Holocaust Study Guide
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler
Return to the Teacher's GuideSynopsisAdolf Hitler, a charismatic, Austrian-born demagogue, rose to power in Germany during the 1920s and early 1930s at a time of social, political, and economic upheaval. Failing to...
Education and the Holocaust
The “Final Solution”
Return to the Teacher's GuideThe "Final Solution"
The Nazis, under cover of the war, developed the technology, bureaucracy, and psychology of hate to efficiently murder millions of Jews. The details of the "Final...
Education and the Holocaust
The Aftermath
|| Return to The Holocaust--A Guide for Teachers ||The AftermathSynopsisMuch of Europe was destroyed in the war. Survivors of the camps were in terrible condition, both physically and...
Education and the Holocaust
Resisters, Rescuers, and Bystanders
|| Return to The Holocaust--A Guide for Teachers ||
The "Jewish reaction patterns" to a threat have taken five forms: armed resistance, alleviation, evasion, paralysis, and compliance. During the Holocaust, all five were a response...
Education and the Holocaust
|| Return to The Holocaust--A Guide for Teachers ||BibliographyPrepared by Ned Shulman, Allentown Holocaust Resource Center Chapter 1: Introduction BOOKS Arad, Yitzhak, et al., eds. Documents on the Holocaust, Selected Sources...
Education and the Holocaust
How to Use this Guide
|| Return to The Holocaust--A Guide for Teachers || How To Use This Guide Prepared by Linda Hurwitz, Director The...
Education and the Holocaust
Stereotypes and Prejudices
|| Return to The Holocaust--A Guide for Teachers ||Stereotypes and Prejudices
Genocide is the ultimate expression of hatred and violence against a group of people. This chapter traces the steps by which a group becomes...
Education and the Holocaust
The Seeds of War and World Conquest
|| Return to The Holocaust--A Guide for Teachers ||The Seeds of War and World ConquestSynopsisHitler, now known as FÅhrer, activated his plans for...