis, Missouri: Center for Holocaust Studies, 1980-1983).
Children We Remember: Photographs From the Archives of Yad Vashem by Chana B. Abells. (NY: Greenwillow Books, 1986).
Documents on the Holocaust: Selected Sources on the Destruction of the Jews of Germany and Austria, Poland, and the Soviet Union, by Yitzhak Arad, et. al., editors. (Jerusalem, Israel: Yad Vashem; NY: Ktav Publishing House, 1981).
European Jewish Communities, 1933-1945: Histories, Memoirs, Diaries, Memorial Books: With Supplement: Books on Concentration Camps by University of California Library. (Los Angeles, Calif.: University of California Library, 1975).
Films of the Holocaust: An Annotated Filmography of Collections in Israel by Sheba F. Skirball. (NY: Garland Publishers, 1990).
Guide to Yale University Library Holocaust Video Testimonies by Fortunoff Video Archive. (NY: Garland Publishers, 1990).
The Holocaust: Selected Documents in Eighteen Volumes, by John Mendelsohn, editor. (NY: Garland Publishers, 1982).
The Holocaust, Israel, and the Jews: Motion Pictures in the National Archives by Charles L. Gellert. (Washington, DC: National Archives & Records Administration, 1989).
Holocaust Oral History Subject Catalog, by Brana Gurewitsch, project director. (Brooklyn, NY: The Center for Holocaust Studies, 1979?).
Indelible Shadows: Film and the Holocaust by Annette Insdorf. (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1989).
This Shall Tell All Ages: Art, Music, and Writings of the Holocaust. (NY: United Jewish Appeal, 1981).
V. Holocaust Deniers and Opponents
Anne Frank’s Diary: A Hoax by Ditlieb Felderer. (Torrance, Calif.: Institute for Historical Review, 1979). The Institute for Historical Review is the basic US institution which denies the Holocaust ever happened. This book purports to explain the impossibility of Anne Frank having written her famous diary.
Denying the Holocaust by Israel Gutman. (Jerusalem, Israel: Shazar Library, Institute of Contemporary Jewry, Hebrew University, 1985). Exposes the ideological agenda of neo-Nazis and others in denying the Holocaust’s historicity.
Holocaust: 120 Questions and Answers by Charles E. Weber. (Torrance, Calif.: Institute for Historical Review, 1983). Slim volume (59 pages) of Holocaust denial.
Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presume Extermination of European Jewry by Arthur R. Butz. (Torrance, Calif.: Institute for Historical Review, 1983). Holocaust denial argument which begins to demonstrate the contemporary anti-Semitism behind this movement.
IHR Newsletter (Torrance, Calif.: IHR, 1982). Newsletter of the Holocaust denial group, Institute for Historical Review.
In Answer: The Holocaust: Is the Story True?: Why Did the World Community Not Respond?: What are the Lessons? by Franklin H. Littell, et. al. (West Chester, Penna.: Sylvan, 1988). Discussion of why denial of the Holocaust is now taking place.
Journal of Historical Review (Torrance, Calif.: IHR, 1976). Journal of the Holocaust denial group, Institute for Historical Review.
Made In Russia: The Holocaust by Carlos W. Porter. (Historical Review Press, 1988). Denial that the Holocaust was carried out by the Nazis. Instead, the Russians were the true perpetrators according to this tiresome book.
Trust Betrayed: The Story of Jim Keegstra by David J. Bercuson. (Toronto, Ont.: Double Canada; Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1985).
Truth Prevails: Demolishing Holocaust Denial: The End of “The Leuchter Report” by Shelly Shapiro. (NY: Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, 1990). Combats Holocaust denial.
VI. Juvenile literature.
Don’t They Know the World Stopped Breathing?: Reminiscences of a French Child During the Holocaust Years by Renee Fersen-Osten. (NY: Shapolsky, 1991).
Erika: Poems of the Holocaust by William Heyen. (NY: Vanguard Press, 1984).
Facing History and Ourselves: Holocaust and Human Behavior: Annotated Bibliography by Margaret A. Drew. (NY: Walker, 1988). The bibliographic component of this teaching manual for teaching teachers is suitable for finding fiction and some nonfiction suitable for junior and senior high school children.
Hitler’s War Against the Jews: A Young Reader’s Version of `The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945 by Lucy Dawidowicz, by David A. Altshuler. (NY: Behrman House, 1978). Lucy Dawidowicz’ classic history of the Holocaust is intended for adults. David Altschuler wrote a childrens’ version discussing the growth of anti-Semitism in Germany since the 16th century.
Holocaust: A History of Courage and Resistance by Bea Stadtler. (NY: Behrman House, 1974). Describes the experience of Jews in Europe during the Third Reich.
My Brother’s Keeper: The Holocaust Through the Eyes of an Artist by Israel Bernbaum. (NY: Putnam, 1985). Tells the story of how this artist tries to explain the Holocaust in his art.
Nazi Hunter, Simon Wiesenthal by Iris Noble. (NY: J. Messner, 1979). Typical young adult biography.
Never to Forget: The Jews of the Holocaust by Milton Meltzer. (NY: Harper Collins Childrens Books, 1991). History of the Holocaust focusing on the destruction and the resistance of the Jews.
The Promise of a New Spring: The Holocaust and Renewal by Gerda W. Klein. (Chappauqua, NY: Rossel Books, 1981). Not seen.
They Fought Back: The Story of the Jewish Resistance in Nazi Europe by Yuri Suhl. (NY: Schocken, 1987). An anthology of accounts of Jewish resistance to the Nazis.
This bibliography is available in print form from PRA.
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