Completed Search :

Vladimira ZEHTNER or her heirs

We were searching for Vladimira ZEHTNER or her heirs if she is no longer alive.

We know very little about her:

According to information dating back to 1956 she was the wife of the owner of "Hotel Mendl" in Merano Italy

The mother of Vladimíra ZEHTNER was Anna Maskova who died in Prague in 1954 .

Vladimíra Zehtnerová had two sisters

2. Ruzena SOUCKOVA who has a son Josef SOUCK

We are seeking Vladimira ZEHTNER or her legal heirs because they have a right to reclaim property in Prague, Czech Republic.

Do you recognize any of these names?

Can you guide us in any way?

If you have no information, do you know of anyone else, anywhere, where we can ask?

please e-mail me at searchandunitem [AT] lewinsdlondon [DOT] org [DOT] uk

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