Completed Search :

BLOM - Eugenie possibly in Sweden

We were searching for Mrs Eugenie BLOM nee ZITNA or her heirs.

She is the daughter of Adolf ZITNY, born 3 November 1884 and his wife Ema nee SUCHA, born 25 June 1887. They got married on 21 December 1921.

They had five children: Emilie, born 5 January 1884 Adolf, born 26 October 1919 Josef, born 5 August 1924 Eugenie, born 23 February 1926 Milos, born 13 February 1929

Eugenie left Czechoslovakia for Sweden, and is known to have been alive in 1947
She was granted a passport and permission to leave Czechoslovakia, and obtained an extention to the validity of the passport in 1947..

Her last known address in Sweden in 1947 was Visvagen 14. Alsten, Stockholm.

Do you recognize any of this?

Can you guide us in any way?

If you have no information, do you know of anyone else, anywhere, where we can ask?

Please e-mail me at searchandunitem [AT] lewinsdlondon [DOT] org [DOT] uk

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