Completed Search : VOGL, PICK, PECK

You helped us trace living member of the following people last heard of in the 1940’s or early 1950’s.

1. Josef VOGL, last known address in 1950 in Rehovot near Tel-Aviv Israel
2. Captain Bedrich VOGL last known in Praha XI Pemyslovská 41
3. Hatie PECKOVÁ last heard of at 5657 Waschington Boulevard Chicago IL USA
4. Elsa PICKOVÁ last known at 324 East 82 nd Street New York City USA

Mother: Julie VOGLOVÁ, 1942 in Praha XI. Listed on "Transport" and believed date of death 26.4.1942

Do any of these names mean anything to you?

Can you guide us to anyone, anywhere, whom you think can shed light on this search?

We would be very grateful for any help or suggestion you may have to help us locate these people or other members of their families.

Please e-mail us at searchandunitem [AT] lewinsdlondon [DOT] org [DOT] ukif you can help in any way

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