Family of Josef SLADKY - FOUND

We are no longer searching for the family of Josef SLADKY born 27th of March 1893

His last known address in 1971 was 44-12-74 Str. Elmhurst 11373, New York.
In 1947 he lived at 1427 Str. York Avenue, New York,

Josef SLADKY was of Czech origin, had obtained USA citizenship by 1947 and worked as a joiner.

In thre course of the search we discovered that Joseph was married to Marie, born 01 Jul 1892 in Slovakia, and had been employed by the Square Deal Construcytion Corp.


Do you recognize any of these facts?

Can you guide us in any way?

If you have no information, do you know of anyone else, anywhere, where we can ask?

please e-mail me at searchandunite [at] lewinsdlondon [dot] org [dot] uk

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