Completed Search : Karel (Karl) KORB-WEIDENHEIM

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The search is being conducted at the request of a Real Estate Company in Prague, Czech Republic because Karl KORB-WEIDENHEIM has a right to reclaim a property in Prague.

If Karel (Karl) KORB-WEIDENHEIM is no longer alive, we need to find details of his death, and to establish who his heirs were, because these property rights pass on by inheritance.

All we know at this stage is that the Karel KORB-WWEIDENHEIM whom we seek signed a purchase agreement on 21 Oct 1943 in Prague. Part – but not all - of his property was confiscated after the war under the Benes Decrees. He had German nationality.

Do you recognize any of this?

Can you guide us in any way?

If you have no information, do you know of anyone else, anywhere, where we can ask?

Please e-mail me at searchandunitem [AT] lewinsdlondon [DOT] org [DOT] uk

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