Hannah Rosen Diary Introduction

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In the Hannah Rosen Diary Introduction, Mr. Edwin Rothschild writes:

While I haven’t browsed all of the available material, it certainly looks as if you have put together an excellent resource on the Holocaust….the Hannah Rosen Diary.

As a child of survivors I am very interested in supporting educational efforts in our schools on this unspeakable period in human history.

Last year my now 12-year old daughter did a “History Day” project on the Holocaust.

Encouraged by her 6th grade teacher, she wrote a “fictional diary” based on factual research and interviews of a young girl who escaped Germany in the late 1930s, joined the World Jewish Congress and helped in the effort to publicize the Final Solution and to push the U.S. Government into action.

I would be interested in finding out if your project and other projects might be interested in obtaining a copy of her work — the Hannah Rosen diary as well as the underlying research.

She had several fascinating interviews with figures who were actually involved — Jan Karski, Gerhardt Riegner and John Pehle.

Jan Karski
Jan Karski who helped rescue people in the Holocaust.

Her project won first place at her school, in Northern Virginia, second in the state and went to the nationals held at the University of Maryland.

It is our privilege to present excerpts from “The Diary of Hannah Rosen: Europe’s Jews and America’s Response, 1937-1945