
Birkenau Women’s Camp – Barrack BIb (#2)

Birkenau Women's Camp Barrack BIb (#2) One understands former prisoner-author Elie Wiesel’s title “Night” somewhat more deeply after even “visiting” here.< Birkenau Women's Barrack BLB | Birkenau Krematorium II >Map List of Photos Home Help Author

Birkenau Women’s Gate – Now and Then

Birkenau Gate to the Women’s Camp The gate at Birkenau where women prisoners were marched from their barracks to and from slave-labor.This drawing is one in a series by former prisoner and survivor, artist Mieczyslaw...

Birkenau – Krematorium IV (#1)

Birkenau Krematorium IVThis is a part of the device used to thrust bodies into the furnace. Birkenau Krematorium IV was set on fire by the prisoners forced to work here, during the revolt of the...

Birkenau Ramp Switch: Doppelganger

This Birkenau ramp switch and signal preside over the Nazi killing center near the rail entrance to Birkenau.A Doppelgänger is a ghostly counterpart and companion to a person. It is usually visible only to...

Birkenau Krematorium IV Ash Pit (#2)

Birkenau Krematorium IV Ash PitOne of the largest problems facing the murderers was what to do with the bodies. Gassing was no problem, but the system was often overloaded by the sheer number of corpses,...

Birkenau railway line: The End of the Line

Birkenau Railway Line endLong trains of cattle cars hauled their cargo of humans to this unloading ramp inside Auschwitz-Birkenau, or to other ramps very close by. They were brought from all over Europe: the Greek...

Birkenau Krematorium IV Ruins (#3)

Birkenau Krematorium IV Ruins All that is left of Krematoriun IV. It was burned by the Sonderkommando in their revolt of October, 1944 and subsequently dismantled by the SS before running from the advancing Soviet...

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