Women Writing the Holocaust: Bibliography

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Works Cited

Arendt, Hannah. “Letter to the Editor.” Midstream v.8, no.3 (Sept. 1962) p.85-87

Barnouw, David and Gerrold Van Der Stroom. Diary of Anne Frank: the Critical Edition. Translated by Arnold J. Pomerans and B.M. Mooyaart-Doubleday. New York: Doubleday, 1989.

Bauman, Zygmunt. Modernity and the Holocaust. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1989.

Bell, Susan Groag and Marilyn Yalom. Introduction to Revealing Lives: Autobiography, Biography, and Gender, edited by Bell and Yalom, 1-12. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1990.

Bettelheim, Bruno. “The Ignored Lesson of Anne Frank.” Harper’s v.221,no.1326 (November 1960), p.45-50.

Brodzki, Bella and Celeste Schenck. Introduction to Life/Lines: Theorizing Women’s Autobiography, edited by Brodzki and Schenck, 1-8. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988.

Doneson, Judith E. “The American History of Anne Frank’s Diary.” Holocaust and Genocide Studies, v.2 no.1 (1987), 149-160.

Edelheit, Abraham J and Hershel, Eds. Bibliography on Holocaust Literature.Boulder: Westview Press, 1986.

________. Bibliography on Holocaust Literature. Supplement. Boulder: Westview Press, 1990.

Eichengreen, Lucille. From Ashes to Life: My Memories of the Holocaust. With Harriet Hyman Chamberlain. San Francisco: Mercury House, 1994.

________. Interview by author, March 17, 1994, Oakland, CA. Tape recording.

Feig, Konnilyn G. Hitler’s Death Camps: the Sanity of Madness. New York: Holmes and Meier Publishers, 1979.

Felderer, Ditlieb. Anne Frank’s Diary – A Hoax. Torrance, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1979.

Felstiner, Mary Lowenthal. To Paint Her Life. New York: Harper Collins, 1994.

________. “Charlotte Salomon’s Inward-Turning Testimony.” In Holocaust Remembrance: The Shapes of Memory , edited by Geoffrey H. Hartman, 104-116. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 1994.

________. “Engendering an Autobiography in Art: Charlotte Salomon’s Life?or Theater?  In Revealing Lives: Autobiography, Biography, and Gender, edited by Susan Groag Bell and Marilyn Yalom, 183-192. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1990.

________. “Taking her Life/History: the Autobiography of Charlotte Salomon.”In Life/Lines: Theorizing Women’s Autobiography, edited by Bella Brodzki and Celeste Schenk, 320-337. Ithaca: Cornell Unviersity Press, 1988.

________. Interview by author, October 16, 1994, Stanford, CA. Tape recording.

Fine, Ellen S. “Women Writers and the Holocaust: Strategies for Survival.” In Reflections of the Holocaust in Art and Literature, edited by Randolph L. Braham, 79-98. New York: Columbia University Press and Boulder: Social Science Monographs, 1990.

Frevert, Ute. Women in German History: from Bourgois Emancipation to Sexual Liberation. New York: Berg Publishers Limited, 1990.

Heinemann, Marlene E. Gender and Destiny: Women Writers and the Holocaust.Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1986.

Hillel, Marc and Clarissa Henry. Of Pure Blood . New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976.

Jackson, Livia E. Bitton. “Coming of Age.” In Different Voices: Women and the Holocaust, edited by Carol Rittner and John K. Roth, 73-83. New York: Paragon House, 1993.

Katz, Esther and Joan Miriam Ringelheim, Eds. Proceedings of the Conference: Women Surviving the Holocaust. New York: Occasional Papers from The Institute for Research in History, 1983.

LaCapra, Dominick. Representing the Holocaust: History, Theory, Trauma. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1994.

Langer, Lawrence. “Redefining Heroic Behavior: The Impromptu Self and the Holocaust Experience.” In Lessons and Legacies, edited by Peter Hayes, 227-242. Evanston: Northwestern U. Press, 1991.

Laska, Vera, Ed. Women in the Resistance and in the Holocaust: The Voices of Eyewitnesses. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1983.

Levkov, Ilya, Ed. Bitburg and Beyond: Encounters in American, German and Jewish History. NY: Shapolsky Publisher, 1987

Milton, Sibyl. “Women and the Holocaust: The Case of German and German-Jewish Women.” In The Nazi Holocaust,ÊVol. 6, Part 2, “Victims of the Holocaust,” edited by Michael R. Marrus, 631-667. Westport, Connecticut: Meckler Corporation, 1989.

Ringelheim, Joan Miriam. “Women and the Holocaust: A Reconsideration of Research.” In Different Voices: Women and the Holocaust, edited by Carol Rittner and John K. Roth, 373-418. New York: Paragon House, 1993.

Rittner, Carol and John K. Roth, Eds. Different Voices: Women and the Holocaust. New York: Paragon House, 1993.

Rosenfeld, Alvin H. “Popularization and Memory: The Case of Anne Frank.” In Lessons and Legacies, edited by Peter Hayes, 227-242. Evanston: Northwestern U. Press, 1991.

Schnabel, Ernst . The Footsteps of Anne Frank. Translated by Richard and Clara Winston. London: Longmans, Green and Co. 1958 (1959).

Salomon, Charlotte. Leven? of Theater? (Life? or Theater?). Adapted and withan introduction by Judith C.E. Belinfante, Christine Fischer-Defoy, and Ad Petersen. Translated by Adrienne van Dorpen et al. Amsterdam: Joods Historisch Museum; Zwolle: Waanders Uitgevers, 1992.

________. Charlotte: Life or Theater? : An Autobiographical Play by Charlotte Salomon. Introduction by Judith Herzberg. Translated by Leila Vennewitz. New York: Viking Press; Maarssen, The Netherlands: G. Schwartz, 1981.

________. Charlotte: a Diary in Pictures. Notes by Paul Tillich and Emil Straus. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1963.

Seidman, Naomi. “Toward a Feminist Holocaust Studies.” Unpublished Paper.

Steenmeijer, Anna G. A Tribute to Anne Frank. In collaboration with Otto Frank, Henri van Pragg. Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Company, 1971.

Taubman, Robert. “Nobody is God.” Review of Charlotte: Life or Theater? An Autobiographical Play, by Charlotte Salomon. In London Review of Books, 4-18 February (1982), 16-20.

Waaldijk, Berteke. “Reading Anne Frank as a Woman.” Women’ Studies International Forum, v.16 no.4 (July-Aug 1993), 327-335.

Wiesel, Elie. Night. Translated by Stella Rodway. New York: Bantam Books, 1960(1982).

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