This Web site planning, design and development is the product of Michael Dunn, Gudrun Fehrer Dunn, and The Write Thing,Copyright 1995. The Foundation forCommunication Strategies-Romania, represented by Dorotea and StefanNiculescu-Maier, assisted in the content development of the WWW site. The CD-ROM and this WWW sitebenefited from a number of generous contributors. Barbara Goodman and AdrianSchreck of the Northern California Holocaust Center provided access to the foursurvivors’ videotapes, created by the Oral History Project of San Francisco,which are the stories that the CD-ROM revolves around. The Jerusalem One andNysernet Internet sites provided detailed educational materials on the Internetwhich were included subject to being electronically distributed; the Dachauconcentration camp educational materials were also included for educationalpurposes. Gary Grobman’s excellent lesson plans give teachers the opportunityto explore this subject. Finally, Harold Gordon has agreed to putsome of his writings and an offer of email access for thosestudents wanting to have a dialogue with a survivor. Together, these resources form the bulk of the Cybrary’s content, aswell as The Write Thing’s own research and artwork. Anne Williams, a sixthgrade teacher in Paradise, contributed the artwork of her students to the ImagineArt Gallery providing a unique, imagination-driven component which enhanced theproject. I am indebted to her persistence and drive.
The text for this project has been designed around an exhaustive educationalprogram about the Holocaust designed by Gary Grobman. His work allowed us tointegrate his lesson plans into the other historical materials. The following ishis copyright. We thank him for his achievement and for making this available toeducators, subject to his agreement which follows some basic rules of usage.We’re in it only for sharing the knowledge and providing a learning resource freeof charge.
- The Cybrary of the Holocaust is an on-line collection of text andgraphics from a variety of sources. We provide them at no charge; you areexpected to use them in the same manner. The Write Thing maintains the Cybraryof the Holocaust as a service to the Internet community. Use of the Index issubject to the following terms and conditions. The Write Thing may revise theseterms and conditions from time to time by updating this posting.
- The entire content of the Cybrary is copyrighted by a variety of copyrightowners. The Write Thing has the HTML and design Copyright 1995 for this project,but we are eager for others to develop their own viewpoints and approaches to theHolocaust. If we can be of assistance, we’ll be glad to help. You may use andreproduce individual or small selections of the Cybrary, provided that you do notmake any charge for such use, and do not collect multiple small selections forthe purpose of replicating all or substantial portions of the Cybrary. TheCybrary may be displayed by you to other persons provided that you do not chargefor such use.
- If you have a content that you would like included, or know of someone else’ssite that you think should be listed in the Links section, please tell us aboutit. This is an evolving site that depends on your input. We want to offer it toeducators; if you would like to develop a similar site, we’d be happy to providesome code and clues on how to do it free of charge. Thanks.
Copyright Notice for Gary M. Grobman’s texts
Copyright 1990 by Gary M. Grobman. All rights reserved. No portion of this bookmay be reproduced in any form, or by any means, mechanical or electronic, or byany information storage and retrieval system or other method, for any use,without the written permission of Gary M. Grobman, except that use, copying, anddistribution of the information in this electronic version of this book ispermitted provided that no fees or compensation is charged for use, copies, oraccess to such information and the copyright notice is included intact.
This publication is in the process of being updated. Comments, additions,criticisms, and corrections are invited and encouraged. Contact the author atGARYGPJC@CJF.NOLI.COM
Acknowledgments of permission granted for copyrighted material included in theGuide:
The passage from The New Columbia Encyclopedia which appears on page 37 isreprinted with the permission of the publisher, Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.
The passages from the Encyclopedia Britannica which appear on page 37 arereprinted with the permission of the publisher, Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.
The passage from Martin Gilbert’s The Holocaust which appears on page 77 isreprinted with permission from the publisher, Holt and Company 1985 by MartinGilbert.
The passages from Michael Marrus’s book The Holocaust in History which appear onpages 85, 86 and 99 are reprinted by permission of the University Press of NewEngland 1985 by Michael Marrus.
The passage from David Altshuler’s Hitler’s War Against the Jews which appears onpage 94 is reprinted with permission from the publisher, Behrman House, Inc. 1978by Lucy S. Dawidowicz and David A. Altshuler.
The passage from Murray Friedman’s Jewish Life in Philadelphia: 1830-1940published by Ishi Publications which appears on page 114 is reprinted withpermission from the author 1983 by Murray Friedman.
Appendix II is excerpted from Voices of a People: The Story of Yiddish Folksongby Ruth Rubin and is reprinted with permission from the author 1979.
Library of Congress Catalog Number: 90-61728
How to Use the Cybrary
To use this Cybrary, click on the blue words. Use the back and forward buttonsto navigate on the top of your screen as well. There is a chance to downloadtext and graphics. You simply click on the blue word and wait. Understand,especially in the Im agine Art Gallery, that these are large graphics which taketime to download. But with a little patience, we think you’ll enjoy it. Pleaseremember that these materials are made available with no charge. Please respectthe rights of the copyright owners indicated with each section so that the spiritof sharing information is maintained. Education is worth it.
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