FRAENKEL family from Ostrava


We are no longer searching for the family of four FRAENKEL siblings from OSTRAVA, Czech Republic:

Ing. Jindrich Frankel  who died on 18 March 1943 and whose last known address was Jahnova 7, Ostrava).

Viktor Fränkel                  last known address in 1949 was in Fairway Avenue, Kingsbury, London N.W.9

 Elias Fränkel                    last known address in 1949 was Husova 393, Orlova, Czechoslovakia

 Bedriska Fränkel            unknown address

Do you recognize any of these names?

Can you guide us in any way?

If you have no information, do you know of anyone else, anywhere, where we can ask?

please e-mail me at searchandunite [at] lewinsdlondon [dot] org [dot] uk

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